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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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terf is a slur
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rape terfs
that's not nice
respect their bodily autonomy
hons like that turn me into a terf despite me being a tranny
i'm cismale i just fucking hate terfs
Anyone else notice how, since US politics moved away from anti-tranny rhetoric and onto "immigrants are eating this nation's great pigeons" or whatever. The tourist seethe threads have almost evaporated? I stopped using this board for a while because it was just unusual with all the NPC constantly repeating slogans
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the cia is running out of drug money
>Anyone else notice US politics
And I'm much happier than you.
cope fatlard. you have to pay for healthcare.
A specific social panic can only be sustained for so long before people get bored of hearing it.
If you'll notice, the rhetoric operates in cycles:
>gays scary OOOOOOO scary fags
>browns scary OOOOOO scary niggers
>trannies scary OOOOOO scary fags
>immigrants scary OOOOO scary niggers
There are other issues but those are the main two that they cycle between.
It also wasn't helping that trannies are unironically such a tiny percentage of the population that most people basically never encounter them IRL so it's harder for people to give a fuck.
people have been panicking that gays are grooming straight kids into being gay for thousands of years and seemed to have never tired of that
Not continuously though. The panic flares up, then dies back down as a new panic starts, then flares up again like 5-10 years later.
when have people ever let gays be around little kids like they are ok letting women
gays have been sequestered in monasteries since ever
maybe we really should turn all the straight kids gay
if everyone is gay then nobody can be homophobic
shall we?
Nigger people aren't okay letting MEN be around little kids the same way they are with women.
That has nothing to do with whether their gay or not.

Society does not trust men around kids.
why not
im straight and i wish i were gay. im tired of women and their bullshit
gay men were never seen as men, can we be honest?
they are clearly too fem for that

>Society does not trust men around kids.
society has tried to BAN open gays from being around kids in schools, and many states still do have pseudo-bans on open gay teachers in the form of anti-gay promotion laws in the Deep South that still exist in ~7 states.


Nobody has tried to formally BAN men from being around kids.
nobody wants to admit this but you can actually just condition yourself into being gay
ive been trying do do this for 5 years and i think it's finally starting to work. but only when im on drugs or drunk and only for young, cute, feminine men
I’m retarded what is a void fish? Is it a fish in a void? Would the fish even exist? Why is the fish in a void?
no you can't
worked for me
next step is fat femboys, hairy femboys, soft university-type twink boys with a little bit of stubble around the edges, etc.
I am very jealous lol
she's cute.
Okay faggot
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It is.

Got a fucking problem with that, TERF?
if you're not american: based good for you
if you're american: kys retard enjoy seeing how that cope works out for you when your life is cut short by our inept regime failing to stop the end of the fucking world you nearsighted cowardly fool
I wonder how she's doing today
Okay? Fine. But I'm not gonna stop saying it given what they represent. Far as I care y'all can cry harder.

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