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i made a long ass post but this website said it was too long, so i shortened it

>9months hrt and somewhat present day
>im now more prettier
>without trying or any effort i can pass as a woman 50% of the time
>if i try im cis passing if you ignore my ribcage and my height
>will get gendered correctly (with effort) 90% of the time
>live life as a woman half the time
>i pretty much forgot how to be a guy, not that i was much of one anyway when i was still male
>a lot of friends irl and online have left me since then bc i got pretty and my looks got to my head along with my new social status
>still have my bad bitch friends,
>im having a lot more fun in life
>i started to become critical of people who are ugly
>learned that beauty is a direct reflection of life choices
>before i started trooning out, i was overweight, ugly, and had a shaved head,
>now im pretty in either gender, im regular weight, and i have pretty hair that compliments my face.

i say all this bc "passoids" were right the whole time, none of this "passoids dont have empathy"

ppl become pretty from being ugly not bc of the hormones, but bc of the effort that they put in to their transiton, my first time transitioning i honestly just waited for the hormones to do their thing without lifting a finger... nothing happened for a whole year besides me gaining weight and my nipples becoming sore without growing,

the 2nd time i trooned out after being "detransitioned" was i listened to "passoids"

maybe listen to the people that you wanna be like... just sayin

at the end of the day, i was born a male, i transitioned 5 years after my puberty was complete and i am PRETTIER than most of the people who use this website
That’s kind of crazy.. after all that work and effort and your personality is still more hideous than ever

Takes time I guess
What do even the passoids says :C, how will I put effort into my transition without knowing how
>pass without effort only 50% of the time
>get gendered correctly only 90% of the time
people used to have proper standards for passing baka
yeah you get people telling you to bend over and they stop treating you like a person.
>rationalizes discarding empathy
>omg guys I feel so empathetic now I'm a passoid

sounds like the words of a bitter Twitter tranny who's mad that they're not pretty as i am
you're not pretty if half of all people you meet think you're a man when you're not wearing any makeup.

post pic to prove me wrong.
I don’t want to embarrass you and make you regret your decisions.. that’s not why I posted that comment

try makeup weight. cycling, if you vape stop, that's the most important part, stop looking at trans stuff online, like stop looking at pretty trans women and stuff because that will just do bad stuff for your mental, eat right, if you eat like shit you will gain weight like a male.

if you read this and all you have to say is " I've already tried that and it doesn't work on me" then you have to try a different way but if you just don't do anything, stay a man
>with effort
>he thinks only getting misgendered by 1/10 people is good
>he thinks passing 50% of the time is good
lmao the honfidence is CRAZY
thanks this is actually really helpful. Did you mean "weight cycling" here? Also, you're referring to the estrogen suppressing effects of nicotine right?
the tattoos change the gif entirely and all I see is a delusional trash uggo, which is probably why op empathized with it
OP is the best example for "fake it till you make it", if you believe that you look ok, that´s all you need, no matter how shit you really do look.
passing != being pretty

effort gets you farther in getting pretty than it does passing for most. It helps, but it isn't going to solve alot of bone structure things.

HOWEVER, you don't need to pass to be accepted as a woman, you just need to fit the social norm and do stuff that makes you pretty even if you're not genetically blessed.

effort is underrated by depressed trans women that don't pass and overrated by ugly to pretty trans women because we get to see exponential returns on the effort and see it sooner than other women.
don't comfort yourself, mentally ill man will never pass
Well you’re right about effort, at work guys go out of their way to wave and say hi to me or ask me if I’m going on break, compliment on outfits, etc
>tldr take care of yourself and others notice
>everything changes when you start passing
ok cool post one pic of this myth you call "passing"
congrats I guess. you need a certain level of luck to be able to do this. I'm too tall/body is fucked and face is fucked(maybe ok post ffs) for effort to make the difference for me.
i dont understand people that come on here to brag about being a passoid. like are you proud of shitting on other people? like genuinely i want to know what you gain from being mean to others? real women take their status and use it to be princesses. not the kind that suck the life out of everything around them but the kind that try to make everyone around them happier. there are times where i wish i had trans friends but stuff like this just reminds me why everyone thinks were shallow horrible people and i go back to being okay with being a loner
You're a loner because you're too ugly to make friends. just keeping it real
id rather be an ugly loner that doesnt make other people feel like shit for simply existing
>someone finally understands what i’ve tried to explain everyone
>it works out
and the hons told me i was just lucky and they’re just unlucky and no amount of effort will help them. good for u anon glad ur not like the doomerhons
If you only get gendered correctly 90% of the time "with effort" you don't pass lmao
All this means is that people see you as a tranny and are being nice to you.
Cis women look like women even with a hoodie and short hair, that's what passing is.
right?? this poster is so high and mighty and she only passes half the time, like the other half could just be people being nice
Ariana grande is perfect
luck is most of it
yes, bad life choices can "ruin" your chances of passing, but you can perfectly be in a state where you do "nothing wrong" but are still a hon
effort has diminishing returns
effort can overcome obesity, skincare, haircare, fashion, but effort cannot overcome a large disfigured skull, wide shoulders, mangrabbers and so on
>former fatty become pretentious asshole after getting fit
many such cases
passing is all about genetics, nothing to do with life choices
you've bought into the just world fallacy because you're one of the lucky ones
I swear 90% of the people I've encountered who are obsessed with hatting fatties are ex-fatties
idk i pass and am pretty and i don't look down on anyone for their appearance

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