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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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what would a pride festival in Gaza be like?
>it's real
Israel and kikes should hang
>Participants must outwardly “show” LGBTQ Pride (carrying rainbow flags, trans flags, wearing full leather outfit, dressed in drag, etc.)
Why is this a requirement? Why is my status as an LGBT person contingent on wearing fetish gear and rainbow flags?
what an interesting point
why would they do this? are they that delusional?
you WILL accept your mandated colour combinations you WILL be publicly queered
A bloodbath, please don't let that deter you from doing it though. It would be nice to thin out the crowd of LGBT people this way, because these are the types that ruin being LGBT for everyone.
it would probably be fine unless the idf kills people
Yeah it will be fine, go, go do it.
>I will be a closeted gay in the parade!
retard the whole point of a pride parade is to be open and exhibit your gayness as something not shameful.

gays will even willingly stay in the closet just so they can support terrorism against jews lol
>gays will even willingly stay in the closet just so they can support terrorism against jews lol
always been the case, many nazi party members were like that
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what would a world without kikes be like?
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oh no hamas has to face consequences for their actions :c this is so sad #freepoopastina!

What even is the point of gay parades wth
the jew starts foaming at the mouth for the blood of gentile children when ever he feels slighted, curious
the righteous israeli drone pilot releasing sacrosanct ordinance onto the heathen and clearly deserving literal child for their sin of existing on land that genocidal settler colonialists want for their freak religiosupremacist state
the challa isn't going to supply its own blood
don't be antisemitic you moron it's not because they're jewish, half the cunts baying for the blood of palestinians and supplying the bombs are christian nutters
>wearing full leather outfit, dressed in drag
This is not my culture.
fuck off you're not with me
hamas terrorists aren’t kids muhammad, i hope gaza will be leveled with the ground and a big hospital for trans surgeries will be build there
weakest motte and bailey I've seen
>we just need to murder tens of thousands of children
>wtf don't kill kids
>hamas terrorists aren't kids
>you're killing kids though
>we just need to murder tens of thousands of children
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idc about gaza and whatnot I just want my taxes to stop funding israel
iron your fucking flag retard
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mrreow ;3
As the jew will rightly point out, he fully supports what is being done in gaza, iran, syria, lebanon in his name. In fact he wants an intensification of terror, shuls across the world are now unrepentant hate rallies and fundrasers for the slaughter of gentiles. The jew is also fully supportive of offensive israeli intelligence operations being conducted on anti-war and student protests and protestors within the west, and the complete criminalization of critiquing jewish power or simply choosing to boycott jewish products and services. You can attempt to dissimulate your critique away from a general critique of jewish power and displace it onto zionism if you so choose, you will still be labeled a Nazi right alongside me; the jew wants nothing but both our destruction, it is the basis of his religion.
do they target kids or does hamas take their own kids hostage in their bases?
the difference will be that criticisms of your antisemitism will hold water and the assertion of mine will be a lie
I know jews, I listen to jews, I read jews, that wholeheartedly condemn the zionist project of mass murder and displacement
don't stand next to me freak
they literally target kids according to the UN
why believe an org that’s fine with having the most brutal dictatorships as a member?
because of the quality of their investigation you whataboutisming little grub
I agree they should kick Israel out and anathemize them
There's literally a gay activist group in the West Bank https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Al_Qaws
The only people who conflate Zionism and Judaism are Zionists and Nazis, the tweedle dee tweedle dum of mass murder. You're fooling nobody shit lick. Israel represents only the Israelis, not the Jews.
If the international body that tries to adjudicate world affairs is so cautious they don't normally reprimand member nations; that only makes the well documented crimes of Israel even fouler and more heinous. Congratulations, you are so lacking in humanity and moral courage you've made the *UN* take notice.
Agreed, that anon is functionally indistinguishable from the average Israeli.
Why do you want to be loved by people who hate you? Genuine question

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