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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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>Most transgenders online and irl are MtF, but
>Most transgenders under 18 in real life are FtM
>I've never seen an MtF youngshit in real life besides me

Why does this happen?
depends whether you mean takes hrt vs "identifies as trans"
there's 2-3x as many mtfs as ftms just looking at medical transition:

but lots more ftms simply identify as trans but just have short dyed hair and piercings to be "male"
Yes some of these kids were on t/trying to get on it.
same everytime i've seen a mtf irl it was a rapehon, last time the rapehon was balding even and gave me a creepy autogynesmile
>go outside as mtf
>get the shit beaten out of you by a phobe
try passing
not possible for 99% of MtFs
then don't troon
Never happened to me. Back to the point of the post, yes I've seen many MtFs in real life but they were in their 20s and obviously never touched a single pill of estrogen before 18. On the other hand many FtMs did.
HRT has been legal and public funded in my country since 2012, but it seems like trans women still don't access to them as much as trans men.
It's more acceptable for an afab to embody masculinity than it is for an amab to embody femininity. Feminists dont want to admit it but the male gender role is far more rigid now.

Also TERFS see a trans man as a corruption of the individual, whereas to them a trans woman is a corruption of the entire female gender.
I see all the time people in shorts. IN GENERAL men wear longer shorts than females do. Females can show skin, men are gay if they do so.
Id say passing trans woken are a lot more common than passing trans men though.
funny, i used to get people asking if i was gay because i always wore long socks to cover my ankles in pants
i'm afab and i'm nonbinary dragon mushroom dormouse and i go with her/per pronouns = FtM transitioner and ready for breast surgery. I want to see more represantation of our ftm kings rather than nbs

survivorship thing
idk the only time i clocked an ftm it was his height and voice, everything else passed
whats difference between 5th and last emotes
>nonbinaru dragon mushroom
are you the pedophilia enjoyer that's posted in another thread rn
male socialization is harder to break than female
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Because teenage girls are gullible and need attention.
Pretty ones get it from guys, ugly/loner ones need it from something else
I've met 3 FTMs and 1 MTF irl. Only 1 FTM and the MTF were obviously on hormones, the others werent even trying. As to why, I think because the he/they-to- FTM pipeline is much more acceptable in afab circles, whereas amab circles seem more difficult to make that step. Just a guess
pretty much this, when I used to use dating apps its littered with girls saying "he/they/etc" but when talked they never started and pills or anything and basically just cut their hair short and maybe wear a chest compressor and tomboy clothes. I compare it to like juggalos in the late 90s/early 2000's. its different and young people want to be different to stand out, the issue is when everyone is different then none of them are lmao. The ones who really go all in with pills and implants etc are older who truly want to commit and not just be part of a fad, I looked up just now a girl who claimed to be ftm like 2 years ago and we went on a date, she completely abandoned the "he/they/etc" title and is showing as a girl only, so looks like was just on the bandwagon.
Sometimes it’s this, I mean, it’s known that socially ostracized people typically gravitate toward more “accepting” groups, and trans people are a pretty accepting bunch. It’s only natural.

However, sometimes I think it’s even more simple; just cis women exploring their gender. I don’t think is a bad thing at all. While I absolutely wish I had the opportunity, I’m happy they’re sometimes able to explore their gender without needing to make huge medical decisions at an early age.
I guess its a mix of both. Some do it to be different and some do it to dip their toes into something to see if its a good fit, some might be pushed by friends or society, as long as they dont push and force it on others then their reasons are fine and they are free to try it and then abandon it if its not a good fit.
I think this is a massive win to female socialisation, that even if you did decide it isn't for you, the ramifications aren't that bad to come back from theyfabbing/etc back to female, but coming back if being MTF didn't work out is seen as much more of a failure in male social circles
pls gatekeep from retarded theyfabs
oh yes lets make the already easymode female lifestyle even easier. I agree where if a male comes back from trying to be a female the damage is done socially but a female can and its like "yup sally just had a phase", its always been that though in a way with girls kissing other girls, etc to test their sexuality
I do feel there are many instances where they wouldn’t receive default acceptance, otherwise I don’t think as many of them would turn toward grifting. I wonder what factors make the difference. Could religion have any impact? I was raised removed from that world so I don’t have anything close to that perspective.

Regardless, they definitely have more freedom to do it than those born male. I really wish we did and mourn a life where I could’ve, but all we can really do is hope the next generations are raised with more freedom and acceptance, and do our own part, when possible, to make that happen.
I disagree with part of that, why make life easier for the next generation, we had to suffer and grew from it so they should too

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