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americans learning just how bad it can really get lol
The "specialist" in question is a conversion therapist, they'll do tests for autism, adhd, and if they come back postive, they have to be cured before anyone can be added to the 36 year waiting list.

Lets hope our American friend is young so they'll get hrt before they turn 50
as a post op im terrified of getting a call from my gynecologist one day that's basically like good bye good luck... I can diy hormones but not anything else down there...
They're usually just viciously repressed trans people like yourself, to be honest. It's all jealousy.
>being a tranny and moving to the UK
Why the fuck would you move to the UK as a trans person??
It's just barely better than deciding to move to Ukraine.
jew moving to 1933 germany lmao
just diy, it's easy for now. but the current attacks on trans rights and healthcare were unthinkable a couple of years ago. you don't know when and where they are going to stop.
am I seriously gonna have to give up on oxford university because of tranny laws…. starmer get ur shit together
I'd legitimately rather move to Ukraine lmao
Are you in the UK?
Because people go on reddit, ask "what is it like?" And receive total lies about how the average brit doesn't really care about us, or how "just change GPs of your doctor doesn't help" when someone may only live somewhere with one practice, etc.

They don't say the reality which is that the system is actively trying to kill us, and the average cunt in the street is a primitive savage, and before you know it, an American has moved to FUCKING NEWCASTLE and another one of us is condemned to hell on earth
They made puberty blockers a custodial offence if held by a trans person, they said they'll make DIY the same.

Cis and take testosterone? Fine. Ftm? Prison, and same for mtfs. They've already debated it in parliament, so they're not unaware of DIY, and they've been very active in destroying us in every other area of life
Its cleaner, and safer. Better accomodation too

>just change GPs of your doctor doesn't help"
this is literally impossible btw. they only accept you if you live in their catchment area
I learnt this the hard way. I changed practices after the previous one was abusive and the new ones were just as bad. There are only two surgeries near me, so that's it, no help.
>I'm an American who lived in the UK for three years and opted to move back to the States.

>You're gonna wanna DIY and get really cozy with it. I also had my paperwork and doctors notes and formal prescription and even brought the damn estradiol into the GP. I will never forget when the GP asked "Is there any way you can source estrogen while you're here?" and I said that was the literal reason I was seeing her, but I can fly back to the States once a year to restock, and she said, "Yeah, I'd recommend that. The wait list for the closest clinic is five years. Is there anything else I can help with?" And I was fucking floored.

>The UK is filled with genuinely amazing people. The NHS is simply not one of those and will actively go out of the way to be twats when they can.
>I'm British but lived in Germany for the last 6 years and and started HRT there. I recently came back to the UK and my GP would not continue my treatment even though I've been on it for 3 years and have a formal diagnosis letter. She directly told me to go private or continue getting meds from my doctor in Germany. They don't give a shit about duty of care when it comes to trans people.

>When I came out as trans in Germany, it was about a 3-month wait for an appointment with a psychotherapist, and after that about another 3-month wait for an appointment with an endocrinologist. So the entire process to get my first prescription was about 6 months and everything was free...
I suffer as a geordie tranny
this, it's like serfdom, you're bound to the land
im pretty sure if i had a serious illness it would just kill me and that would be that. i mean i do and am dying, just psychologically
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Have you seen Philosophy Tube in real life yet?
chewb lives in neecastle?
that fucking sucks I feel for her but she clearly did not do her research
In fact I bet her cis husband was all "yeah everything's fine here babe why worry?" because cis people do not care about us and have zero empathy or any concern for the dangers and pitfalls we face. they. do. not. care
Lots of people die due to NHS negligence. It's really unnecessary and sad.

I have to buy thyroid medication online. What condition do you have anon?
Everything is still OK, because trans healthcare is cosmetic in the minds of normies, whilst simultaneously being mutilation. It's whatever bad thing they want it to be at that moment.
>What condition do you have anon?
oh im just very mentally ill and don't have any family or loved ones lol
i do have crippling ADHD tho and am still waiting to be assessed for it. cant rly buy meds for it online cuz the risk is too big. imagine going to jail as a tranny because they caught you with illegal ritalin
you now get to experience the joys of national healthcare and the nhs
want to speed it up? tough shit
reading shit like this makes me so happy I'm not trans
Is ritalin illegal without a prescription? Crazy
>just change GPs of your doctor doesn't help
My gp is ~200 miles away from me and I haven't been able to change it because all the ones here are "full". Not that my gp ever did shit for me anyway.
I have a friend up there, heard its bad.

I'm in the West Midlands and I've suffered too! People love to cause conflict, can't just leave us alone
there are also supply shortages so people with a prescription can't always get it
Almost as though the people in charge are torturing us
maybe it's because of your threat to culture and children
even weak shit like wellbutrin is impossible to get here. ironically speed is easy to find
Used to?? I know people have seen Philosophy Tube there recently but I think she lives in London now
yeah, almost. nothing feels real anymore and i genuinely suspect we're living in a simulation
i just wish i could leave desu
Melatonin is illegal without a prescription.
you can lol, just pack your shit and head towards another country and claim that you're being hunted down
thankfully not
no i can't you live in a fantasy
yeah i'm such a coward for not trying to claim a fraudulent visa nobody would ever believe and which the uk government would undermine when they inevitably ask them about it
I think we are too, i think we are in a form of hell
Wtf, why is everyone struggling to get stuff? It's awful.

I just take my vitamins, estrogen, finasteride and progesterone. Not looking forward to when that makes me a criminal
Saw people with diabetes get turned away, it's just do fucked up.

Thanks Brexit!!
This is fucking awful, is the UK the only place that will refuse to continue your hrt like this? I assumed you would be able to continue when moving there if you have a note or something from your doctor in usa/etc. What a fucking shithole, I assume this is only the case for hrt?
>I assume this is only the case for hrt?
Of course. I blame the tabloids for making transphobia such a big issue here. Every day there's an article about how some guy went into the women's bathroom to rape or whatever and millions read it. Newspapers don't seem as big to me in the US etc.
UK is truly uniquely evil place on earth
because the uk never went through a proper revolution and is still spiritually a feudal country. gatekeeping and elitist "we know what's best for you" is fundamentally ingrained here
nah that's israel but the uk is pretty shitty in its own right
they have the right of it on the transgenderist menace tho so you cant really knock them for that
Oxford is woke. You'll be fine.
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>moving to uk
fucking kek
the english civil war was a proper revolution but the victors were the puritans
>I assume this is only the case for hrt?

Doctors *can* say "you are trans, therefore i do not want to treat you", but it has to be on religious grounds. They can't just say "no", but they can say "its against my religion". The authorities here are extremely reluctant to side with trans people.

Its why i cant get a blood test, they just say no
Its everyone, even the "respectable" papers like the Guardian, FT, and Spectator call us predators
Selfish of her to move to the UK to be with her husband, when she could have just imported him and he could have gotten US citizenship.

Selfish and dumb.
jesus christ.
Yeah nah about that...

I mean, still go, dont turn down Oxford! Just keep to yourself...



Remember the British intelligentsia have declared you persona non grata. Go, get your degree and make sure you never speak to a british person again in your life.
No, the selfish and dumb one is the husband, she gave up her future for the man she loves to live in violence, squalor, poverty and ignorance.

Hard to explain to non brits what the Norf and Midlands is like... schoolkids will beat you up for being a poof and teachers will join in. Rampant anti intellectualism. Drug abuse is common by ALL people, including professionals like the police and doctors, i met a doctor who was doing MDMA and coke in the bathroom, they all do it to cope.
Oxford is not woke and is literally a private school hyperestablishment institution
Less than 2 months ago the Norf was burning down libraries and hotels because they didn't like brown people
>vote for brexit
>white Europeans are forced to flee
>immigration from pakistan numbers 6 million over 4 years
>Tory party promise to decrease immigration despite having a literal contract with Serco and G4S worth a combined £6billion to house migrants
>working class vote for the Tories for 14 years
>eventually realise things have got worse
>shout at police dog and harmlessly throw bins around

They are anti intellectualism. They are violent savages. They hate us and will kill us once the elite let them left off steam by attacking queers.

This is not a good choice of location to live in
>cry about how white men have been left behind while ignoring the culture of failure among young white men
>blame it on immigrants, women and the big woke
Its everyones fault except mine!
>a diagnosis for endocrine
She probably means she has documents from her endo
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american tranners dont really realize how comparatively easy they have it with HRT compared to well, the literal rest of the world. even super progressive european countries like the nordics are hell for getting actual HRT subscriptions. you'd be better off in rural alabama than the UK, the fuck were they thinking
Who the actual fuck would move to England? It's basically Somalia and the middle east combined. There aren't even white people anymore over there. It's sharia law and beheadings, my god.
>the fuck were they thinking
reddit lied to them
She wanted to live in a walkable city.
The unironic reason for this is Amerilard political polarization, it means leftoid trannies have to believe they're extremely persecuted to maintain the belief that the other side are evil subhumans who don't have a point. Meanwhile in e.g. Sweden there's much less ideological warfare about faggotry so trannies just go "yes sure, nobody can transition under 18, it's true that the state has to save us from ourselves, it makes sense that I had to go through years of gatekeeping to get a 10¢ medication, I am mentally ill after all, centralized state control instead of liberty is a no-brainer" and just get on with it, even though objectively their system would seem evil and deranged to a US tranny.
You're a moron
>t. semi-swede tranner
I just popped up there after DIY they didn't give a shit about anything did the most routine stuff and yeah waiting lines suck but they do not fkn treat you as weirdos. If anything the laws don't keep up with how doctors act - they even are okay with giving hormones to enbies.
You believed memes because you're a terminally online failure and you should probably rope
the polarisation thing is kinda true desu, im a leftoid but i understand democracy is a meme so it makes sense to me that people retard themselves with that shit
>If anything the laws don't keep up with how doctors act - they even are okay with giving hormones to enbies.
this is also true
t. bonger
I literally get treated as a dangerous threat at worst, and an annoyance to be rid of at best.

Do your doctors talk to you as though you are human?
They all assume I'm cis usually, but when I tell them I'm trans (which, like, had to for GIC), they don't seem to change how they act or anything? Usually they blank for a few seconds as if they rebooted. But the people I've dealt with in Sweden (Skåne btw) have all been very nice and seemed very aware of the sham that their job is for cases such as mine (i.e already transitioned and not confused at all in my identity)
Where I'm from I've had horrible assholes misgender me every two words when trying to find trans treatment though lol.
Are you calm and collected? I think most people - trans or not - really struggle at behaving in ways that make them seem serious/trustworthy/stable. I've always had ease getting my way with words even before transition so I'm certain that all helps.
Your doctors might just be assholes like the ones where I'm from I've talked about - although when I went there I went with my mum, which probably infantilised me and was definitely not the right move.

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