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I don't really care about how they express themselves or identify but it just makes me wanna kms knowing they get all the good AFAB features while still getting praise for looking like a pretty boy and I'm stuck in this stupid AMAB body with clear damage from Testosterone praying anything I try makes me half as pretty or feminine as them I wanna kill myself to get out of this fucking body
I'm sure you'll be beautiful some day if you aren't already
i love ftfemboys so much bros
yeah i have clear skin, fluffy hair and i have pale feminine slender body but i dont have dick.
so all of this is literally worthless.
having this but no dick is literally curse.

you can take E and be well groomed, i can grow dick.
but it would be nice if i could.
why do amabs want to be gayden ftfemboys so bad
Why don’t you just do the best you can, and try to date one?
I identify as mtftmtf
I should say “just”, I get you, but as >>37317248 says none of us can eat our cake and have it too
Because I have hideous masc features from damage from testosterone I don't care about my dick I just want to be pretty, they can literally do it so easily because they weren't damaged, there feminine features will always look cute for a "feminine boy" if that's what there going for but who fucking wants masculine features as a tranny I'm going to be fucking mocked and never thought as pretty in the same way a trans guy being feminine is, people want feminine ftms but I don't want want to live in a masculine mtf body because I feel disgusting
They mog me and I'm jealous
I was so fucking pretty at like 14 too people literally thought I was FTM why did those stupid fucking redditors tell I could wait til I was 18 I should of just done DIY behinds my parents back testorone is so fucking damaging, if I didn't get groomed so many times online it probably would have clicked that it wasn't a fetish
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Honestly this shit just makes me realize so much mental anguish in the "femboy" community could be solved if we just openly admitted that *a* "femboy" (noun) is an intermediary gender identity between identifying as a woman and identifying as a GNC person.

It would completely shut down FTFemboys as trans, and would then rightfully shove them in the box of being right next to identifying as a cis woman, completely destroying their appeal to fetishists, and their social brownie points for the individuals identifying as such.

The only problem is that we have weirdos who wanna make LARPing as an underaged crossdressing male (instead of just LARPing as a woman) the primary definition of a femboy :3

Let's be real, people do *not* call guys who clearly look above the age of 24 "femboys". The reasons can only be because either A) males over 24 without hormones do not look feminine and therefore do not pass most people's current and foreseeable idea of a "femboy", or B) males over 24... just look old, and old-looking femboys aren't femboys... making being a "femboy" a time-limited thing, and from the obviously sexualized aspect of the community (Which will always be present, sadly, and therefore must be properly recognized and addressed) that is **NOT** a good thing lmfaoo
It already is a GNC identity, really, but you're right that it is basically age-limited. I would say it has a lot in common with "twink" as a term re:being highly aesthetic and age/build limited, which I don't think is an issue, but it makes it less like a true gender identity and more an unusual flavour of gender expression (hence GNC). I have no issue with ftfemboys, they're hot
Yeah there hot that's my fucking problem I'm competing with a AFAB person that has beautiful feminine facial structure and I'm a disgusting male with a fucked up body I wonder which one is gonna get more praise and wonder why one often has little interest in HRT
I think it's cancerous as fuck to make convoluted loopy ass words that can't be used to aptly describe anything besides a super-slim minority of a minority, the definition of which accidentally creating competition between two sexes for no reason and accidentally roping in fucking pedophilia into this mess.

We're accidentally creating a toxic vat full of privileged white bitches, psychotic self-hating tranners, and pedophile chases, all because we want to use a retarded definition for a made-up word.

Fucking kill yourself tripfag, at least when you roam this shitshow of a board people will know you're a retardio. Thank fuck none of us will reproduce.
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There's no need to get upset with me, I don't even think we disagree that much
I get that it sucks, I'm sure lots of people feel the same way, including people who just like femboys. Personally I don't think ftfemboys are the perfect embodiment of femboy aesthetics: most people who are obsessed with femboys like them for what makes them distinct from women, I think. But that's just my onion
I think I just won't ever see myself as woman unless I can be mistaken by trans and non trans people as most likely AFAB. They get all the praise for being pretty that I need their faces and torsos are so perfect and not fucked up and they're perfectly comfortable with their identity of being a pretty boy with a perfect feminine skeletal structure I was robbed of
I think the perfect femboy aesthetic is just what people call "boy pretty" which is so easy if your AFAB and complete luck if your AMAB

Most people are attracted to that cute boy facial structure, but with the body of a woman + dick (extremely biased because I'm AMAB and have no idea the mental distress from the people without one but I don't care just because it's an intimate part that people can't just see in public) and it just makes me so upset there is a lot them I get compared to now and there just instantly more attractive/pretty than me on general principle
And just the fact some trans guys want to be femboys just further confirms that my body type is not wanted ever because even when i think a trans guy would want my body type they mean they want the ultra luckshot hyper feminine guy with perfect facial structure and they basically get a free pass to body type and there isn't really a trans girl equivalent because who would to be a girl with extremely masculine features
I think in terms of day to day irl, it's just as hard to be a pretty boy for either sex, at least in terms of the bishi boy look. Lots of fujo girls love it but very few AFABs can emulate it except those with lucky builds, who are as rare as AMABs who can. The more femmy end of femboy is harder, but again I don't think it's reasonable to expect it to be fair: attractiveness in general is not fair
That's fair I'm just extremely bitter about facial structure, ribcage/shoulders

Being pretty is a psychological need for me

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