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my voice is so bad and everyone asks me what my pronouns are and calls me "they" even with my tits out. i don't understand how voice works and how people do it. i have been talking in head voice for 4 years now maybe and it's not enough and i get gendered male over the phone. some of my bills are addressed to "Mr." because they think I'm a guy in the phone. im taller than most men and i feel so gross all the time and i just want to hide forever. i need FFS and hip implants and i need my balls chopped off but i have no money and im too retarded for a job. also if i don't get money soon i will be homeless. i need an adult to come pick me up, im scared
haiiiiiii im tall tooooooooo it sucksssss wanna have a hot t4t makeout session above all the smaaallll people
it's over
okay so just because a rapehon is trying to rapehon you you shouldnt be mean to them
what the fuck do you mean by "headvoice"
Head voice means the sound resonates in and from your head not throat or chest, etc.
Also, OP has already made some very bad decisions and will never be a woman.
is op retarted?
does she know thats not how you voicetrain?
is it bad if i still want to makeout with her?
>OP has already made some very bad decisions
what bad decisions?
idk how to voice train because all of the information makes no sense and nobody is ever helpful with it
also she has a whole list of these not just larynx
will this work or is it still over for me because i made bad decisions
yea it will work

now stop whining and kiss me alrdy :3
i don't want to have sex with trannies
ok voice train then, you actually need to put in the effort to train your vocal muscles dumbass
Literally find a voice therapist, you can pay someone to just tell you what to do
itssss just a kiss for my help :333
but i worry that it isn't just my voice and it's over anyway because of my skeleton. like i see tranniez who look better than me and are smaller than me and they can get away with it because thry have le female soul and meanwhile im just a silly faker. it all just seems so pointless and it's really hard. i just want to be cis im so tired of everything and i don't want to think about these things anymore after 10 years
with what money bro
ok literally who the fuck cares if ur skeleton too big or whatever? voice training literally would only be a positive for your life so why don't you do it? also like every tranny thinks other trannies have a "female soul" and they dont.
as i said i will makeout with you and treat you as my tall mommy and we can be tall mommies together forever :3
shut up hon
ooooooooh you say as a voicetrainless faggot who is tall and envies small twink transgirlsssss
whooo is rly the hon?
Sorry to tell you but transitioning is expensive, get a job or a rich partner. You can get it covered by insurance in a lot of places (I think)
not really, surgeries are expensive but the rest isnt super super pricey
i thought you were op :P
>who the fuck cares if ur skeleton too big or whatever?
me...i care..cuz it makes me ugly and i hate it. idk i will try voice training obviously, it would definitely help because i do visually pass even though im ugly and stuff, but i also just have every problem ever and am extremely not coping at all and i want to die. i feel like my life is uniquely fucked up and there's basically no help available. i have a breakdown like this almost every week and i just can't handle this retarded chungus rollercoaster anymore. nothing feels real
ok then kys
i live in the uk
are you rei ari ai on anon or something
this is exactly what i mean. there's nowhere to go to actually get help, people either ignore you or treat you like a joke. it's every hon for himself on this shitty planet
again shut up hon
i think everyone thinks this in some way. life is fucked and the only way you succeed is to push through to what matters to you. nobody cares about what you did to get you to the point where you're at, just who you are now, i mean i went from severe repper to girlmoder within like a year and am now a passoid 4 years in. nobody knows who i was before, they just know me from now
Oof that sucks, fuck the UK desu
people never really seem to understand. idk how to explain how retarded i am without you just telling me to bootstrap or whatever. if you went from repping to making it that quickly then we are probably in very different leagues of mental functioning and luckshittery. i can't even get myself to eat 3 meals a day unless i'm manic
margaret thatcher famously said there is no such thing as society, and i think she is right. there is no civilisation here. no co-operation. if you have a problem you either solve it yourself or it kills you. i genuinely believe i am destined to kill myself and it doesn't even have to be this way. there are surgeries and medications that could help. therapy for my childhood trauma would help. but none of these things are meaningfully available to me. if i was small and cute i could just get a caretaker bf but that'll never happen. im too independently minded anyway even though im paradoxically too stupid to look after myself. Idk im just ranting at this point. but this mongolian basketweaving forum is basically my only outlet
>this is exactly what i mean. there's nowhere to go to actually get help, people either ignore you or treat you like a joke
you asked for voice help then started complaining about your skeleton when you pass, and then wonder why people reacted poorly to this. have some self awareness anon
no actually im asking for someone to fix all my problems for me. i just cant do it anymore man. im not strong enough
NTA but when I went to one she just told me my voice was perfect already and there wasn't anything to change lmao
What the fuck lmao
i had 4 days where my brain was working and i was able to function for the first time this year. literally all year i haven't been able to study and for thkse 4 days i was studying every day, eating 3 meals, maintaining personal hygiene. things were going good. now i cant move and i can't stop crying. how tf am i gonna voice train when i cant even move now. why did i have to be born in this stupid retarded country where healthcare doesn't exist. why did i have to be born with abusive parents who didn't take care of me
>talking in head voice for 4 years
>she speaks only in falsetto
>doesn't know why it's not working
oh anon, oh no :(
did you not learn about nasal resonance? most women don't speak in falsetto. that makes you sound gay male
idk what any of that means
Fem voice takes pitch, resonance, and vocal weight. Falsetto is like talking through your nose, when you force your pitch as high as it goes. Only modifying pitch does not give you fem voice
im not talking in falsetto though...that would sound extremely weird

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