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u always see posts on here about a #valid hsts (On 4chan which is already 90% doubt) but they’re so obviously fake or some different disorder to hsts

nobody who is attracted to men is talking about how they love men IN GENERAL. maybe talking about a specific thing that some guys do, or an anecdote about their ex, or commenting on what they like about a specific guy. nobody that falls in line with typical female thinking patterns or sexuality (like hsts do theoretically) “loves” MEN as a rule because every woman on earth has been dissolutioned with men as a group because, as a rule, they are lazy cruel and arrogant. If they say they aren’t, they’re lying for male attention or grifting. u ppl are the trans equivalent of justpearlythings. of course i doubt hsts aren’t significantly more promiscuous on average than women, but any real one will want a normal life with a man they love by the end of getting used to their new insane social leverage.

for transparency i don’t self identify as hsts bcuz that’s fucking cringe but i do consider myself a woman for social convenience. I transitioned extremely young so maybe I had more time to get a more mature understanding of this stuff than you guys. i only had 4 boyfriends my entire life so it’s not like i was sleeping around in HS and getting traumatized from that.
what does the hs in hsts stand for?
lupron brain
Newfag GTFO
not new i lurked until i turned 18
>muh misandry is femininity
this is only possible to believe if you live in a liberal shithole or spend 8 hours a day consuming whatever the algorithm feeds you.

youre just mentally ill with poor coping skills so you blame men for your issue.s
I don't call my 'hsts', but I'm a straight woman who had transsexual experience. I also transitioned young, and have been living as a woman for over ten years. I'm in my mid-20s. I'm married to my husband and we're starting the adoption process too. I've had my surgeries all completed. All of my friends are cishet women that I'm stealth to.

So I just have a few questions for you:
- I agree that generally caring about 'validity' is a red flag. This seems like a thing that very male-brained systematic gynephiles seem to obsess over. They feel a compulsive need to be 'valid' and adopt that queer terminology full-sale. My question: do YOU care about this?
- You're also on 4chan. How do you explain yourself being here? In my experience, high IQ women with ts experience who want to honestly investigate their psyche and compare it to the men who decide to transition later in life come here at some point, and may come back to check in. I will agree that it's a huge red flag and a reason to doubt.. I can't tell you the amount of times I've added someone off of here, and within a few days of chatting it's clear they're delusional or a straight man, but still.
- I'm not really convinced that exclusively homosexuals males who transition all want a normal life with a man. I've met some like this. But I've met a lot more who are complete sluts, and enjoy sex work as their way of life. I've met them in Thailand. I've met them in South America. I've met them in the United States. They're far more common.
- I like men in general. By this, I don't mean I'm attracted to every single man. Of course not. I'm discriminating. But I am attracted to men as a class. I like male bodies. I'm not sure why this makes me the equivalent of Pearl desu. I don't really connect with most men and don't seek out friendships with them, but I don't hate men and don't indulge in misandry. I think it's strange that you glorify your hurt.

Anyway, hope to have a fruitful convo!
i’m not a leftist or a misandrist, but I truly do believe the average man is a less than worthless person. It’s not a liberal thing or a conservative thing. The majority of men are autistic emotionally immature lazy misogynistic dangerous retards. Whether it’s some liberal faggot that orbits you like a special princess and asks for help with every little thing and pretends to like women for anything other than sex. Or some conservative faggot that’ll literally drop to their knees and suck u if u blurt out their special autistic trigger subjects that make them clap their hands like monkeys, ppl who would be pro choice if the only one who got to choose was the man.

I’ve seen the average man and it’s not looking good. Apart from athletics or anything that’s purely lifting heavy stuff, any smart employer would literally only hire women if they could get away with it. I’ve also seen great men like my boyfriend or my grandfather, truly great men almost without fail completely dominate the top of any field in the world. tldr, the best academics in the world are all men, but on average women dominate at school, this applies to most things non physical.

My hatred of the average man is based on what I can see they’re capable of and the contrast between that and what they tend to become. It’s disappointment, because I love great men. But women are better people 10/10 just because there are so few.
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>I transitioned extremely young so maybe I had more time to get a more mature understanding of this stuff than you guys.
post fingerprints, tits, face, and your tiny penis WITH TIMESTAMP or this is a larp
cool humblebrag btw
you have serious mental illness and writing paragraphs to justify your delusions about men isnt really working too well to sway opinions of anyone who touches grass. you need serious dbt at a minimum.
- I don’t care at all, all I worry about is predators but usually being AGP or MEF or whatever flavor of weird transness is never direct proof of someone being evil. It’s something they’re born with so long as they acknowledge it I could be friendly with ppl like this. even if we have different beliefs abt how they should be treated legally. depends on the pperson completely. I made this thread because the hsts activists on here are always calling people men/invalid and turning around and saying something u would never hear from a woman and hypocrisy is rlly obnoxious to me

- I’m stealth and fit into society but at the end of the day i’m still kind of weird. i’m an autistic mentally ill freak like a lot of agps, and I always was interested in niche things like this. I personally like this board cuz it’s an uncensored place for honest discussions about trans issues. I don’t like any other boards and the anime reddit stuff really creeps me out. Also because I kind of have some sadistic enjoyment reading threads from doomer trans people when they see a pretty transsexual just existing.

- i don’t think the weird people that write their meta attraction fantasies on here are any kind of hsts, cuz if they were actually one of the overtly promiscuous ones I doubt even more they would be posting in 4chan anime threads

- u misunderstand me and it might be my fault. obviously i like men as a class, but not as an actual group u could pull from randomly. but these people when they type talk about it like they’ve just experienced first hand an encounter with the best gender ever, that’s always charming and funny and strong. Like they unironically act like this is their typical experience with guys.
obviously i added that for rage bait but it is true
okidoki larphon
>e-erm.... youre mentally ill
proving moids are subhuman LOL
posted face in passgen 1000 times
the high iq sex btw just says buzzwords to refute long words that are too complex for them
Ah okay. I appreciate these clarifications. desu, you come across as less objectionable to me now.

I think most of these people who are obsessed with being hsts are larping gynephiles who are lying to themselves/others.

Skipping paragraph 2. Nothing to say.

Yeah, agreed. The sluts that I've met have been irl. Like I met prostitutes when in Thailand and South America. And I've seen, but never met irl, hsts hookers in online Facebook groups before.

Oh okay, sure. Then yeah, we're on the same page. Most men are pretty unremarkable, unfortunately. I feel like they used to be better decades ago, but maybe that's just old movies giving me a rose-colored view. A lot of men today seem like weak, corn-addicted whiners.
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i would say, but i'm too much autistic to understand my sexuality
me No makeup And my hair flat to my head BTW so call me larp if u want to feel better but I am a real person
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>I'm married to my husband and we're starting the adoption process too. I've had my surgeries all completed. All of my friends are cishet women that I'm stealth to.

Extremely AGP thought process, especially all the mansplaining
Minecraft AGP?
you're a real ugly person, inside and out. amazes me that people who were clearly loved by their parents can turn out so twisted
what do you take issue with here
>what do you take issue with here
idk, maybe it's the part about you getting sadistic enjoyment from seeing the lowest section of society suffering
Basically true. If you are not screaming about being transgender at are 12, you're not a feminine ego, like a typical girl
you're so fucking delusional
You don't like the truth Mr AGP
you really think some bpdemon making "sadistic" 4chan threads is content anyway lmao
My criteria would be if you're voice went to a change, not really transgender
you better see from usa sure
they quite literally bring it on themself by saying cruel things to innocent people, I don’t get happy when I see a random person unhappy about their appearance.
>they quite literally bring it on themself by saying cruel things to innocent people
incredibly presumptuous + you are literally doing this currently
went though 4 years of high school as a woman but apparently i’m male brained and this self described suicidal person has a more feminine brain than me
Why do you think this would hurt me when I've already said I don't care about validity. Call me a man. Call me AGP. Call me whatever you want. This queer terminology doesn't matter to me, and I feel no compulsive need to be valid.

I swear, interacting with troons is like interacting with caged animals. They lash out for no reason.
who have i said mean things abt that wasn’t incredibly presumptuous and weird first. name one time.
this is true
girl get off 4chan. I know it seems like a good place to have an unfiltered discussion about trans topics/issues, but you will rarely get something of substance. I do more or less agree with you that so-called "hsts" act like caricatures of a woman from their favorite movie, but I do think a lot of that comes from under-socialization with women rather than them being a grifter (I do know that happens quite a bit too). I also think that even partially buying into the Blanchard typology as a method of thinking is a rather near-sighted position. While I do believe it exists to some degree, I disagree with the assertion that is a binary, because so many people exist outside of it. Not to mention how it's main use nowadays is to be purely insulting rather than provide any nuance to a conversation about transsexualism and gender identity. Just my two cents.
you are. being a fucking angry overjudgemental piece of shit because of some preconceptions about men you only have because you dont touch grass is a huge red flag. hopefully you understand men avoid you aswell too as soon and you voice even an iota of your angst and hate.

youre a vile person and being trans doesnt make it all ok.
oh, makes sense looking like that witb those opinions. you look androgynous and think youre a diety. let us know when you have your lows next month you bipolar fuck. many such cases!
the way you shoehorn your opinions around is reeking of male actually. women tend to keep these opinions to themselves so they dont come off as rotten or mean. you think being a meangirl makes you feminine and its honestly hilarious.
i’m actually sorry if u somehow did that by accident but what else could u mean by “male brained youngshits”
post ass
she thinks acting like a meangirl is feminine and its actually stereotypically agp to get your idea of femininity from movies and shows lol.
I dont think I am exactly the same as women, probably socialization combined with a very atypical life experience. I don’t “try” to act feminine in fact I think some facets of my personality are somewhat masculine. it’s just unreal to me when a 4chan suicideposter sort of implies that they’re more of a woman than me because of soul energy or something???
again not faking anything,this is how i argue with my friends.
i’m sorry to that person if they didn’t mean to do that, so my mistake for assuming they were coping and calling me a man or something cuz it’s plausible they didn’t
please get serious dbt. you have so many brainworms and prejudices that you literally cant go more than like 2 minutes without telling people theyre lesser or undeserving of life/happiness. you are seriously fucking rotten.
not bipolar just very open online
youre something lol. seriously malignant mental illness.
hahahaha ok more “UR MENTALLY ILL/MEAN/UNDERSOCIALIZED” and not a single substantive criticism of what I actually said, thanks i’ll consider ur advice
>nobody who is attracted to men is talking about how they love men
idk how should we talk about what we love?
it’s seriously bizarre that u ppl take what i write as being some mean girl persona, when even for that one person that said “male brained youngshits” i thought they were coming at me (i am sorry tho cuz i can believe they didn’t mean it). i honestly do my best not to attack innocent people and u ppl need to stop acting like i’m being insanely cruel when u won’t mention anything else i said.
>let us know when you have your lows next month you bipolar fuck. many such cases!
kekt and checkt
can u try
What they're mad about isn't actually what they claim to be mad about.

The truth is that troons and queers are just often very sad. They are defensive because they're miserable with themselves. They act like caged animals, but also crabs in a bucket. If you seem happy or proud of yourself in any way, they will attack you in an attempt to bring you down to their level.

Notice, yeah, you didn't insult them. They just started to attack you. Then when you retaliated, they played the victim. They're gas-lighting you.
it's really hard, especially with something like attraction, because it's not a cognitive part of your brain, you can only rationalize this post-factum. I can say that I had many crushes on guys irl and actors. I don't have any special physical features that I like, I just like when a guy looks healthy, groomed, lean, stylish and confident. Maybe confidence I like the most. This is what I can tell from the outside, but in a relationship, it's more complicated. In school I had like "favorite" guys from different classes, I repressed this all honestly. I hope it will be enough for you.

Fucked up story time:
I had a classmate and asked if he was gay (he was very fruity), fuck he said no, because he thought I would bully him probably. It was only one time when I took the first step to anybody.
i wasn’t asking you to justify it i was just asking for u to put some thought into ur reply to see what i meant, u can read my other replies and figure out what i mean because obviously you can talk about what you love. it seemed like a really lazy response
fuck i guess i just missunderstood everything. you're talking about that hussies here build their perosnalities around loving man, right?
yes. it’s literally all they talk about on here and it’s very transparently fake. like something someone would say in a silly voice to mock an hsts or something.
maybe because this place for losers and freaks? didn't think about this?
have you considered this is a space full of neets and maybe they're fantasizing about men all the time because they are single and lonely and don't interact with many men irl?
like, you think autistic lonely cis girls aren't doing the same thing? that's fujos that's where fujos come from
the problem comes when u very blatantly pretend to be something you’re not and then put others down for not being like you
I admittedly have a bit of a femcel fujo thing going on, which as a former homo who could get sex/attention whenever wherever is kind of a mind fudge. Part of it is that as a woman as opposed to a gay guy, you expect more. More commitment. More romance. Hell, monogamy in general. It doesn't come as easily but it's more rewarding when it does.
.>woman who had transsexual experience
Most AGP term in existance
do you feel bad than people on anonymous mongolian sea sailing forum put you down for not being a cock obssesed freak? lol
No bcuz my life is 1000x better than theirs.they r just are putting bad shit out in the world and they need to be Checkt
I'm literally just old and transitioned a long time ago. This is how we used to talk. Once you've finished transitioning, you aren't 'trans' any longer.


"Instead, it was Usenet’s uniquely skewed poster-to-reader ratio that gave cisgender a visibility that far outreached its actual adoption at the time. According to early Usenet newsadmin Brian Reed’s semi-monthly Usenet readership survey, between January 1993 and July 1995, alt.transgendered averaged an estimated 21,130 readers worldwide and was received by a little under half of the Usenet server network. However, alt.transgendered and Usenet’s general membership was dominated by a vast “invisible crowd” of readers who consumed content produced by a small but highly active core membership.[1] According to one study of Usenet posting habits, 27 percent of newsgroup messages came from “singleton posters,” or posters who contributed only once to a given newsgroup, while an average 25 percent of all newsgroup posts were made by a “tiny percentage” (2.9 percent) of the larger newsgroup poster population."
"In transgender newsgroups, this tiny percentage was heavily populated by posters who used cisgender. These posters, notably, consistently opposed the dominance of what they viewed as “transsexual” concerns, such as a focus on gaining civil recognition and access to surgical services, in transgender discourse, including print periodicals. Instead, they favored focusing political energy on decoupling sexed embodiment, which they considered fixed at birth, from gender identity. Unlike the contemporary definition of “cisgender,” these posters used cisgender to identify anyone whose gender presentation and sex were aligned—even transsexuals who’d had or desired sex reassignment surgery (SRS)."
>my life is 1000x better than theirs
right which is why you're here posting? kek
broly coperoni
refer to >>37307510
I haven’t said anything mean first
u know not everybody uses this site to self harm right? maybe it’s just entertaining? Maybe?
I think my gf is that type she was always just a girl and she has female mannerisms socialization and a body that probably has more curves than the average cis woman
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>maybe it’s just entertaining?
ya keep telling yourself that kid
keep telling urself that im secretly miserable and not just making the best out of being bored in class
i wish i could show this thread to every hon and oldshit that dedicated their lives politically to creating it
think about that a little deeper. youre considering troons to be caged animals, yet youre walking through aisles of caged animals by your own admittance, and kicking the cages for reactions so you can just insult us. you have no intention of a civil conversation.

youre a vile person.
this ^
I didn't kick the cage? I have not been mean to anyone. That goes against my values.
The initial post I made is this one: >>37306776

I gave some background info to OP that may be relevant in understanding my perspective. My age, the fact that I come from a different generation of transitioners, and the fact that I live a stealth life are all relevant information for understanding my mindset.

I greeted OP with friendly language, and said that I hoped to have a fruitful convo.

I asked OP some rather pointed questions, but was overall respectful and didn't insult OP. And OP didn't react with vitriol; we had positive interactions.

I didn't attack troons. I didn't call anyone invalid (in fact, as I said clearly, I don't believe in validity). I called androphiles and gynephiles both 'males'... because it's true. It's biology. I'm a male too. Whoopie.

The only thing that I can see that'd be read as antagonizing is me saying that I've encountered people who are delusional straight men. This is in reference to people who claim to be androphilic, but who I don't believe they actually are. My reasons for thinking this range from them hitting on me, to them confessing that they've had girlfriends before, or fucked women. If I think all troons are males... and I encounter someone who fucks women but calls themselves androphilic... what is that but a delusional straight guy? That's not an attack on troons. It's an attack on liars.

Like, genuinely, it's wild. I didn't attack anyone. You're just lashing out for no reason. I have posted no messages that insult or attack anyone:
youre just wrong all around? how does having sex with a woman make you straight? tons of bi guys did it then end up fucking twinks and trannies dl after a few boring years of marriage. so theyre straight because they fucked a woman once?

youre retarded and have puddle deep understanding of anything you talk about because your brain stopped developing when you started lupron at 14.
Okay... let's replace the word straight with 'gynephilic'. It just means attracted to women. We'll drop the monosexual exclusivity.

If someone claims to be exclusively attracted to men (i.e., be a straight trans woman)... but is fucking women in the pussy. Am I ridiculous for thinking that this person is in denial about the fact that they experience gynephilia? Really?
you have to understand the suspicion when smth like 5% of women admit to being attracted to women and for trans women it’s something like 60%

these two things might not be exactly the same
wow this sounds exactly like something i would write kek
This is 100% true I am not even going to read the replies.
do you have a discord i can add, im also hsts that writes post exactly like these kek its refreshing seeing someone else do it
>how to spot fake hsts
If they know what hsts or agp mean, they are agp
I have a twitter that I message ppl from here on
youngshit when did you start hrt
idk, I don't talk about loving men, but men can be pretty hot
blockers when i was like 12
estrogen when i turned 14
thats the whole point, obviously u like them. but its suspicious to talk about it so much.

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