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>30th birthday is coming up and I can't bring myself to take HRT even though I'm dreading the male aging process that I'm currently going through
Damn, I'm really gonna keep repping until I break down and troon out after 40 to 50 years of living as a man aren't I?
Don't worry you'll be 30 soon enough HRT won't do anything at that point
Sounds like you already know you're gonna do it eventually, might as well be now
>I'm really gonna keep repping until I break down and troon out aren't i
Besides bone stuff and years of extra body hair growth to undo what effects do latehons miss out on?

I keep waiting for a better moment to do it. I'm pretty sure if and when I actually do it I won't be thinking straight or going through a midlife crisis lmao.

I wanna just get it over with but whenever I actually try to do it, I can't do it.
>what effects do latehons miss out on?
Brain changes
Literally everything you look like a man the very structure of your body is mainly your face your torso your back
Hrt doesn't magically stop doing anything after 30 btw
Yeah you'll look just like any other girl after a couple of years
I mean you still have to work at it, much harder than youngshits if you want to pass, but it isn't like you're suddenly taking sugar pills
I'm kinda worried about becoming a mentally deficient boomerhon.
Youngshits all seem like complete sociopaths and bad people overall.
Midshits are cool though.

Yeah that's bone.

I've given up on passing and a certain age you can't even get FFS since doctors don't like operating on old people.
I can either rep or HRT manmode.
How tall are you and how big are your shoulders
I don't know what you look like, your body might have a chance, but you will be mentally fucked up FOREVER.
I transitioned at 34 and people call me a luckshit and passoid and whatever it doesn't fucking matter my mind is irrevocably fucked from repping that long
>How tall are you
5'9 so I would be a heighthon

>how big are your shoulders
Um I think 17 or 18 inches bideltoid? It's hard to measure

>I transitioned at 34
I won't be a luckshit passoid but at this point transitioning at 34 doesn't even sound that bad.
>my mind is irrevocably fucked from repping that long
In what ways is it fucked?
the decades will fly by
there you are in the hospital bed
The earlier the transition, the longer you live as a woman, the more you're able to assimilate correctly as a woman. Even more than a time issue living as a girl in your teens and 20's are both stages you will never experience. You just BOOM start out as a 30yo woman and THATS if you're lucky to be seen as one. It's completely and utterly fucked
>18 inches bideltoid
that's bigger than the male's average oof
it gets worse and gnaws at you, I thought I was going to make it once I hit 30 but I realized it was only getting worse faster and I started HRT a bit before 31
Sounds miserable and pathetic.

>You just BOOM start out as a 30yo woman
What if I never present as a woman and only HRT manmode?

Yeah my shoulders are big but what's the male average?

What did it feel like to finally start?
Tbh most people don't die at the hospital's bed
>What did it feel like to finally start?
terrifying, shameful, anxiety-inducing, and also the biggest relief in the world that let a lot of stuff kind of come flooding to the forefront that I'd been holding back
>What if I never present as a woman and only HRT manmode?
also this is what I've done, for some people it's a stepping stone and for others like me it might even be the end goal, but for a lot it seems like just the next best thing from repression and might be unhealthy in the long run
>HRT manmode
I currently boymode but I don't intend to forever; a major part of my dysphoria is being perceived as male. If that doesn't bother you then, sure?
I mean like, was there any thought or event that triggered it? I don't do anything until something causes me to act.

>but for a lot it seems like just the next best thing from repression and might be unhealthy in the long run
I don't think being a hon is healthy in the long run for me.

Being perceived as male is better than being perceived as a hon.
>being perceived as a hon
Ok, fair enough. I tend to get gendered female usually but I still boymode just in case anyone ever accuses me of being a tranny I can tell them I'm just a guy with long hair. I plan on trying to achieve stealth after ffs
I think if you can go down a similar path I would encourage it
>was there any thought or event that triggered it?
I was balding, I had been reading a little bit about hair loss meds and their side effects, and then flipped through a new handbook I got sent for my health insurance plan that happened to include a section specifically covering transgender health care - that got me asking more questions and eventually getting an appointment with planned parenthood on an informed consent basis, but it took a few false starts and a lot learning and making sure I understood the possible effects taking hormones would have on me and my life over like 6 months to a year once I finally even accepted it was something I was curious about or wanted to consider
>I think if you can go down a similar path I would encourage it
My path would be being ashamed of HRT and trying to hide it.

>I was balding
Did that start in your 30s? I still have my hair, but I would pretty quickly get on finasteride without a problem if I was balding.
Do you think you could ever get prescribed estrogen for male pattern baldness?
>Did that start in your 30s? I still have my hair, but I would pretty quickly get on finasteride without a problem if I was balding.
no, I just avoided facing or dealing with it until then
>Do you think you could ever get prescribed estrogen for male pattern baldness?
maybe, though I'd imagine probably not? but it doesn't really matter why you're taking it with informed consent, if you really understand, and I remember reading about dudes on hairlosstalk or something taking E for the hair restoration effects
>but it doesn't really matter why you're taking it with informed consent
Don't they officially only prescribe E for gender dysphoria
you should start googling things and also check out >>>/lgbt/hrtgen
>you should start googling things
What, google "Estrogen for hair loss"?
jesus, are you serious? yes, and anything else you have questions about, like maybe what informed consent is
why are you hesitating to take hrt? it doesn't really change much fast so you can easily manmode for years before changes become drastic and desu even after 3+ years most people dont question my manmode

>Did that start in your 30s? I still have my hair, but I would pretty quickly get on finasteride without a problem if I was balding.

oh boy this is retarded, just fyi even if you are one of the lucky ones that doesnt get visible baldness before you die any amount of androgens will cause hair miniaturization and gradual loss over time. the damage is cumulative and by the time it's super visible 5ari and hrt are only bandaids really.

the time to start 5ari and hrt is now.
>like maybe what informed consent is
I know that people use estrogen for hair loss, and that informed consent is generally marketed for gender dysphoria. I have never heard of estrogen being officially prescribed for hair loss
If you're in the US in an informed consent state, the only requirement to get HRT is that you understand the effects of the medication
diy is the cheapest and most effective way to get hrt, the reason for your use doesn't matter, but don't fool yourself into thinking you're a cis dude if you're on it cuz you're not
>informed consent is generally marketed for gender dysphoria
the idea of informed consent has absolutely nothing to do with gender dysphoria, are you afraid to type shit into a search engine?
This, fina is one thing but E+an AA while ""cis"" is just repper cope
>why are you hesitating to take hrt?
Fear of social backlash and of DIY, I guess?

Yes, but I have to tell them I have gender dysphoria, right?

>diy is the cheapest and most effective way to get hrt,
Cost isn't an issue for me, but DIY means I don't have to see a doctor until I get blood tests.

>the idea of informed consent has absolutely nothing to do with gender dysphoria,
For HRT basically everything I google says "gender affirming"
>Fear of social backlash and of DIY, I guess?

ive been manmoding for over 3 years on hrt and haven't received 'social backlash' of any kind. i don't think anyone has even noticed.

> Cost isn't an issue for me, but DIY means I don't have to see a doctor until I get blood tests.

you don't need bloodtests if you're diying anyway, just inject a good monotherapy dose and you won't ever need to worry about it. it's very simple and a vial lasts over a year.
This all goes out the window if you aren't in a US informed consent state (like MA), but no. They don't care why you want it, you can have it if you understand the effects of the medication
>ive been manmoding for over 3 years on hrt and haven't received 'social backlash' of any kind.
Well, I mean just having visible breasts or having it on my medical records.
>you don't need bloodtests if you're diying anyway,
Shouldn't I get it especially if I DIY?
>it's very simple and a vial lasts over a year.
I have some, I was hoping buying it would make me inject it, but I didn't.

I am in an informed consent state. But the laws could change at any moment
>They don't care why you want it, you can have it if you understand the effects of the medication
Really? Has anyone ever gotten it without saying they have GD? The places I looked at all focused on GD
>For HRT
yes? informed consent means you know what it does and get it prescribed regardless, but HRT is prescribed for... gender dysphoria

is this a larp or what
>Well, I mean just having visible breasts or having it on my medical records.

idk my boobs are pretty visible and nobody has said anything or indicated they noticed, not even close family members

i haven't changed my presentation in any way besides having long hair keeping clean shaved.

>Shouldn't I get it especially if I DIY?

theyre 100% useless if you're taking a proper dose of injectable estradiol
I mean it's FOR dysphoria but like, they don't care. I don't think you have to explicitly tell them you have gender dysphoria.

Ignore that other anon, you should absolutely blood test even if you diy to make sure your levels are good and that your kidneys are fine
Iktf anon. I have no chance of passing. I'd be a giga hon which means I can never troon. It's an always lose situation.
Also btw what you're describing sounds like GD anyway, if that makes you feel any better
But basically nobody would assume I have it for any reason besides GD

>is this a larp or what

>i haven't changed my presentation in any way besides having long hair keeping clean shaved.
I would have to be out to my doc, at the very least.

>theyre 100% useless if you're taking a proper dose of injectable estradiol
Why? Don't you need to know your levels?

>I don't think you have to explicitly tell them you have gender dysphoria.
I could just say "hey I'm a cis man that wants estrogen to not bald?" I doubt anyone would believe that.
>But basically nobody would assume I have it for any reason besides GD
but that literally does not matter for informed consent, or DIY, and it's really funny to me in like a comedically typical repper way that you're hung up on that
Yeah. Like honestly, who actually needs to know? Your doctors don't care and you don't have to tell anybody
>but that literally does not matter for informed consent, or DIY
So I literally could just say "I'm a cis man, I want estrogen to not bald?"

>Your doctors don't care
I'm not completely convinced of that.
>you don't have to tell anybody
I don't intend on it but it still is in the system.
> "hey I'm a cis man that wants estrogen to not bald?"
I don't remember my own appointment that clearly anymore but I don't think you have to really say anything, they just go through the side effects, intended effects, follow ups and blood work, then send you on your way
again, go look up what informed consent is
All the IC I see is very specifically about trans or is just planned parenthood. And I would be trans in the system.

I have, I still feel like everyone will just assume I'm a tranny
>I still feel like everyone will just assume I'm a tranny
if you're taking estrogen you better get used to that
Yes, that is the problem.
why is that a problem?
Why isn't that a problem? Trannies aren't completely accepted
well, that is a set of risks with taking a drug that gives you feminized secondary sex characteristics

I cannot emphasize enough that you should really understand the effects of HRT and the possible range of outcomes for your life in terms of medical transition with or without any kind of social transition and consider whether you have gender dysphoria and want to treat that or not
Eventually you realize that it's still worth it
>I cannot emphasize enough that you should really understand the effects of HRT and the possible range of outcomes for your life in terms of medical transition
Yes, I've thought about that a lot, and it's still difficult for me to decide if I'm going to rep or not.

I imagine my decision to troon would be purely emotional.
>it's still difficult for me to decide if I'm going to rep or not
if you're admitting that you have gender dysphoria then repping is not a viable option
Get on them now. Even if you don't transition E will still keep you from losing your hair and help you age more gracefully. Think Bowie instead of DeVito.
>if you're admitting that you have gender dysphoria
I don't think I have gender dysphoria

>Even if you don't transition
Getting on E is transitioning.
>I don't think I have gender dysphoria
why would you be considering E, other than hair loss?
>why would you be considering E, other than hair loss?
For its feminizing effects and because I'm a retard
>For its feminizing effects
you want feminizing effects? you should look up what gender dysphoria is
>you want feminizing effects?
Yes. I would prefer to be a woman but I'm not trutrans.
>I would prefer to be a woman
you have gender dysphoria then
>but I'm not trutrans
don't let yourself buy into bullshit like that or spread it around to others
>you have gender dysphoria then
Anyone can say they want to be a woman
what is that even supposed to mean?
are you afraid of being one of those dangerous fake trannies who take hormones to change their bodies and are satisfied with their secondary sex characteristics changing but... are somehow not trutrans enough to deserve it? fuck off with that

look I'm not doing this, I'm not pinkpill "debating" you out of repressing because you're too fucking stupid or inhibited by insecurity to think about this critically
>too fucking stupid or inhibited by insecurity
I'm inhibited mostly by fear. I think some people can be on HRT while not being trutrans though.
Get HRT if you really desire it that much. If you live in a country which utilises gatekeeping tactics like an unnecessarily long waiting list, get DIY injectables from merchants like TeaHRT or Otokonoko. It's your choice. Transition or become an ogrehon.

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