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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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how do you feel about it?
Choices have consequences
Feeling like settling down with a woman.
I think gay men have entirely too much fucking sex. Stop barebacking, goddamn.
Nobody forced them to take cock in the ass.
Not with PrEP
The men dressed in black in op's image should've used it then
I did
damb looks like straight people's fault
so why didn't they stop having crazy sex and multiple partners when a death sex plague was offing all their friends?
men are sex addicts, what else is new
doesn't really affect me since i'm monogamous. people who sleep around are yucky
Thank a straight person for your existence today
We owe everything to straight people
We're letting them down
why didn't they just not have sex during the aids epidemic? like it can't really spread in that many other ways, right?
Men are retarded sex-crazed apes
People in this thread forget that President at the time purposefully kept knowledge of AIDS secret and withheld healthcare from gays

But still I will be honest I do not feel bad for most of them. Just stop having sex I am sorry but I do not feel sorry if you have unsafe sex knowing full well AIDS exists and then die
T. Gay male
yeah, but then why do they want us to feel sorry for them? we don't hold pity-parties for antivax people who died from covid either.
but like... their friends started mysteriously dying. didn't they wonder why it was mostly contained to their circles and not straights? wouldn't it make sense to consider there's some unique trait going on that makes the illness stick like that?
Tell that to >>37308467
>doesn't really affect me since i'm monogamous
That's what all the black women with DL husbands said.
I am not sure if you read my post or not but again if goverment kept that shit secret on purpose to kill fags then (some of them) can't be blamed

aids can take decades to kill someone and can look like other illnesses, especially to an untrained eye. 59 year old dies of a rare type of lung or skin cancer and had the flu a lot before they died? By itself it is not unusual. Gays are a small minority of the population. Remember, people contracting aids in the early 80s before anyone knew about it will only be getting sick and dying around the turn of the century, after aids activism had started.
If they died how come they're standing there dressed in black?
>be a group known for being biological incubators of the worst STDs known to humanity
>be incredibly promiscuous and spread these diseases to epidemic levels
>pls feel sorry for our deaths that we brought on by our own behavior
Yeah it must have been brutal for people who went through it but it's not like I'm gonna lose sleep over it.
A cure is now available, for the low low price of a new car

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