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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Are fujos real?
Like, if my bf and I meet some weird weeaboo girl and we all get drunk at our place, can we have sex in front of her as a weird fujo cuck thing and laugh at her seething about not being a gay man?
Or are fujos just normal straight women that watch porn but still consider flirting sexual assault
t. fujocuckcurious
They’re pretty much like cis men who like watching pretty lesbians make out; the amount that appreciate it in a cuck way are exceedingly rare and likely too autistic to ever approach being in that situation. Nonetheless, I hope you can find one, if that’s what you’re into.
I think a sizable amount of fujos who would be fine with the taboo of cuckoldry/voyeur on the other hand are too bisexual or would even be disgusted by IRL gays
I think todays' fujos gravitate towards women when they wouldn't have in the past environment
They are real but they pretty much only care about fictional yaoi or gay Asians. I don't think many fujos will be interested in watching some mediocre white gay guys frot.
Nta but in my personal experience women go "awww" everytime they see a gay couple irl but it's hard to tell how much of that translates into fujoism and voyeristic interest to watch gay dudes go at it
IME the ones that go “AWW” would be happier to see you in a mass grave and the ones that would watch violently look anywhere else until the PDA stops
That's no fun
I dunno I've fucked a girl and made the guy watch but I'm a tranny. And I've fucked the guy and made the girl watch. And I'm too mentally ill and based to be the one who watches. But the girl was kind of a fujo and probably saw me as an effeminate guy. So that probably counts maybe? Anyway now they both hate me.
>im a tranny and have no relevance to this conversation but I’m going to shit up the thread anyway
Go 41%, permamale
I'm a perma male so I'm relevant to the conversation cause that makes me a fag
No it doesn’t
Fujos don’t like trannies
Nah they do if they look like a man. Doesn't matter how someone identifies. It matters how other people perceives them. You're just autistic.
They don’t and you know they don’t
Just leave a single god damn thread that isn’t about you alone
99.9% of the threads on this board are fucking trannies
Leave ONE alone for once fucker
Pure coddled male shithead behavior; every troon has the demeanor of a hackernews poster
If it didn’t put me at risk I’d actively campaign for the retards trying to kill you because you deserve it a hundred times over just for being pocket protector NPD mommy’s boy pieces of shit
i like how this person is going "yeah u right i'm kinda sexually a male and look male so maybe that's why this male attracted girl liked watching that"
and you, weirdchamp, you're screeching "reeeee you're so maaaaaale trannnnyyyyyyy"
1) samefag
2) the venn diagram of neurologically and physiologically congenitally gay males and mentally ill straight dudes that memed themselves into bisexuality with pornsickness is two circles. Fujoshis have a paraphilic attraction to neurologically and physiologically congenitally gay males. Random mentally ill pornsick straight dudes have ZERO RELEVANCE WHATSOEVER, EVER.
Ree harder for me
This is why you’re going to wind up in an oven
You probably will too if I do, god hates fags equally. Sorry
Unlike you retards we’ve known how to keep out of other people’s faces since literally the beginning of time
Gay boys should get tied up and get used as living dildos by girls until they shoot their gay seed STRAIGHT into their pussies
Didn't realise you were that old dude. What was the bronze age like?
nta but you need to get a leash on that and fast. the amount of vitriol lesbians and gays are aiming at straighties is starting to really piss off the straights
not samefagging lol
not bothering with the rest i have no investment in this argument or in your buzzword soup

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