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Fuck Jannies Edition

Question of the day: What’s your favorite skincare product?
Fuck the rest of the info didn’t paste

>What is a femboy?
A femboy is a male that pursues a feminine appearance for himself whilst still identifying as male

>Are femboys trans?
The majority of femboys are cisgendered. Femboy is not a 'stepping stone' to trans, it is a stand alone identity.

>Can trans post here?
Trans people are welcome to post in /fbg/ and identify as femboy if they want, but this is not a trans thread.

>Why dont I ever see femboys irl?
Femboys are often lumped in with trans people and are also subject to transphobia. For this reason, many do not present feminine in public, even if they would prefer to.

>Im in my 30s, is it too late for me to be a femboy?
No, recent advances in the sciences of lifestyle and self care have made it possible to maintain a youthful appearance much longer than was possible in previous generations

>Do femboys have to be thin?
Thin is the most popular body type, but there is a very dedicated fanbase for chubby femboys as well.

>Do you 'age out' of being a femboy?
No, older femboys simply become femguys. You can continue the lifestyle as long as you wish.

>But I heard that 'femininity doesnt last'?
Masculinity doesnt last either. Old people dont look masculine, they look like bulldogs. The simple fact is that beauty itself doesnt last, and this applies to both men and women equally. It is on all of us to maintain our appearances as long as we can.

>Any tips on how to look better?
Genetics play a role in both facial aging and preventing hairloss, but you can help maintain your appearances through lifestyle and self care techniques. Most people grossly underestimate how long they can keep a youthful appearance, if theyre willing to put the effort in. Wear moisturizer and sunscreen. Avoid alcohol, smoking, and drugs. Wear a hat when you go outside. Post ITT for more

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