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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Hi :3
wassup homos
inb4 delet
Missed u normiepoo :c
hi bpdanon
You remember me :o Ok so when are we going to go on a date? I only have money for mcdonalds :3
it was a few hours ago. also aren't obsessed with bishit?
Ive no idea what bishit is, but i see people mention it a lot o.o
that's not believable lol
penis x2
yes x 2
woke up hours ago to see the bliss bish was having while basking in his dreams
kissing him was the right decision
no that would be me
how many bpd anons are there?
That one sucks actually
??? I legit dont know lgbt words and lore
how old are you
i've counted at least 3 self-proclaimed bpds, but it's probably even more common since people of normal attachment style don't come here often
23 :3
you've lost bish to chasergen
not worth knowing, some posters since the beginning of the /lgbt/ board have gone out of their way to become a larger than life character on this board because it's all they have
mental illness has a home here
>normal attachment style
i think this is a meme, wish i could prove it
why aren't you out meeting men in real life
Because real life is scary :c
but more fun
But i wanna understand the esoteric memes :c
Ye but its easier to meet ppl online o.o
easy isn't always better and you haven't actually met someone if it's only online
biboomer rejection part 2 live on gaygen
i just assume all trips are characters not to be taken seriously lol i don't think i've ever been wrong in this
Is it rly different if they are being honest o.o
very. but it depends on what you want
I wanna be loved :3
sick disgusting shitbag, no one will ever be fall for your bs
lol then they're nothing alike. go find someone in real life to love
2 late im already obsessed
the anonymity makes social interactions easier
project your illness as much as you want, you'll never be cute and people irl can sense something's wrong with you at first glance, ugly freak.
your loss
>your loss
gaslighting manipulation tactics 101
Noo ur not a loss ur a win normiepoo
why? you never had that "oh wow i like him, but he better be off somewhere else" fun type of relationship
normal people don't do all that, in fact they are very jealous
i know, poor me poor me
could give a man attention 24/7 and now he went for a terminally online trans girl
this is so mel b coded
My normiepoo would never manipulate or gaslight me
i'm nonexistent
no sir, i can't relate
you're the only one trapped in your own head, it has nothing to do with anyone else
You exist in my thoughts and in my heart :3
your mental illness created version of me exists there, i don't
what in the world is going on in here
mental illness and insomnia
How do yk my version is wrong ?
cause it isn't me
It is tho, its based on ur posts
transition and find him
that you confessed to ascribing your own views to. your judgement can't be trusted
I was just being real, everybody is subjective when interpreting others words
true but not everyone is mentally ill and obsessive. some people's judgement is closer to reality than others
I'm not sold yet
I'm a free spirit
are you O.okay?
y'all boykissers!!
True, but not always. Why do u think my interpretation isnt reality
no one on 4chan has struck me as rational or sane
Have i said anything irational or insane? Also i just started posting a few days ago, im not corrupted :3
yes, but also doesn't require people to share their personal struggles
i guess there's something else going awry
on the other hand, you are married
yes i think you're right, i should throw my life away just to sate a guy's niche fetish
>Have i said anything irational or insane?
>i just started posting a few days ago, im not corrupted :3
then it's time to stop
>you are married
i wish. we're just dating
So you have no examples baka, also if i stop where will i get my daily dose of normiepoo :c
wtf i don't have a fetish
I didnt want to write baka i acc wrote baka wtf
you're not getting anything right now so what's the loss
Yes i am, im feeding my obsession baka :3
ok pal. quick tell me what they use to make tofu
R u trying to see if im an AI bot o.o
Yeah i wanna dance to me me me me me me me
no. no one would make a bot for this. answer the question
Soya milk o.o
sigh, never mind
Nyoo, is that some reference i was suposed to know ??
don't worry about it
think my next avenue is a femboy ftm bf
don't see the cis gay thing working
good for you, for how long?
which one of you is him
Noo i have to know, tell me or ill cry :C
since january
what in the bottomry? it's not that serious
Good morrrrrrrrning faggots! Tuesday! Wooooooo! What does the day have in store for people?
I'm gonna read and write and work. Yay. It's very foggy/misty over here this morning, a la Silent Hill
post silent hole
you kiss boys!!! boikisser!
It is i have to know tell me tell me tell me tell me :'C
just men for me anon
I'm in the middle of shitting rn, I don't think people want to see my hole at such an inopportune time, anon
delta would
Is this some trip/namefag I haven't been in these generals long enough to know
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this thread is so dead lol
*mankisser. hairy men to be exact
do you know spanish
No, but i can learn it if you want :3
i want you to get off the internet and go meet men in real life
Omg wanna meet up? I know of a rly good mcdonalds nearby :3
There's no hope for :3ers in that department
i'd never meet anyone from here. also mcdonald's is awful
why not?
Very rude baka
Im not from here tho o.o Ok then we can go mushroom picking and make mushroom dishes together :3
Shut up >:(
Idk I'm probably full of shit I just loathe :3ing
where are you from then?
show me where the :3 touched you
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why don't you leave?
Yugoslawia :3
Make me
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just realized Steve looks like Kit Connor
hmm eastern euro gays tend to be messed up
*Gesturing at the part of my brain that is responsible for me getting irrationally angry at how people express themselves on the internet* here :(
Its because of all the abuse, but i wasnt abused :3
lol,you're funny
then what's your 13 reasons why
From afar, with two glass eyes, with an eyepatch on.
*chokes you*
you like that don't you :3
they look like twins
you're just faceblind
eat your blueberries
amazing, how did you two meet?
hi plural bish then
are you a they/them now
Idk about 13 reasons why, but i have 1 reason why not: i need a bf first :3
Yes i think
need a baby or a dozen in my tummy
whatever you want me to be
I need a galon of babies
Fertileand breedable dubs
you're not going to find a bf here
you're welcome :3
Why not:c
Wait ur not single? Im gonna go cut myself
I no longer care about you, day ruined, I can't derive joy or satisfaction from this, I am crushed, bereft, this is terrible, life is so unfair, nothing ever goes the way I want it to, I am forsaken. Go :3 yourself man
Sister, are going to the same appointment together? Your miopia, color blindness and prosopagnosia are off the roof today.
Going to shower
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summer is almost over :(
they share certain features that are very similar
The pressure fucked up and the shower made some worrisome ass noises
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Do bottoms give off bottom energy? Can tops sense it, triggering a deep primal instinct to want to cuddle and protect them?
take a bath?
Don't have the time. I'm a busy manon (notice the genius portmanteau of man and anon)
Omegaverse is not real
all asian and black gays give off bottom energy
i have never met an asian or black top, they don't exist
>Straight boi
Hello I'm in love w/ you
there surely aren't many yugoslavians here
don't be a pussy about it, deep and wide
lmao, ok bottom
no, you gotta be a big daydreamer to believe that bottoms deserve love
Yes its pretty obvious most of the time
just realized he looks like a giraffe
Omg, really? ^-^ <333
Wait really? What did u do with all of them u monster :C
What happened to the last thread?
Atrocious to know that such a characteristic is identifiable even through how I type. But also, surely :3 is like, the most bottom ASCII emoticon of all? Maybe that's why I hate :3. Some sort of deep-seated, subconscious self-loathing. Hmm. You've given me much to think about
i wanna fuck a grandpa in the ass
Probability/chances say yes. I have an ostensibly incorrigible knack for falling in love with heterosexual males who can and will never reciprocate my feelings
This is the part where you lead me on for years and then pretend you never once veered from utmost heterosexuality and get a girlfriend.
some banned poster makes gaygen threads and the jannie's always delete them once they notice because they are permanently banned I think? i could be totally wrong about that but it seems to happen a lot
they're all in /pol/
people can probably tell in real life too
ask one?
I didn't know what this was but I looked it up and now I relate to omega more than any of them.
But pol ones wont fuck me, they will fuck me up :c
He wants to fuck a grandpa in the ass
He wants to fuck a grandpa
they'll do both
Unfortunately, they can. My (straight) friends often pester me with question regarding my sexuality and they always assume that I'm a bottom. Usually I get a little irked and make frustrated noises which unfortunately possibly sound flustered and try to refute them but then my friend will just say 'but am I wrong?' and I have to concede. It's Hell. Straggots are my bane
B-but i dont wanna get fucked up :C
What have I done ;-;
why not just embrace your bottomry?
don't you. i saw you tell some other anon you want to be choked
What purpose would embracing my sexual submissiveness serve? (Haha, serve. Fitting) I'm bully-able enough, as is. Is your logic that I'll find it easier to get fucked?
Well at least we can experience love in the present! Tomorrow is never guaranteed, so let's cherish each day like it's the last. ^-^
You made me realize I was omega, hehe.
i don't see bottoming as submissive so we're on different wavelengths. but yeah it would probably be easier to get fucked. more importantly you could get fucked without being ashamed and self hating which does wonders for your mental health.
ps: being submissive is kinda lame but that's a different topic
Can you top bishit?
So true, Straight Boi. (Man shit I just spilt water on me from filling the kettle too vigorously) Such emotional maturity and wisdom only further encourages my heart to fan with flutters the embers of my passion. Your words on my screen make my eyes sparkle in adoration.
(The kettle has finished boiling. Tea time.)
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Did holden really fuck tex, or was it an e-relationship?
Power bottoms exist, I am aware. I have yet to get fucked, full stop, anyway, so who KNOWS how much more I'll start hating myself if it ever happens?! But makes sense.
Submission is lame, and outside of sexual conceptualising I, for the most part, try to avoid submitting to the standards/demands of those I dislike and to the relentless cruelty of life. Also I think the lameness is probably a turn-on to people who are submissive. Mayhaps.
need to kiss bish in january or whenever they'll LOCKDOWNed everyone again
I'm very sorry. this is like informing someone they have terminal cancer
sexy gay dudes can't be friends with each other the same exact way straight bros can't be friends with beautiful women
revenge of "gay best friend"
Hmm? I am confused.

>So true, Straight Boi.

>(Man shit I just spilt water on me from filling the kettle too vigorously)
Oh no, are you okay?

>Such emotional maturity and wisdom only further encourages my heart to fan with flutters the embers of my passion. Your words on my screen make my eyes sparkle in adoration.
You have a beautiful way with words, Anon! I'm happy I could brighten your day.

>(The kettle has finished boiling. Tea time.)
I hope you enjoy your tea!
>Power bottoms
swinging the pendulum from one side of the mental illness spectrum to the other isn't the solution people think it is
i literally would rather stick my dick in a hairy old guy's ass with saggy skin and pimples than a twink
i've befriended straight guys and gay guys. the straightshits always schiz out after a few months and invent a reason to ghost me. the gays are the real ones who stick around until the end
i thought we had something special
It's okay, I don't mind. ^u^
Can clap the british guys cheeks for the well being of the gen? I know you're a top or vers at least, I saw you in chasergen one time trying to fuck every trip in there.
Yeah but i dont wanna get robbed after :3
why tho
No problemo. I'm fine, just a bit soggy. I farted out those words with melodramatic irony. In reality my heart is beating its sluggish sleepy morning pace and my eyes are probably a dull and uninspiring grey. But you do indeed give my say a nice little touch which I would be a little less happy without. You may call me pathetic now, if you wish
I plan to do it. I fucking love tea. And you! Aha. Ha. Ha ha.
is it gay if you have sex with a guy once or maybe twice just to see if you liek it ?
no, unless you like it
holden is british
tex is american
they never met
also tex is only into latino/black guys
the boomergays that try to insist that all sex is just a dominance/submission dynamic are fucking cringe and reek of internalized 1950s /pol/shit

like bro when do people realize they can just... have sex. it's just skin touching skin.
what if i'm still confused and want to keep doing it
why not
i crave grandpa ass
so much rules with you
it's not a boomer thing
>also tex is only into latino/black guys
this is the most infuriating sentence I've read in weeks. are you exaggerating here?
my preference is latino and asian boys but i'd also fuck a white boy or like a middle-eastern boy
i like it when it hurts
that's good then. who cares if it's gay, it feels amazing bish
lmao we're polar opposites me and you
the balls are underrated.
do like a guy with nice big balls. fun to touch and fondle.
Im sowwy ig they can rob me of they fk me :3
his ex was latino and he once sort of dated a black co-worker
he use to hate on white people a lot in his early days in the general
I want to touch his vas deferens.
you forget sucking
high tier bottomry
what a fucking loser, god. imagine looking like that and dating fatinos and blacks
>Can clap the british guys cheeks for the well being of the gen?
Uhh I only want to be intimate with someone I'm in love with :s

>I know you're a top or vers at least, I saw you in chasergen one time trying to fuck every trip in there.
Maybe that was someone else? I've never been there before. :/

>I'm fine, just a bit soggy.
Oh good! I was worried you got burned.

>I farted out those words with melodramatic irony. In reality my heart is beating its sluggish sleepy morning pace and my eyes are probably a dull and uninspiring grey. But you do indeed give my say a nice little touch which I would be a little less happy without. You may call me pathetic now, if you wish
Hehe, I would never. I appreciate your kind words anyway and I'm glad we could make each other's day's a little bit better. ^-^

>I plan to do it. I fucking love tea.
Go drink that tea, Anon! :D

>And you! Aha. Ha. Ha ha.
*blush* haha
he was ex-latino
Im not a bottom i just like the thought of getting fkd yk
>Im not a bottom
do they teach y'all to say this in bottom school?
magic for your switch
Can I make it any more obvious?
he use to be so catty
No, spilt before it boiled. Thank you oh. so. Much for refraining from demeaning me any more than my own self-depreciating temperament already does. I love the way words alone can make people feel such things, small and minor as it may all ultimately be. Who's to say we won't conTINue to make each other's day better?! (We will probably never interact following this thread's death) But who knows. ^_^ is much better than :3
I followed your orders and took a sip of the tea. It is just smashing. YES.
If you blush because of my dumbass ramblings I imPLORE you to improve upon your taste in dudes
Fuckkk you know about the bottom school nyoooll
why are you so ashamed of being a bottom
tru white woman twitter posts
homophobia in the white women community
>homophobia is the white women community
>Tex after he's dumped by Javarius and left with a permanently gaped damaged hole
Because when i was like 4 5 my grandmother asked me if i was a top or a bottom and i said bottom ( im srs it was a term i didnt understand at that time ) and ill never forget the look of dissapointment :C
wish an anon would feel my stubble while i fuck their butt
seriously is there something they're putting in the wine and xanax now or what
white women are crazier than ever before
feels like every like 65% or so of white women are literal actual nazis. like pol qanon types who believe in crystals and alien spaceships and shit
fucking lol. i don't know if its worse for that to be 4 or 5 or 45
>lmao we're polar opposites me and you
i like the idea of a daddy figure raising his son to be a top and letting his son use his daddy ass for practice
how about i feel your stubble while i fuck your butt
they were always like that anon
4 or 5
why was your grandma asking a 5 year old child if he gets fucked?
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Texanon is a Queen Of Spades??
>No, spilt before it boiled.
Oh I'm glad for that!

>Thank you oh. so. Much for refraining from demeaning me any more than my own self-depreciating temperament already does.
You're welcome, Anon! ^-^

>I love the way words alone can make people feel such things, small and minor as it may all ultimately be.
Me too! I love coming here and chatting with friendly people like you!

>Who's to say we won't conTINue to make each other's day better?! (We will probably never interact following this thread's death) But who knows. ^_^ is much better than :3
I would also like to help with making each other's days better again in the future! You can talk to me anytime you'd like if you see me posting here. :)

>I followed your orders and took a sip of the tea. It is just smashing. YES.
Woo! :D

>If you blush because of my dumbass ramblings I imPLORE you to improve upon your taste in dudes
Hehehe if you insist.
this is so unhot but grindr is your best friend if you want to find old bottoms to live this fantasy out with
but im trying to be a top
She been in the bottom school before.
well the crystals and alien stuff sure but i feel like 10 or 20 years ago they weren't also making it like a weird racist/antisemitic thing
maybe i just didn't notice it
she probably failed out which is why she was so bitter about you being one
i think you didn't notice. white women have been racist since the start. probably more racist than the men
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i should also specify i want to fuck a fat old grandpa. i'm talking morbid obesity.
yeah i know my tastes are unconventional but it's what gets me off.
Its hard to explain but its was in metaphors o.o idk why she asked
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what if he was my son and he asked me to be his first? hm maybe it's best he learns from me so he doesn't get hurt or stds
you were 5. either you were very noticeably gay at 5 or she thought you were getting sexually abused
I think i pass as str8 idk maybe she was bullying me o.o
>>37304557 Also that's a woman
Bshit I don't love you but you gotta draw a line somewhere.
>i pass as str8
let me guess, a mascfem vers top one
idek u
Yes how did yk :o
big juicy cock, please, oh please! let me sniff
they're all ignoring me for some reason. like you'd think they'd be desperate for some young dick but i guess not.
Humiliated that this made me smile the way it did, Christ.
I have survived boiling water spillages before, fret not. Frequently I spill a freshly boiled kettle a little bit on my toes/socks which makes me leap in a very Tom and Jerry way (cartoonish yelp of pain included) first thing in the morning, which is rarely ideal. One time I spilt boiling water on my hand all I said was 'ow,' because the pain didn't quite register, for some reason.
You're a good person, Straight Boi, to not kick a man (me) who is already down (because of my own odd tendency to put myself down at any and all opportunities, potentially out of a subconscious desire to elicit pity, sympathy, and attention from others, which is annoying of me). These generals are a nice way to chat with other people like me (i.e., GAY) because there are very few non-straggots I know irl. I try to be friendly, especially with random people on 4chan, because, I don't know why, I just do, I try unnecessarily hard in these kinds of conversations. Aren't I FUN?!
>I would also like to help with making each other's days better again in the future! You can talk to me anytime you'd like if you see me posting here. :)
*Triumphant fist pump* win. This is like the digital equivalent of getting another's number.
I have almost slurped up the entire cup of tea.
Wait NO if you get better taste in guys you'll leave ME and THEN who I will derive mild entertainment from?!?!? ;-;
I'm going to be fucking livid if this post has any more typos in it
just a hunch
Until it reaches your what? Fingur.
Donatella VERSACE
Why you post this?
so if i become some guy's bottom i have to change my diet then, no more greasy foods :(
Aзилия БЭHКC
Jk i just look like a normal str8
He said my pussy tighter than Hикoль Кидмaн FACE :brown_heart:
some guys don't care or mind poop
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straight men have to deal with poop as much as gay tops do
Mama mommy, there's a MALL behind you.
This is literally me -> :3c
no wonder she thought you were a bottom
my butthole is itchy
what causes this
not enough fucking
Sksksdkfjd :3c is not a bottom, also my gay friend told me i look str8
so you're a top?
i refuse to believe im a bottom
if bish was my bottom prince, i wouldn't mind him taking his dump and spending a lot of time cleaning because straight men can't wash their ahh
he'd be on constant chia seed and fiber supply and i wouldn't panic if a smear was left on a condom
but he's chasing blacked trans cuck queens now that will diaper him up and force him on gomad and laxatives
it's over for both parties :(
Uhmmmm a top who wants to get fkd :3c
What /lgbt/ does to a man. Harrowing
That's what I'm saying!
3:07 am and we should be sleeping. Instead bf woke me up so I can drop him off at the airport. Gonna be bf-less for a week again :((
did you have sex
Are all twink bottoms sassy or is it just me who've got a terrible aura?
i agree
i think i should reconnect with God that left me some years ago and let him into my heart again and guide me
so one day i could live a normal life, happily married and expecting a second child
No :(( we haven't had seggs in like a week too
I mean. Go ahead anon. I think God is generally a nice dude what with the whole infinite capacity for love and forgiveness, etc. Good luck finding spiritual peace n whatnot
difference between a twink and a femboy
it's over for bishit
is god a top or a bottom
twinks act like boys and are sporty
not even oral? gotta give him a goodbye kiss when he leaves anon.
He's at the top of everything, non?
What a shitty thread lmao
just like your hole
thank you gay elder
see you on the other side in heaven (Mykonos or Mallorca)
Fuck did you expect man
be patient young grssshopper
I. Am probably gay younger than you, but sure thing. God be with ye o7
it's because no one here is really gay besides me and you
Mexican pharaoh, let us say goodbye to this atrocious thread and embrace in a conflagration of lust and passion hotter than a thousand serrano peppers.
waiting for capital one to give me my $300 cash bonus for spending $500 on a credit card
these american companies are so slow and live in the dark ages
Hi Normie!
tlahtoani would be more accurate considering his ancestry
my ancestry does not go back to africa
wasn't me but i still stand by my assertion that i'm the only gay man here
Beautiful risings, tlahtoani
Im also gay
doubt it
Want you to make me feel like I'm the only gay in the world
Like I'm the only one that you'll ever love
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only gay in the world
Like I'm the only one that's in command
'Cause I'm the only one who understands
Like I'm the only one who knows your heart
Only one
Hi Alyssa Edwards and Kween Kong from the first episode of Global All Stars!
On the road now.. like 60% awake so bf is driving

Nope not even blowies. But yeah gotta send him off with a goodbye kiss before he boards

i only watched drag race once and it made me feel dirty, gay and embarrassed
Anybody else get angry when they see attractive young people having fun together in public? Or young people together in general really. I'm 23, ugly, friendless and I missed the boat for everything.
That's like 99% of this website methinks dude
im 26
so old
my prime has passed me
it's over
No. Why are you pressed?
GTFO normie
im the same age and i constantly feel like I missed the boat when it comes to socializing
we didn't have myspace and i missed the tiktok train
finding other gays I have things in common with is really difficult
and i always feel like I have to be really superficial to connect with most people
Me tooooooo! :(
For real
I wish I had made connections at uni before dropping out
I work 2 jobs now and can't connect with any of my co-workers
it's so over
abloooo ablooooo
Bf haver here, no.
GET OUT >:'(
but you are in your prime
and you're literally perfect
where's my literary trans gf then
Spending your youth on 4chan was an ironic meme sis ... you actually WEREN'T supposed to do that
she doesn't exist
let it go
look for a cis guy since you want a bf anyway...

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