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you do realize that most "passoids" have XY chromosomal misalignment, right?
no whats that
no such thing
when the Y chromosome is misshaped and makes a male with very female characteristics, for instance their bone structure and even breasts may resemble an XX chromosome individual
oh cool I'm not that
this or pais etc etc, it's always something. every true passoid i meet either got lucky with surgically removable clocks only, or eventually admits to also being some kind of intersex or likely being so. and they always have the digit ratio (i don't)
i think i've been psyopped, but it wasn't a sex thing and i still wish i was female or at least trutrans, so i don't really understand why i trooned or why i haven't desisted
What does it mean if a few years ago I had the ratio and after hrt my finger grew longer or something.
>don't have the ratio
>not intersex
ygmi anon
whats the ratio
Ok I see the problem now one of my hands is larger than the other.
honestly idk, i forgot basically all the useful information about digit ratios except for the part where my long ring fingers make me a faketrans gigahon, it was hard to keep taking a scientific interest in it while knowing that
I don't as far as I know, but I don't have much reason to believe that I do other than heightened prolactin levels during puberty.
Most people are ugly.
>when the Y chromosome is misshaped and makes a male with very female characteristics, for instance their bone structure and even breasts may resemble an XX chromosome individual
in one sense i guess i made it already
but i don't understand the nature of my passing. i am massive and mannish, a tall boy, a twink in a push up bra. i never really got facial hair but i do have enough for a faint shadow that i haven't been able to afford to laser, haven't been able to afford ffs either, basically just an hrt twinkhon for over half a decade now. it's painfully obvious that i'm not trutrans and not female. with my shoulders i barely even qualify as twink, they could qualify for the nba.
it doesn't make sense anon. it's like the whole world is playing a joke on me. and then there are the intersex passoids with the good digit ratios and the short heights and the pretty faces and the normal female breast development and the small ribcages and shoulder. they make sense, they're real, their stealth makes sense. they're fundamentally trans, i'm not. i'm somehow for some reason being hugboxed everywhere. maybe americans are just too polite to mock me
you sound bdd nona
hormones, not genetics
i don't know, maybe. i definitely am mogged hard by other trannies i interact with. passgen always knew to put me at twinkhon (tierlists sometimes dropped me very low), until i made friends there and mysteriously started getting told i passed.
i am in a weird space where i distinctly don't look like a cis woman, but somehow i also only rarely get clocked as a trans woman. maybe i look like a cishon, maybe it's my cunted voice, no idea
both innit

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