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my psychologist told me i should try to think about my goals when im like 30 or 40 and already living as a woman (hypothetically) but i cant imagine that actually happening because i can only relate to other trans people on 4chan and there is basically no one who transitions long term and lives a content life as their preferred gender who is still on this dumpster fire of a board, its all miserable people who either cant socially transition after 10 years of hrt or are 2 months into hrt
>is still on this dumpster fire of a board
after 40 4chan dot org directs you to susans place
does susans place even exist anymore i just know it was a thing in like the 90s or 2000s
ma i doomed then
One doesn't graduate into Susans. Those people started out that way. Every site has its own special kind of brainrot reflective of the userbase. 4chan goes kinda in the opposite direction mentally with neurotic self-awareness that can be just as cripplingly retarded as honfidence.
hello im a 30 year old who has been transitioned for years and just lives a pretty normal female life besides posting on 4chan when im bored at work
assuming thats true how did you manage that? also curious when did you start your transition
23 and what do you mean? once you become a girl physically as long as you don't have autism it's easy
>as long as you don't have autism
you know what website youre in come on :(
i mean its just like how do you manage to become confident enough to actually girlmode and live like a girl
im 19 and i already feel like maybe i just started too old and now its over and even if i did pass i think id never actually believe that i do
therapists are for faggots
just say you want to be a tradwife <3
i dont
I'm not the person you asked but I'm 29 and started hrt at 19.My life is pretty normal all things considered. Husband, [spoiler][/spoiler]house, and I work as a teacher at the local highschool.
The key to confidence is to just fake it at the beginning.
Everyone goes through the akward boy/girl stage when you're just starting out on hrt.
It's inevitable and lasts up to a year sometimes even longer.
When you get stares, and you will, just think to yourself that something must be working.
You're moving in the right direction.
Think about it, men don't get stares, so that means the hrt is doing it's job.
As long as remain confident in that things are going to work out, you'll be okay.
Eventually those stares will be replaced by another kind of stare, maybe someone will ask you out, or you'll get more compliments.
Take those experiences and internalise them to build up real confidence and the rest will flow naturally from there.
Hope this helps :)
ur based waow
im low-key jealous, but glad i can compare myself to someone who started at the same age
i guess unfortunately eventually i have to start girlmoding if i wanna be a girl, who would have thought
hey but im also studying to pursue a career path that could end up with me being a teacher so we are kinda twinning
i dont really intend to get married though maybe ill change my mind on that later but congrats!!!

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