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is she a psyop?
no she's just cringe worthy and posts on a platform looking for any excuse to create a happening
no shes just a millennial
My vote is for grifter. But that's the problem with these sides, full of fakers
Yes if you ever see a hon acting a fool it's either a psyop or unchecked autism/mental illness
I wouldnt be so sure
content cattle are incentivised to produce the most controversial milk without getting sent to the account slaughterhouse
jesus christ how horrifying, why did you post this
this is nightmare fuel
im going to be sick
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No. Dylan Mulvaney is a psyop.
This is simply a psychopathic liberal doing violence in the only way they can, through victimhood and social justice.
Not to be a conspiracy theorist but is she even on hormones? I had really defined biceps and they vanished in a year. It looks like she’s intentionally building them
It's kind of crazy how you can take a 10 second video of a tranny and immediately tell if they're a girl or not. Passing doesn't matter you can just see it in how they exist. If it was on a spectrum of 1 to 10 this fella would get a 0 there is absolutely nothing within him that is feminine.
i wouldn't be surprised if s/he's been hondosed but she's clearly been getting something. just really hard to overcome gigachad genes and starting at a ROUGH 27
27? holy shit
you could have told me she was 37 and i would have believed you
there is just literally no way she was 27 and looked like that holy fuck
Just another reminder of why we need to get trans kids hrt this is grim.
The Norwood Reaper comes hard for some of us.
>we need to give trans kids hrt because this cis man is ugly
Okay her hair is longer but not better cared for, she has some makeup to hide all that texture and shadow and no visible breast growth. Is this what bad luck can look like? She would pass better pre hrt in drag or glam if this is all it’s done for her. How long has it been?
>Is this what bad luck can look like?
no, just 0.5mg oral E daily and a suicidal amount of unearned confidence.
I’m the one saying it’s no hrt but if this is what late hrt looks like as one poster suggested it would be a crazy age pill . I only know other mid/young transitioned though and some ancientshits. One ancient shit honestly passed to me which is why I thought this was no hrt
I think it works better on those who were meant to take it. And god knows if this guy is taking HRT, he might not take it consistently, or supplement with t-gel or something because he's obviously sex obsessed, it wouldn't surprise me.
oh no no no
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don't follow her super closely but she has at least gotten laser and... sort of fixed the hair when you compare with >>37303071 which is from 2019.

her dad would probably pass better than her if he trooned
i can guarantee you this isnt what late hrt looks like. i know women who started at 35 who four years later now look like typical middle aged women. the pearlclutching garbage about optics is stupid but i cant think of anything except fetishism to explain this. that or a worrying lack of self perception.
I started at 24 and look worse than him.
You guys don't understand there is an extreme self-selecting effect, most very bad hons will not troon in their 20s because they don't have anything to gain from it.
mogs me

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