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>mentally ill attention whore ftm
>get diagnosed with DID at 15
>dissociate out of knowing i have DID
>start questioning if i have DID. ignore voice in the back of my head saying "of course you do retard"
>download psych records from 15, learn i was already diagnosed and i literally just forgot.
>diagnosed with "transient tic disorder" at 10, they end up not going away, later diagnosed with tourettes
>chronic pain for an unknown reason
>autistic + adhd
>depression, ptsd, ocd, unspecified anxiety disorder
>formerly had blue hair, recovered
>some sort of eating disorder but too fat to be anorexic. bulimic if nothing else
>literally a gigapoon

all of this is professionally diagnosed except the mystery chronic pain and mystery eating disorder. im literally a tik tok gigapoon with 50 alters and tourettes. no one will ever take me seriously if i talk about this stuff, because its associated with 2020 trends on tik tok.
Who the fuck actually gets diagnosed with DID as a teenager
simply quit being a retarded faggot
This was formerly me until I realized the "did" was gender dysphoria with mild dissociation (main sign of dysphoria at the time tbfh) and the autoimmune stuff was a conversion disorder from the lack of autonomy in my life. Testosterone and doing whatever I wanted cured. I wonder sometimes how much of a fringe case this is.
I love being a rep poon who didn't even know what DID is.
I don't think I'm malebrained but at least I'm not retard brained
i had (still have) a lot of memory issues bc of it. i went by a completely different name for months, and then i completely forgot that i ever went by that until i was reading old emails and saw that all of my teachers in school were calling me this random name i didnt remember. id lose memories of entire days and be convinced it was a different day of the week than it was, id just randomly "wake up" in the middle of conversations and have no idea what we were talking about or who i was talking to, id have conversations with people where i insisted on being a different person (and then have no memory of them), one time i got in trouble and was confronted with security footage of me doing something i had absolutely no memory of... and this had been happening since i was a kid. at one point i confessed to my parents that i was possessed and being controlled by someone in my head.

so i guess the psych thought it was clear-cut enough to diagnose me even though i was a teenager
whole lot of words to say you're a munchie

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