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im a straight male who psyoped himself into having pseudo dysphoria through agp mental fuckery
i looked too often at pictures of girls doing cosplay on the internet and i thought they were so pretty i started to internalize being a young woman as the objectively best physical form a human could ever possibly have and developed feminine body dysmorphia instead of masculine
im retarded as fuck for that
i also wasnt mentally strong enough to just tell myself to be normal so i started taking estrogen behind my parents backs
i dont really remember my childhood but i dont remember having any stereotypically feminine traits except like being sensitive i guess and the fact that i was also in relationships with much older women when i was way too young probably didnt help at all with my mental health issues, even had cases of them incentivizing my gender issues
i know im attracted to women and these feelings are for sure some erotic target location error shit or something like that instead of actual dysphoria
i feel intensely ashamed of being like this and appropriating the struggle of actual trans women but the idea of just going off hormones and being an average guy fucking terrifies me and unironically makes me want to cry
idk why im sharing all of this but i feel like its the only place there will be at least some people who relate
>appropriating the struggle of actual trans women
You're literally just the same as most trans women. Blanchard wrote about this.
>Takes hrt
Pills Alice
i dont think its the same thing at all im just too fucking stupid to differentiate finding someone attractive and wanting to look like them
Because you're trans you moron
This is the most trans fem brained post I have ever read. You’re a trans woman, stop repping you’re on HRT for fuck’s sake.
how is that fembrained at all?
>i dont think its the same thing at all im just too fucking stupid to differentiate finding someone attractive and wanting to look like them
I'm also not trans but I feel this sometimes. For both men and women and femboys but especially women
yeah im a moron but cause im too stupid to realize that theres a difference between what i feel attracted to and how i should want to look
the hrt implies taking the pills already
does this make your a moron? or is it just a quirk?
well most of humanity seems to understand that concept but my brain doesnt
What is pseudo-dysphoria, anon?
im not really using it in a scientific manner but its to describe the symptoms i feel which are almost identical to gender dysphoria but only manifested because of my autism and mental quirkiness described in the post
or do you just happen to both like women and want to look like one? sort of like how a lot of gay men date people who look basically just like themselves, it's just a thing for some people
well but im also male, i guess it would make sense that there are homossxuals who feel attracted to people who look like them but that isnt the case for me, im a heterosexual male who started wanting to look like a woman
For the last time males do not want to look like women
Incorrect. I'm a cis man on HRT and I'd prefer looking like a woman just to be seen as less of a threat to people. There's nothing trans or womanly about my motivations.
Most men don't like being seen as a threat either, remember how angry that bear thing made chuds? You don't see them transitioning lul
Sorry anon if you’re on HRT that makes you transgender. Being trans is like 20% self-identification and like 80% actual transition.
well im male born with male genitalia and most likely xy chromosomes and i want to look like a woman more than anything in the world
GIRL listen to yourself
I fail to see how others decisions are relevant. I am a man, they are also men. We just decided different routes through life. So what? They don't invalidate me.
I haven't done much transitioning. Just a normal looking dude without a libido and less than average strength that takes medicine every week. So there, not trans.
this is the most retarded thing i've ever read
i wish i was actually a girl, like really, but im not
just saying that hurts me but its the sad truth
If you're going to insult me you could at least elaborate as to why.
Honestly best thing I can say to you is get off 4chan. Wanting to be a girl is a symptom of, you guessed it, being a girl
i'm insulting your because of the retarded thing you said
What's so r*tarded about it?
>I'm a cis man on HRT
>I'd prefer looking like a woman just to be seen as less of a threat to people.
>There's nothing trans or womanly about my motivations.
These parts
its not the same thing
maybe if i start passing better and estrogen has more of an effect on me i can maybe argue im intersex in a way thats closer to being female but i probably dont have a female brain and my experience will be more like of a male living as female
i wish it was as easy as just not using 4chan though
Explain why ANY of this is r*tarded. Taking estrogen doesn't define who I am, and there isn't anything womanly about preferring to be less threatening.
I cannot emphasize this enough, it literally is. That's enough, that's all you need, don't let retards gatekeep you
cis men don't take HRT. "wanting to be less threatening" is cope and idiotic excuse. there is absolutely something trans about your motivations
i will only maybe start to believe that if i start to look like an actual women instead of an androgynous sickly anemic teenager
Cis men take HRT because I am a cis man and I take it. It's pretty simple. If I were trans, I would have dysphoria. But I do not. I'm just a normal guy and will always be so.
this thread eases my doubts about actually being trans, thanks anons
ETLE. gets me, too
>but the idea of just going off hormones and being an average guy fucking terrifies me and unironically makes me want to cry
this is the most trans and dysphoric thing i've ever read
Responded to the wrong post :p
OP I’m basically in the same boat as you it’s completely fine to be a cis guy on hrt, regardless of what trannys say.

It’s just a different avenue of expressions
its pseudo dysphoria developed after years of feeding my brain pictures of attractive girls, it might look the same a lot of the time but it isnt
oh. well i feel the same as you. should i start hrt?
my position has always been that anyone who wants to look more feminine should take estrogen, fuck what everyone else thinks its your body
i cant answer what you want for you but if you want to and you can, just do it yknow
it doesnt matter if you are trutrans faketrans or whatever else or if you just want to have breasts even
ywn have a normal family you'll be a creep with breasts, youll also get lobotomized out of AGP by E
I get this, I really do. But I also fear >>37307265, so I don't know what to do since it's purely a sex fetish for me and doing something dramatic for a fetish seems bad
Don’t want family don’t think I would be a suitable parent.

I’ve been on hrt for 2 years and started in my teens I just look like a twink. But sure *buzzword* *buzzword* *buzzword*
sorry its a complicated question to answer. i think you should really think about what you might not want from hrt if you are thinking seriously about it
i took the decision relatively young and without much thinking cause i wanted it really bad so i guess I kinda avoided thinking too hard on it
well, I didn't get any funny feelings until much later in life so I'm old as dirt now, probably too old to even be wasting my time thinking about this shit. if you had asked me any time before age 28 i would have said absolutely not trans, in fact I did once when a trans friend asked me why I was crying once
I mean in all honesty if you’re willing to get raxiofinne or have money for gyno surgery a year or two on hormones really won’t be that bad

Stay away from ideas about why you want to do things, you're just telling yourself a story. You want to be a girl, so you're trans. You have absolutely no idea why that is. Pro tip: don't make things up.

I think you have trans/autistic typing patterns
what if i dont want to be trans
what's that? google brings up nothing. and no, i have absolutely no money right now lmao
Sorry I’m retarded. It’s raloxifene it prevents breast growth whilst taking hrt, since all the other effect are reversible.

It gives you time to see if it’s right for you.
interesting. that's useful to know, thank you.
I feel same as you op. I want to be a woman, but I don't. Because I know all of this is just sick. If there was a woman button I'd break that mother fucker. This is all a game of cruel and twisted chance, if you don't pass you are fighting reality. The majority of trans people probably are not passing. It's all so tiresome.
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>we can't fight nature, Joan
>but I also can't fight my own nature, that's the paradox, you see?
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>im a straight male who psyoped himself into having pseudo dysphoria through agp mental fuckery
My "nature" according to this board is to turn myself into a androgynous looking freak all the while making my life more difficult than it already is. Gender euphoria is something that reaches into your heart and leaves you yearning. You tell yourself that this thing you've nutured in your head (yes, she only exists in YOUR head) is something that needs to be loved. I don't know what the fuck the internet did to me, but I will suffer with this possibly for the rest of my life and I hate it. I hate listening to music, I hate looking at the sky, I hate feeling like I have a heart in the first place. Because the fucking tranny demons have widdled their way subliminaly into my head. This shit is so uncanny and I can't cope with it. I want to get to the bottom of it, I want to understand why we as a generation are so fucking lost to the point to where we think becoming women would make us who we "ought to be."
I give up, seek therapy. The real tranny demons were with you all along
You idealize women and romanticize being a woman as your form of escapism. It may have been how you coped with having neglectful parents, or a lonely childhood, so you build up this imaginary female friend within yourself to feel less lonely and to have a goal of making this person real. But then you reach adulthood and have to choose to accept reality or embrace the schizo life of pretending to be someone you're not.
My childhood was awful anon but I never had an imaginary female friend at least not that I know of. But as a child I dissociated a lot.
>"you idealize women and romanticize being a woman as your former of escapism."
Unfortunately I thought that's why I want to be a woman but I could never accept that. I wonder how many others are like that?
>Unfortunately I thought that's why I want to be a woman but I could never accept that. I wonder how many others are like that?
I didn't include the elephant in the room that no one likes to speak about, which is the sexual component involved as a primary motivating factor for mtf. Sexuality is perhaps the strongest motivation that drives male behavior. When you idealize women and experience sexual attraction to women while having self esteem issues, your attraction can turn into a fetish. Some male fetishists become masochists while others develop AGP arousal.
No I don't actually believe in demons anon. We are just all messed up in the head.
I just wanted to be pure hearted woman... it started off as non sexual but hey. If your straight and see a "girl" in the mirror of course your going to get hard sooner or later. This all happened at 21 for me....
Even on a website full of people with experiences like mine I still feel lonely... I still feel like a gross person..... i feel like a fetishist. I think I just need love..
Gotta love yourself first
Are all trans people like this anon?
Just the ones who post here lol
>t. mentally ill trans
I feel like this board is way more skeptical of accepting ideas which is a good thing. It's nice to hear someone talk about what is actually happening and it goes as follows, we are all AGP and a lot of us experience dysphoria because of it. I still yearn to be a woman even though I know I'm batshit.
This video made me realize some things.
What did it tell you?
That we kind of skinwalk women to build up the "woman" inside of ourselves

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