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Trans women can ONLY be physically female if they have foreskins.
what does this mean? genuine question.
women are unmutilated
having a broken damaged body is a male thing
circumcision is the mark of a slave (male)
that's why I had an operation to restore mine (there wasn't enough material to restore a penis foreskin so now it's a clit with hood)
you can't restore the lost nerve endings, they are gone forever, you are a man
unmistakably true
>tfw american
well shit
i win ig?
counterpoint, cut dicks look cuter than uncut. so my dick is cuter, and thus more feminine, than any uncircumcised penis
>so now it's a clit with hood)
there isn't the nerve density there would be if you were unmutilated

imagine if men talked about how beautiful women were with the clits removed
you guys know that was literally just made up right?
also i agree with mina about penises
mutilated dick cope
what was made up?
Also I just had the realization that often the objection to female circumcision is that the clit and the clit hood are BOTH removed because the idea is women having penises is yucky and they need to be removed entirely because the clit does the same exact thing as the penis, just smaller
With the way things are going we're going to need our own Israel and nukes to threaten the end of the world on transphobes if they step out of line
they really aren't. you were mutilated as a baby for no good reason and that isn't something to be proud of.
Natural uncut penises are better looking in every way. they don't have that weird scar or two tone coloration, the glans is smooth and soft instead of rough, desensitized, and dry. also getting to see the curves and contour of her glans through the foreskin is sexy as hell like seeing nipples through a thin bra. so much better than the harsh angles of the mushroom tip of a circumcised penis. besides, there's nothing cuter than seeing a girls foreskin slowly retract to reveal her soft, sensitive, pink tip. drives me wild every time I see it
>for no good reason
to inflict suffering on men and make their sex less pleasurable
cut men feel less sensation during sex, and require more lube,
yeah that's not a good reason. that makes things worse for everyone involved.
its a good reason if you are a woman and want to cause suffering to men
sadism is its own reward
women approve when their babies get cut
it's more misinformation, ignorance, and tradition based than anything. "I want him to look like his dad" "it's cleaner" (we have soap and water, raise him to not be a crusty fuck and all is good) "everyone does it" "he won't miss it" "he won't be made fun of"
also, sex with circumcised dicks feels significantly worse than uncut ones
no, its the same reason female circumcision is done - a desire to be cruel and harm others
women hate men, that's why male circumcision is common
the nerve thing was made up by eve ensler and repeated by everyone who heard it in her stupid vagina monologue
also til my clit can pee
it's more common because John Harvey Kellogg thought mutilating baby pps would prevent them from masturbating when they got older and somehow it became a common tradition even if there's no reason for it. there are no man hating origins. only jews and prudish Christian anti-masturbation ideologies
no, it existed WELL before that and well outside anyone who had heard of him
the point is to cause harm to males

what nerve thing?
nerve sensitivity gets cut down with increased stimulation. rubbing against the inside of underwear instead of being protected by foreskin is enough to significantly reduce sensitivity. this is also why amabs who jerk off with too tight of a grip can't cum from PIV sex and afabs who use too strong vibrators too often can't cum from partnered sex without them
if you're talking about jews it's some weird religious shit in their texts. if not, source please?
no, lots of non jews do it, it isn't about text, its about wanting to hurt men
society cannot acknowledge institutional misandry
the goal is to make sex less enjoyable for men, same as it is with female circumcision
it's not about wanting to hurt men. men are the dominant sex in our species in the majority of cultures, and it's only recently that women have started to demand to be put first. if it was about hurting men, the fathers would object and protect their sons because reasonably they'd have the final word over their wives. so why don't they?
it is about wanting to hurt them
>men are the dominant sex in our species
feminist lies
women control social inclusion, not all power is governed by violence
do you have any proof of your claims or is this some baseless conspiracy theory you use to vindicate women and doctors to cope with being mutilated
Why would feminists want to document females abusing men? How would they gain anything from that?
You are so brainwashed you don't even realize it. You are trying to defend genital mutilation.
Palestine looks like a fat anime girl in this pic. This is all.
I'm not trying to defend genital mutilation. I think it's child abuse and it should be made illegal without legitimate medical reason and consent from the individual being circumcised.
the only difference here is the reason why. I get my information from reputable sources, and you come up with some crazy shit to pin it on women.
feminists don't control history, medicine, or the media. if they were abusing children it would be blasted all over the place and would have a whole Wikipedia article. but I can't find anything supporting your claim.
>this couldn't be trying to harm men
>im not trying to defend mutilation
o but u r
I'm not. I'm allowed to condemn genital mutilation as a form of abuse and not defend it while also not believing that it's rooted in sadism and desire to harm men for women's enjoyment.
>people are just cutting up men for no reason, they are just selectively ruining male sexual pleasure for no reason
>a book said it that's why
>stop asking questions
you can't REALLY be this naive, right?
"no reason"
>John Harvey Kellogg
>"looks better"
>ritualistic practice in some areas
there's a whole page for it. read away.
>here's all these copes that don't implicate systemic misandry as being at fault
maybe people want to hurt men, is that so unlikely?
considering until recently medicine was a male dominated field, yes.
do people ever do things because others want them to?
I don't follow?
Could male doctors cut male penises because women want them to?
would a male doctor cut a child's nipples off if a woman asked him to?
nipples are not as sensate as foreskin is, women are deliberately selecting what they KNOW is the most sensate tissue for removal to be vindictive and psychopathic
if nipples felt as good as foreskins can, women would be asking for those too
do you have any idea how crazy you sound or are you so honed in on blaming women for your own mutilation that you've lost touch with reality along the way?
if they're supposed to be going for the most sensitive part possible they'd go for the whole tip, right?
>tfw I have a huge foreskin
It's concerningly big compared to the size of my penis.
how much overhang
hot. would love to suckle on it like a nipple and stick my tongue in
About 1.5-2 inches.
It still covers the head completely even when I get hard unless I specifically pull the skin back and hold it in place (which hurts actually, it stings as it stretches around the head of my penis).
I don't know how to tell you this but bottom surgery actually removes the foreskin as well
counterpoint, my mom didn't want me circumcised as a baby but my dad insisted
t. cut tranner
this would've happened if I stayed with my ex and gave him the kids he wanted instead of dumping him and pooning out
t. strongly anti-circumcision ftm
Damn you're retarded as shit

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