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Northeast Asians look so fucking adorable. All they have to do is shave and put on girly clothes, and the only thing I can think of is fucking them. They have such nice skin. I love the color of their skin. They have the best hands and feet in the world. I would love to go to China, Korea, and Japan, and fuck all their trans girls.
i think you're pornbrained and asian faceblind, east asian trannies are just as clocky if you know what asian people look like. you've only seen asian trannies in porn
Alright, then how come all the ones in porn look so much better? Asians just have softer, more feminine, neotenous features.
what the fuck, this is very clearly a man. are the rest of you blind?
god save your soul anon
Why is it that even troons hate manlets? He was literally an incel manlet but now redirects that onto all guys below 6ft, this is what no pussy does to a mfer. All trans are just sexually/socially unfulfilled males coping with the fact they're dysgenic
dysgenic men sterilizing themselves… hmm if you were actually in favor of general eugenics this is a plus in all ways.
anyways it’s kinda just that being androphilic makes you prefer tall guys in like 99% of ppl sorry,, you see the same in gay bottoms.
Man this tiktok really did numbers with gooners, she knows how to advertise I'll give her that
No, dysgenics should be culled rather than allowed to spread their physical/mental diseases and weakening soiciety
I've watched this clip like 50 times and I always get a chubby
cuz you have yellow fever retard
literal pedophile
can you explain what makes this hot because i dont understand, do you just think facials are really hot?
???? spreading the “illness” to other dysgenic men thus has a eugenic effect??? are you dumb or am i missing something here
NTA, but I've started a whole thread after getting really turned on by this webm and thinking a lot.
But they don't do this, they try and invade all women's spaces and also try and rape men by pretending to be cis women. All dysgenics are worthless and deserve the rope
That's retarded. I fucking hate coomers.
literally everyone with yellow fever is a pedophile
anon that's really weird maybe you should talk with other people more. have you called grandma recently? she misses you
I have to have sex with crazy trans girls.
>porn as only frame of reference
retard every race has sexual dimorphism
I jacked off after waking up today thinking about pounding this Chinese boy in the ass.
yeah asian trannies arent much more attractive than white trannies imo
because its their job to be hot, white tranny pornstars are also ""attractive"" though it seems they pander towards the sissy fetishist audience while asian trannies pander to the yellowfever/ladyboy audiences
and pedophiles
the chinks got you good
You can tell his face is pretty round. Very feminine and adorable.
>asian trannies
>white trannies
>hapa trannies
Literally my favorites
t. SEAmonkey chaser
cope and seethe
Asian tranners are still inferior to the big titted goth trannies from russia
>be asian
>can't pass
must be nice
op has never seen an unpassing asian tranny because we just look like men and he cant even clock us
I need some examples.
what about northwestern asians? :<
you're racially faceblind, yw
Sometimes I feel weird when I go out with guys that are only like 10y older because it probably looks like a mega age gap since I look 10y younger than my age
anon what's ur ethnicity
Yes, also the awkward way she talks
>people who are in porn don't exist
Same, brother. Just look at that. You'd have to be gay not to want to plow that ass.
i hate this tranny
idk facials never were hot to me because all i can think about is getting it in my hair and then having to wash it out.
i think this girls issue for me in particular is that she really looks like some of the asian guys i knew growing up, like she looks like she used to be a kevin. idk if this will make sense to this board but surely someone else gets it
as an abc i understand
I thought the "sterilizing themselves" was the eugenic effect he was talking about
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Imagine being a faketrans incel and admitting to it on social media while using incel lingo
Gotta second that. Put that face on a white person or hispanic, I'd see cis. Knowing they're Asian just screams trans at me.
I would just get over it and put a baby in Kevin's large intestine
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also wait hang on a fucking minute i think nano nano is actually hispanic?
Yeah she didn't look very Azn...need to put my chimichanga in her culo
yeah i think this has to be like a specific kind of brainrot from growing up in a western society, but still in an area where you see a lot of asian people
oh! yeah i can see that in hindsight. honestly looks a little mixed to me but i could just be coping
imagine being a lifelong dysphoric forced to be a 6'2 gigahon and suffering forever
while literal incels can be 5'6 and troon out and become stealth passoid OF girls
It's called Phillipino. It's why she passes so well and is still very powerful.
true! im chinese brained just like my fucking ancestors i guess
Northeast Asian trannies aren't attractove to me at all, and I'm a lifelong tranny chaser. Southeast Asian ones on the other hand?... yes please.
>Asia has Mexicans
oh yeah I almost forgot

and this despite having a GREAT cis Filipina FWB
nano isnt even remotely asian lmao shes hispanic.
I think everyone is missing the big picture, nano_nano actually might be the first RCTA YouTuber in all of existence. Think about it, if nano said she was Hispanic, people wouldn’t be so keen on following an hispanic transgender because they are stigmatized as drug addicts and hookers but if she an “Asian/hapa” transgender that’s kinda mixed, it gives off a relatable vibe and lure the coomers like OP to give her following while giving transgenders someone to look up to. It’s a genius marketing tactic if only she had just changed her last name nobody would have known and Nano would have truly identified as asiatic.
As an Asian I saw that she Hispanic immediately
Im pretty sure if her disguise was not realistic, she would have been exposed for that a long time ago and canceled a million times. I mean sure she doesn’t look East Asian at all but you can see people are falling for the Filipino idea.
ehh idk she does look like some of the asian guys i grew up with which is why it's plausible to me. like especially the way she does her makeup in her older yt videos makes her look plausibly asian. like i really see the kevin nguyen or kevin chan in her face, especially the lower half.

look at what she looks like before transitioning. Nano literally went from a Hispanic guy to an Asian woman.

Here is her admitting she’s an Indio Mexican
She acabo… she had gold but she left with dirt.
oh i guess ffs can do that too yeah she certainly did it better than oli london ever could. also never heard her voice before, people are into her cadence? weird.
I think I should make an RCTA thread to make fun of OPs post of him being a porn addict
i think her voice is really clocky desu
typical tranny voice
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Dunno I’m an incel and thinking of going for a mtf. Problem is, from what this anon says:
They apparently will never fix the problem I suffer vs women in the graph related. Lol. Back to the drawing board. Gotta pound silicon dolls I guess.
i could SEE why people would think she was filipino but i never thought it myself. its like i understand why people think scarlet johanssen is hot but she is not attractive to me
not going to day i have better things to do but thats a lot of energy to spend on one guy who's not even fucking me
yeah it is, her channel says she got vfs recently? im not going to watch her videos to find out but hopefully it's better now. but im talking about her literal cadence, the literal way she talks is very atypical, and combined with what sounds like a speech impediment, im surprised people are into that.

this is what i mean: https://voca.ro/16CiCcxI1jZr
>not going to, i have*
no clue why i just put in an extra word
Well the thing is that it’s clocky but unique enough to make her seem cute to guys as like this girl who seems different. That’s a good thing ironically if you have features that aren’t inherently clocks but come off as unique and make you more of an individual which adds depth and character.
if you're a literal incel, its not your facial structure or height or whatever that's making you incapable of getting a girl. you probably dont take care of yourself, have weird misogynistic thoughts about women, dont know how to talk to other people, are a boring guy with no real interests, have way too high standards in women, or some combination of the above. these are all things you can change!! some of the ugliest guys i know irl are getting girls way out of their league!! please consider that women are not just avoiding you for no reason
Lol it’s fine
yeah she talks like an autismo male, this is known
Nah I’m clean and pretty regular all around. You need to reverse that. Is women that have misandrist thoughts and have too high standards. Except for Elliot Rodger now that dude was a basic bitch. Thing is. For a lot of regular dudes he is correct about the dynamics between modern women and men. But even pre internet and the overly inflated ego of modern women that dude would never have made it with women. I’m pretty sure that I would. And no, my standards are not high at all. I’d get with an ugly chick to not be alone.
She made a post where she implied being Latina on X. She's still hot as fuck.
I'm OP, and I LOVE her voice. She sounds so adorable.
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that will never be me
You jerked off to a hispanic rcta transgirl. Your thread is still retarded and your point is meaningless then unless you see Hispanics as a some kind of asian even then that wasn’t poinf of your shitty take
What is rcta?
Race change to another

May not be a flip. Latnos are already part Asian as in Native. I've worked with a good number of them over the years that could pass as SEA monkeys.

Unless they've stated they're a flip, then chances are they're a heavy native mix Latino.
She implied she's a Latina in one of her posts on X.
>marrying an asian tranner
I've heard so much tranny voice while jerking off that I've pavlov'd myself into getting hard whenever I hear a tranny speak
Same here. I'm OP. I love Nano Nano's voice.
I would swallow her logs.

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