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sophie i am not listening to this shit
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will post in a moment
can't really tell srry, your accent obscures it. i think pass?
pass with a slight hint of tranny intonation

i have covid so i sound worse than usual but it's still close to how i sound
All pass except for u >>37306628
I would do unspeakable things for a chance to serve as Hunter Schafer's manslave.
fucking gigapass
really? thanks!!!
you have got to share tips
i dont really have any.. i just listened to the basic guides and used my voice constantly at home
want to listen to any FTMs... drop your Vocaros FTMs...
I've been voice training for 4 months and I sound like this, what am I doing wrong, or maby starting from super-low-and-manly voice means being destined to sound like a faggot
sounds a little young but passes
doesn't QUITE pass but you're close, keep working at it
i think you pass and your accent is just faggy in general
are you following Claire's voice tutorials? her voice is incredibly good and she likes to use that phrase
I second the opinion that it's probably a pass but there's something about the accent.

(this is me)
hi you rated me so i shall rate you in return
started off a bit hollow but settled in nicely after a sec. pass i would say
(volume up ^^^)

perfect pass but very soft and quiet which isnt a bad thing but it makes me wonder how you'd do on a roller coaster or at a concert. but this recording is great!
passes but sounds more like a vtuber and less like a normal adult girl
needs a little more practice i think but it's great progress. these things take time, so just keep working at it! this is great for 4 months.
very close just missing that last little bit i think. a little higher, a little more resonant, i'm not sure. but it's pretty close!
perfect pass no notes sorryy great job im happy for you congratulations
this is really really good. i have the exact same notes as i did for that other person with a super soft and quiet voice. it passes perfectly but i wonder if you can yell at someone. maybe you can. i have no reason to think you can't. i just like to encourage people to continue to better themselves. self-improvement is a forever endeavor

you bitches need to RATE OTHERS omg
omg i got an 'OWO' in my link i didn't even notice owo
>you bitches need to RATE OTHERS omg
quiet but passes. maybe it's a LITTLE bit too big for your weight but i honestly think it's within cis range of that sort of sound
Your whispering passes most of the time, there are a few moments where it sounds more clocky but i think it passes enough to really pass all the time
sounds like an autistic male
4chan isn't letting me add my rates, so i'll do that in my next reply.


ftm, 6 months on T.
Been trying different routines, mainly watching vods from Trans Academy, as a lot of people ask questions there which is helpful when you don't really know what to look for
I got skipped too
This is the same poster, just doing my ratings in a seperate post


Not familiar enough with your accent to comment, leans male to my ear though

Clearly passes
you pass
you pass and are in fact obnoxiously british
ramble moder https://voca.ro/15aZa5m3JOl8
Passes but is British
You’re good
You're always so hard on your voice despite being one of the most passing
pretty much
pretty much
needs work
pass if ftm
buzzy guy
oi guvna
pretty much
im aorry which ones are you? it wasnt on purpose. i did it kinda sloppily im sorry, i was in a rush trying to get my post out right before i went out for the night so i could come back to a bunch of responses
im the first vocaroo post in the thread...
oh, hi soph. im sorry i just, i've responded to you so many times that i don't have anything new to say. ive played so many of your vocaroos that i immediately recognize your voice the second they start. skipping yours actually was intentional. it passes. im sorry
dis 1 >>37306136
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Here are two clips of me reading random Twitter posts. The top is my usual femvoice, the bottom is in a slightly lower pitch range. Please let me know which one sounds more natural or more passing.


Your voice reads androgynous-fem. I would probably clock, but most normies probably wouldn't.


I think your voice is harmed by being very nasally. Maybe try working on your resonance/size, I'm not sure.


Hard to tell due to accent, but your voice sounds a little strained. Try doing it at a slightly lower range.


Definite pass to normies, but there is something about this voice that lets me know it is trans, that is hard to describe. There's a subtle sort of... shaky, brittle, quality to it that is very common in trans voices. Like I said though, definite pass to normies.

Going off whisper alone, it seems androgynous. The average person would probably read as female. My mind would probably drift to "trans woman" if I heard it in a vacuum. It definitely isn't a man's whisper at all though.

Your voice is definitely fem, but it's kind of shaky and erratic. It does seem like the kind of thing that can easily be fixed with enough practice though.


This would certainly pass to the average person.

This reads fem, with maybe a teency bit of androgyny. There's a shakiness/brittleness to this voice that I often hear in trans women, but I feel like it would definitely pass to normies.

There's a shakiness/brittleness to this voice that kind of clocks it. At least to me.
How do I get rid of the shaky “brittleness”
Woman... If she frog...
so many passing voices
where do you all congregate? is there a discord?
You skipped me too grr
i dont congregate, sorry. im on my own.
(Just reading some passages)
I don't really understand how bad/good it sounds so please give advice
What the hell is this accent
t. slavoid
It's super thick
t. fellow slavoid
what? why would we congregate
I don't think I've ever been in a tranny discord with more than a handful of passing voices I don't think they congregate
you pass perfectly dw. MAYBE got a bit heavy the first time you said "queen" and towards the end but other than that it's basically perfect. also i LOVE insects <3
maybe a bit more vocal fry than would be ideal
both pass as well as each other, the lower one sounds like it takes a little more effort so less natural but that can go away with practice
i can't really tell with your accent sorrya02mdk
Guess I'm accenthon :(
Mutemode is the only way :(
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sometimes i feel a lil grate-y
Recommend slowing down your speech and enunciate a bit more this almost came off as a foreign language at first when listening; work on resonance your pitch is fine and could even be lowered.
Thanks for advice! Sadly I am very autistic and it is hard for me to control the speed with which I am talking/reading :(
But I'll try!
i feel like im being trolled
i hate telling people their voice doesn't pass because i know how bad it feels and i don't wanna be discouraging. especially when i don't have any clear constructive feedback. it feels so unhelpful to just say "nope, doesn't pass" and then offer no real advice, but sometimes that's all i can think of, so i just opt to say nothing at all. im sorry. it isn't grating. it isn't ridiculous. it definitely sounds feminine. something about it automatically registers as amab to me and i can't put my finger on what it. im sorry. please never give up on practicing
Honestly, idk. I know that's really unhelpful, but I can barely articulate what it is, let alone how to fix it.

Sorry, I just didn't even notice you for some reason.

Going off that short clip, you sound androgynous-fem and unfortunately a little clocky. It might be an idea to try experimenting with resonance/size and weight.

Maybe they should congregate. Maybe they should make a Discord server which you can't join unless you post voice and it passes.
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i'm aware my voice doesn't pass. mtf, one week in. i just want tips on what i need to do
you kind of whisper like a woman but it's hard to judge
link dead?
clocky pass. if i wasn't trans i wouldn't be able to tell. a little croaky i think.
Pass but said like "pahs" like you're from the south of england hehe
close :)
pass but your voice is very heavily accented. it's a nice accent, however.
>Discord server which you can't join unless you post voice and it passes.
ya but what if you're like me where u can generate passing voice clips but dont really have a consistent passing voice
you sound great-y!
>i'm aware my voice doesn't pass. mtf, one week in. i just want tips on what i need to do
you're still in the stage where you just need to mess around with it, pretty much anything can be worked on. you've got this!
>pretty much anything can be worked on. you've got this!
thank you <3

I'm not even from the south of England I'm a scouser
Correction: When I said that >>37311207 was fem but shaky and erratic, I actually meant to tag >>37311264

I have judging passability of voices with strong accents. It maybe seems a little strained though, idk.

Peak the strategy:


Then the server can be good motivation/practice for you to get your voice to the point where it passes in ordinary conversation.
i dont voice train, i just wanted to be included
i admire everyone who does voice train in this thread, you all sound really sweet and approachable.
thank you :)
>you all sound really sweet and approachable.
you didn't even listen to them all, did you?
doing everyone who rated me (>>37310382)
pass imo but kind of like... strong, i think, like sharply-breathy
unnatural-sounding accent, but it's slight. too much vocal fry i think & it's a bit falsettoish & forced sounding i think, sorry
top is better imo. both are very very good but bottom is just slightly trannier
Yay! Voice Threads!

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