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What's the end game in straight rep4rep. Do they end up transitioning. Or mutual suicide?
who do u think kills who first? the amab repper or the afab repper? who abuses who? my theory is the afab repper is the abuser until the amab repper snaps and does a murder suicide
they both blossom simultaneously into an ultra gay boomerhon t4t transbian couple
and make everyone uncomfortable with their agp antics until they die
You didn't even read the the first phrase
i wanna be in a rep4rep relationship
>What's the end game in straight rep4rep
having kids (which passes on the autism genes) and breaking down when the respective midlife crisis comes.
The or throwing out their kids when they inevitably troon out on them. Either that or it mindbreaks them and they finally crack and become boomerhons.
>straight rep4rep
Sex on LSD for a bodyswap experience.
>they finally crack and become boomerhons.
it kinda sounds qt when both would do it together
all hons become transbians if they havent already secured a wife pre-transition willing to put up with their bullshit
it doesnt matter if they started off "straight"
straight rep4rep implies that the wife is a ftm repper
reppers typically transition when they come into contact with each other. it's like a chemical reaction or something
saw this once. both fat and both wearing covid masks.
having one parent troon out is terrible but having both you parents troon is kinda based ngl. Unless they divorce. The main problem with troon parents is that they divorce and the wife hates her new transbian boomerhon husband
When you see your own misery on someone else it triggers something in your brain. It's why some people don't like a flaw they have on other people because it reminds them of themselves. "Oh my god they're miserable I do NOT want to be like that holy shit"
they have kids who they torture for being gnc and brainwash against trannies and then when their kids finally snap and come out they just deny everything and claim there “were never any signs”
So like regular parents

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