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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Is it normal to find younger men attractive and wanting to fuck them as you age and become an old man yourself?
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Yes, now put me in your will
I started with Daddies when I was young.
The older I get, I'm becoming the Daddy.
Been seeing a 22 year old babyface, hoping he texts today.
It's perfectly fucking normal.

Nice. A circle of life thing. Like cis male tranny chasers becoming "lesbians".
Nah, that's some pedo shit and you should neck yourself.
you can see the fear in his eyes. unsettling image.
gay culture is fucking repulsive, truly the real vile nature of the moid sex drive on full display. no love, just mindless sex and pedophilia until you throw them away when they expire to break their heart and cause them to repeat the vicious cycle. thank god women act as buffers for straightoids
stop posting gay little kids

It is an adult trans woman on estrogen, lol.
I want some sandals like that
It’s not normal because any functioning gay relationship involves you being basically best friends and you wouldn’t be able to relate

hookup whoring?whatever
She looks 12 and you know that. Odds are she’s 16 or 17 and lying about her age like spicebag and Chiang and sotce and so many others

Are you jealous? Stop being so insecure.
So with this logic do u despise or respect trannies. I'm not gonna deny that there are lots of cringe transwoman doing shitty things but a lot of transgirls even tranbians are looking for a partner not meaningless sex. Or does the over arching bad propaganda of transwoman make trans = bad for you the way it does for gay men?
she is 6'7", I bet you think taylor swift "looks 12" too
I’m a 24 year old cis male chaser
No the fuck she isn’t retard and normally I’m the first to tell moralfags to fuck off when I’m trying to pound 18 year old pussy, but literally everyone knows you’re a pedophile I mean just fucking look at her dawg, you gotta be a pedo if that does it for you, she looks like a fucking middle schooler. I’m not even making a moral argument here, I’ve seen sexy 16 or 17 year olds, I wouldn’t fuck them but I can acknowledge when they’re cute, azelf literally looks like a fucking baby and it makes me want to beat you to death with my bare hands for even looking at her.
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So a child.
Dude, I’m not making a moralfag argument. Idgaf who you fuck, I’m just saying when you’re openly getting horned up for fucking AZELF who regardless of her age obviously still looks like a fucking tyke, you make it pretty obvious what you’re into. You’re a pedo faggot lol. Idgaf I’m just saying we can all tell and it’s funny that you’re so knee jerk defensive over it. The kind of stuff she says on here honestly there’s really good odds she’s underage.
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Why are you talking like a middle aged woman?
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Obviously. Oldfag hag trannies will seethe
She’s not “petite” she has the face of a toddler, and I’m not typing anything like those women. If you wanna fuck a girl because she looks blatantly underage, and then claim “um but akshually she’s 18” yea retard I know you’re know going to jail but I’m also not stupid or blind, you’re making it clear that girls who look like children are hot to you. I know you have a folder full of these strawman arguments on your hard drive bc you get into arguments like these so often for no reason at all bc you’re a totally normal guy, but they don’t apply here. I’m not making moralistic arguments, I’m saying it’s clear that child faces make you horny and I’m not gonna let your faggot ass skate by on a technicality. I’m not a cop, do what you want, I’m just saying we’re not blind.

I’m a man and I don’t care about the moral argument, kid faces make your pp hard cause you’re a creepy little degenerate predatory pederast faggot who needs to be zyklon’d

Every accusation is a confession.
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>Durr you need to be le zykloned
>Posting this on the LGBT board
You are definitely some kind of agp MEF fetishist or some bottom chasers. Why do you seethe at shobros so hard? Some kind of fox and grapes situation?
Take this picture and show it to a coworker friend or family member and say you think she’s hot
i look exactly like this
Discord NOW
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Yes and it's also normal for younger guys to find older attractive. Im in my 40s and only fuck 18 and 19yo twinks. They are even more into me now then when I was in my 20s. Ofcourse 20+ year olds who still think they are twinks seethe in my dms but that's just how it is. Eventually they will grow up and stop seething and chase twinks themselves
ok i'm straight but that outfit is mad cute
you are the problem and i hate you
this is so vile and disgusting

why does no other fag just wanna have a bf of the same age and grow old together and stuff why are gays such subhuman coomers
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