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>anti aging influencer twink
>is 35
>no HRT
His lifestyle is incredibly shit and no fun. He literally avoids smiling to prevent wrinkle lines, it's not healthy
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you can see his age the weird face won't save him
What's the point of living at that point
at least i'm fully devoloped
I'm gonna try to smile more while I'm alive
so weird
I can't imagine he would attract anyone but pedophiles
I truly do not know.
You should anon, it will make you happier in the long run.
His head is so fucking tiny his body proportions are all wrong like his neck is huge and so thick his arms are so big but his legs are so fucking tiny what's wrong with him he's got to have some sort of syndrone right
I've been a babyface my entire life and have had people think I'm 8-10 years younger than I actually am. i genuinely worry about looking like complete shit once I actually get to my 40-50s
Yeah, he looks like a normal teenager in some carefully angled pics but you can see when it's zoomed out he really looks like an anorexic skeletal alien.
never a bad idea
go listen to some good music if you aren't already, something you can dance or bob/bang your head or otherwise move to
God it feels great to just do that nowadays
truly one of the greatest pleasures, and easily attainable too
It's funny because I kinda of didn't listen to music as a teenager but nowadays I'll just listen to it on my room while doing nothing else it's so weirdly fun I'll catch myself humming to something and just doing that waving thing or boobing my head while doing chores or something it's great to be alive and feel alive
also really rewarding to learn an instrument; even if you don't intend to be a musician or write music or w/e, it's nice just to be able to putz around on guitar/piano/whatever and play stuff you like
I'll see if I can buy a guitar once I get a little bit extra money I want to just mess with it just for myself it's something I always wanted to do but locked it away much like a lot of things in my life.
i hope you can, and best of luck if you do! guitar's really fun to play
why he look weird
he look so fucking weird
On the right he looks normal if a bit weird but looks like a complete freak on the left
male skull, female body
also is probably like 15bmi
>female body
That is not a female body wtf you smoking
He looks like what an alien would think a human looks like don't call him feminine he's not he's fucking weird
my theory: his fat deposits have depleted like those of a normal 35 year old but his skeleton has never matured neither did his muscles that's why he got veins like a powerlifter and that overall gay alien look
A lifetime of anorexia.

But he does look feminine in the sense that he has youthful features. His overall build looks adolescent, which, while not hyper feminine, leans more toward feminine than masculine.

This is a well known fact about humans, that youthful features are more feminine: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoteny_in_humans

I had eating disorders when I was young and ended up with a much more gracile build than usual. I also never had a beard and my voice didn't drop as much as my male relative's. I've often wondered if the eating disorders may have stunted my puberty.
go outside
bro looks like this nahhhh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xb20kHvX6Oc
I didn't say he was attractive. I didn't say he had a "female" body. But he does objectively have a more feminine build than 99% of 35 year old males. There's no "go outside" to it.

In fact, maybe you should go outside. It seems like you aren't aware of a.) what a usual 35 year old man looks like or b.) that women tend to have narrower frames and thinner bones, just like this guy does.
find me a pic of him with more than 5pixels/km
i know he has a giant forehead under that bang
he has a youtube channel where he uploads frequently, there are posts going back to 2013 so you can see he's always kind of had a weird face
So what are the odds that this is a pooner? I mean just look at “his” eyes
so we don't have any decent quality pictures without frequency separation and other shit. got it
pooners don't have coomer arms
This guy will never have a relationship with a normal person.
He has a bf, what about you?
i have a bf. what now?
I didn’t ask you?
i share this sentiment >>37309858
Did I hurt you feelings lmfaoo
no? are you stupid?
Buh buh buh
kek are you the faggot in op's picture?
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Yep, I have a bf. We have been together for about 8ish years. Bonus points: we look similar enough in age that onlookers don't wonder if they should call the cops when we go out together.
He's a high IQ upperclass whitoid with good long term planning and decent twink looks he's set for life.
Lil' cuzzo looks like an alien.

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