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is this the fate of every ftm repper?
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Nah this is their fate when they find a qt3.14 passoid trans girl
I will live as a woman not pooner yes.
But doubt I will ever have children. It ruins your body and kids are too much shit to stress over.
Maybe one day when I will be 39..but before that no. I only want male kids.
Am I supposed to read this counter clockwise
Wait like for real?? Like I’m assuming this guy is a model with abs like that, I miss being in art school and getting to see muscular guys naked
yes like manga
why does she look like a depressed version of my mom?
anon... idk how to tell you this.....
please don’t remind me
she's not autistic enough to become a pooner
>tfw was scared my dad might be a repper deep down and come out as trans because of how much this board memes hereditary transness
>realize my mom would literally always talk about how she was/is a tomboy
>always had shorter hair (for a boomer woman anyway, also yes she had me at 40+ kek)
>always wore mens clothing and only wore womens in situations where it was socially expedient
>worked as a construction worker and truck driver over the years until she had me
>talks about divorcing my dad a lot and seems unhappy married to him

I dont like to assume anyone is trans but if it were either of my parents itd probably be her
OP picrel will never be me
I will never a mutilated pooner either

fuck off
>I only want male kids
your male kids will troon out because of your tranny genes
tranny gene isn't a real thing
stop being retarded
>tranny gene isn't a real thing
there is no tranny gene but autism is still hereditary and being trans is just autism and some environmental factors
my mom literally told me she hated puberty and wished she was a boy instead
>Grown ass woman
I'm so sorry anon for your repper mom
i am a gayden pooner and i want to have this life (having children, marrying, getting preg, being feminine, but as a pooner not a woman)
Why would you want children?
They ruin your body, your wallet and steal your time.
You have to be legit retarded to breed.
As a repper, I would be retarded to intentionally go through pr*gnancy knowing it would wreak havoc on my mental health. I can't become a man, sure, but that doesn't mean I have to become ultra feminine either.
why do you act as if anyone would care about a woman dressing masculine? no one would say no way to a mom saying she used to be a tomboy or even be remotely shocked
yeah sounds good boywifey when will you take my seed
women are victims chud, no woman has ever worn trousers in public without being lynched (after being raped of course, and paraded and made to carry at least one child by the rapist) by a mob of men.
#yesallmen #yesallwomen #rape
least misogynist tranny
it's not a comic, just some drawings
this makes me sad
Girls are always sad for themselves. Even if they lived in a Star Trek Utopia they would cry about having to get up to use a replicator. Complaining about an easy AF life, as if it's Auschwitz 2.0, is what women do.
See women don't want solutions, they want people to validate their feelings. That's it. Oh boo hoo I have to be an adult with responsibilities BAWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!
ftms can look like this? sisters…
u would be a good husband
she kinda looks like my mom

ive wondered although seems less repperish than some of the moms yall have
Mom told ne she wanted daughters. She wants all female grandkids, unfortunately I am a lot more into men than women.

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