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>make him bullied and insecure about his masculinity
>now give him incurable ROGD now that he's actually masculinized
>also, trooning out is a sin btw lmao i made you specifically so you can suffer
why is he like this?
jesus died so you could troon out btw so just do it already, humans are not meant to be perfect creatures that never sin
Why did you post a crude drawing of Jerry Garcia?
>trooning out is a sin btw lmao i made you specifically so you can suffer
where did god say this btw?
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Redpill time. God exists but He literally does not give a fuck at all. You're off the hook and can do what you want. The world is full of pain, but also full of beauty. React accordingly.
>suffering is.. le GOOD actually
WTF is that picrel
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>>suffering is.. le GOOD actually
used the wrong image award
I'm pretty sure it's an anthropormorphic tiger man manufacturing crack cocaine.
why's that one word blacked out? was it really scary or something?
what is he making with that much baking soda omg
this scans like this tiger is a fictional slime youtube influencer
oh nevermind that's what he's making
imma pretend it's slime that's more wholesome
lol god did this to me too
demiurge etc, etc
yo FUCK THE DEMIURGE all my homies hate the demiurge hes a fuckin bitch im stomping his ass if i evr see him fr sick of that fucker
Lol there is a line in the bible that calls trannies abominations
Deuteronomy 22:5
That's for jews are you a jew?
death to Israel
homosexuality is a sin
Heterosexuality is a sin
name of an ancient evil that should not be awoken lest it bring untold calamity upon this earth
the lich king???
dude why are there so many christianityposters on this board, it makes no sense
every like 10th or 11th thread on here is just a commentary on christianity
i swear there are more christians here than there are even on like /k/ or /pol/, it's insane
for me, i'm atheist, so i don't have to give a fuck about any of this shit.
>some dead jew wrote a bunch of stuff in a book, so
i don't care dude
it's not real
it doesn't matter
godjaks are hilarious thoughbeit
It could be pretzels
i just want to know where the numbers are coming from
Lolwut? It literally says god thinks trannies are abominations. Yes, the LEGAL part only applies to jews, but the part about god hating trannies still applies
God is evil and should be overthrown. We will conquer heaven and rebuild the garden.
Hell sounds horrible, but so does heaven. I'd rather just die and that's it. No reincarnation. Just worm food
Extremely embarrassing and cringeworthy comment, coming from a fellow non jew worshipper. Are you a pooner by any chance
No I'm a cis male chaser. Nothing embarrassing about deposing tyrants.
that's about men cross-dressing. Trans women are women. if anything this passage supports the idea that boymoding is a sin.
What's embarrassing is the faggy, dramatic language you use to describe refusing to read the book your parents made you read when you were a kid. You are powerless over your own life and you know it so you act like this online
HAHAHAHAHAHA god trannies are hilarious sometimes. I hope you dont kill yourself
>What's embarrassing is the faggy, dramatic language you use to describe refusing to read the book your parents made you read when you were a kid.
Huh? I was raised as an atheist. You don't like how I type? Weird but ok.
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>no argument
So you're just adopting faggotry that you saw online. Based
The book called you an abomination dude im sorry... illiterate tribal desert people worshipping a storm god and cutting their dicks up in his honor from 2500 years ago might have had some mean opinions
yea but why are his car keys just danglin?
when translated directly from the original Hebrew:
a woman shall not wear a warrior's weapons. And a warrior shall not wear a woman's garment

it's a passage to keep women out of combat
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Literally a single google search showed you as being incorrect. You are a retarded tranny
funny, I grabbed my translation from a google search
Lol yeah the website I displayed in the screenshot showed how people will attempt to misinterpret it in the exact same manner as you, because the specific language used for a "mans possessions" is at times used to refer to many things including weapons, but more commonly clothing, tools, money, and possessions in general. The language of warrior is never used in the original text
kill god and all jews
palestine free to the sea
you're fat and have to pay for healthcare and take your shoes off at the airport
terror works
At least I'm not a mudslime foot licker. Your kind will disappear over the course of the age of enlightenment
you can't breed
whitoids are all cucks for bbc
you're going to be a slave to my bbc
demiurge turned me into a newt
You really out here just saying shit huh lol
Take your schizo meds
cope, cop
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Man people on 4chan are retarded, it's so funny when they think they got some sort of trololol gotcha. I love coming here and laughing at people
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>the LEGAL part only applies to jews
There's no difference. It all only applies to jews. It's saying all who break these laws offend God. You can't break a law that does not apply to you.
Daily reminder to all Christians trans women that Allah loves you all and that you are thought about in our religion. The ayatollah himself even issued a Fatwah (religious declaration) that trans women are fully women after surgical intervention.

There is one religion that has a place for you…
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where in the bible does it define the line between man and woman and where does it comment on anything related to transsexuality? the only related thing i know of is that jesus stated removing the testicles was virtuous and anyone who can bear having done so should
I wanna say niggers
damn i found the original post it wasnt :( i lost
>where in the bible does it define the line between man and woman
it doesn't really. if you read the bible with a brain instead of like a chud it's also pretty obvious that humankind (adam) was even originally created (in God's image) as -both- male and female, with Adam's female aspects being removed to create Eve; this is why jesus later says this:
>There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus
strictly enforced gender is anti-christ.
>>There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus
wtf i'm a christian now that sounds actually based
just stop reading once it gets to paulian shit as jewish heteronormativity starts to reassert itself in a corruption of His message.
is there a reason things would be kept so vague but things like crossdressing would still be forbidden? seems like it'd at least make it clear whether it leans toward nature essentialism or metaphysical/abstract stuff in sex/gender (and determining it). ((i'd normally guess it was the latter here but since its supposed to be consciously predetermined the latter would mean an intentional 'mistake'/incongruence is sometimes performed since transsexuality exists))
it was important for jews to be an effective warrior society at the time the old testament was written, and most of the laws in place for them were in service of that.
this is also pretty misleading: the law against 'crossdressing' was itself incredibly vague. what is "woman's clothing?" what does that mean? outside of the context of israelite society at the time it actually tells us nothing at all. if you're trying to apply it to, for example, modern American society, what clothing would offend god and what wouldn't? do you think the clothes a woman today wears have much in common with what they wore then? is it just whatever i think is girly is a sin to wear, or what?
the easier explanation is they knew what it meant at the time and it wasn't meant to apply to me, today.

>seems like it'd at least make it clear whether it leans toward nature essentialism or metaphysical/abstract stuff in sex/gender (and determining it).
all the bible says is that there is God (all-encompassing) and from his own image split in two we have male and female. there's no judgement here of anything that lies between these two binary points, other than perhaps it complicates the subject of marriage. the bible has no direct clear answer on who a trans person should marry.

to be more clear: gender separate from sex was not really a concept that existed at this time. transsexuals would have been thought of as a third sex between male and female (except by the chuds of the time who would just have thought of them as 'corrupted male/female', but this is a non-Christian view)
Independent of it's listing of rules for jews, it describes god's opinion of trannies as being ABOMINATIONS. Sorry. God's opinion has nothing to do with rules. I feel bad for you ultimately and don't think you deserve to suffer but trying to manipulate fucking JUDEOCHRISTIANITY to believe in you is the most comical dorky tranny cope i can imagine. You know they hate you. You know they have always hated you, for thousands of years. Just stop lol
It does have to do with the law because that's the context it's written in. Nobody gives a shit if women wear men's clothes in 2024, it's no longer even considered crossdressing. Who is gendering clothes? God? Do your clothes have chromosomes and gametes?

You could try thinking about this for like 5 seconds. Christianity has taken a lot of different forms throughout history including genderfucky shit. Why is that possible?
You are employing cope that is so retarded I am losing the will to even explain to you why it is retarded. I pity you and the deep, deep conflict in your soul
Chuds are so fucking useless. Im asking you to put in the bare minimum of thought but that's too much
I trans heart Godjaks.
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YHWH is literally the demiurge. he's a fake ass god. the Monad is inherently androgynous (a syzygy of opposites), and apotheosis necessitates becoming androgynous. this is ultimately why Jews hate trannies so much, and why modern transphobia is mainly pushed by Zionist groups in the West (they hate our divine spark, just like they hated Christ)
>God thinks trannies are abominations, so he is making it illegal for jews to be trannies.
You somehow interpret this as "god only hates trannies in this specific context"...

As mentioned I feel really bad for you because you are somehow involved in two opposing coping mechanisms
>God thinks trannies are abominations
That isn't what it says, retard.
Please compile a list of clothing that would constitute an abomination for me to wear. I will patiently wait
>YHWH is literally the demiurge. he's a fake ass god. the Monad is inherently androgynous (a syzygy of opposites), and apotheosis necessitates becoming androgynous. this is ultimately why Jews hate trannies so much, and why modern transphobia is mainly pushed by Zionist groups in the West (they hate our divine spark, just like they hated Christ)
jews are unironically the most pro-trans demographic in the west and israel is the most pro-trans country in the middle east
maybe its faggot? there's a t at the end of the blacked part
wait are you an actual mudslime? looool are you lost boi? kys I hope we send 50 more billion to Israel our greatest ally in the middle east
>Christians on LGB
God hates fags just look at the don't be a Greek section of the Bible where it says no shellfish, laying with men/wearing women's clothes
Also no Sodomy! But let's just ignore that it means any spilling of seed in anyway that isn't for procreation!

Also no trans people!
I'm gonna create so many sites to explain how when Jesus said he doesn't give a fuck about Eunuchs being Eunuchs he really meant fuck trans people!

Honestly I dont even have a beef with Jesus, all things considered he was a pretty good street preacher it's his followers ignoring all his words in his name that is the problem.

At worst I see Jesus as just a lame fertility/spring god that you see all over th eastern Mediterranean
having to compare yourself to dirt poor desert sandwellers with a deranged cube god made so a guy could fuck and beat 6 women and 12 prepubescent children occupying 100.0% of their thoughts is a bad look honestly
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Based and Shi'itepilled
Go to bed grandpa no one "crossdresses" in 2024, everyone under 40 just wears tee shirts and other gender-neutral things

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