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>Be me (Lul)
>Currently trying to anamax.
>Started at 72kgs (183cm), 3 months in I am 62. I went to 65 but lost it in a week with current plan.
>Trying to eat 600 cal everyday but upper limit is 800-900 cal (mostly subway wraps/sandos)
>Sometimes it gets to me, tummy rumbles all the time, dreams of food and stuff, randomly crying because of hunger
>Broke down a bit yesterday and got a whole large pizza, ate some last night and purged, ate some this morning and purged, so hopefully, all is well.
>Hopefully one day the fatass in me who loves shit food so much dies.
>Used all my savings to get laser and sports bras (weird combo)
>Laser hurts like shit and I cried but it is fine I guess, maybe one day it will matter.
>Can't and don't want to buy makeup and clothes because first expensive and I look shit anyway.
>Hair growth is okayish, I guess, still not even at the neck fully. Developed a small skincare with one moisturizer and cleaner. For haircare just shampoo and conditioner once or twice week.
>Trying to paint nails (blue and black), makes me look like a fag but still want it. At most I am twink fag rn but idk maybe someday.
>Stopped anti-depressants due to numbness and relapsed into sh (before stopping).
>Just moving between uni class, subway, and dorm room. Hopefully, this is the last year at uni.
>Job markets suck balls so much; hopefully, I get something by the time this ends. (no luck yet)
>idk how to end this, but wanted to just maybe feel like someone is hearing how stuff is going with me. Have a good rest of the week, anons.
void? that you?
nope, sorry anon.
Consider a decent vitamin stack and go into full blown fasting, that's what i do.
Going 1 week w/o eating and then eating very light for 1-2 days and then straight back to fasting for another week. first day or 2ish of fasting is the hardest but after that its manageable and comparatively easy.
I did get vitamins so maybe yea, I fasted like 3 days this week but then broke and then pizza-purge thingy. By light, how much do you mean and do you think doing like 800-900 is good for like getting to 50 (aka 12kgs lower than now?
based, fuck weight
buy speed and be unemployed
this, unironically
I don't live in a place where I can get speed easily, and if I dont get a job I will have to move in with my mum and detroon, so I guess not.
by light i mean normal eating but tone it down 30% so you don't start eating a ton, its very tempting to just stuff your face full of food. typically I just have 2 meals in that day and skip breakfast. It really doesn't matter as for counting calories on the days that you are eating but your main priority should be recovering your strength.

If I assume you have a mostly sedentary lifestyle that's 1,700~ calories per day, there are 7,700 calories in 1kg. If you successfully fast a week you will lose ~1.54kg (11,900cals burnt) - this figure is based on your BMR and doesn't account any exercise. It is the natural amount of calories your body consumes from just existing meaning you could lounge around all day not doing anything and you will still drop weight.

Please be safe though, don't try to fast beyond a week at a time and don't try to have fasting stents that are back to back to back. It is OK to take weeks off if you're not feeling it. But what you should absolutely avoid is pigging out and consuming an inhuman amount of food/calories in one sitting, if you feel like you really need to eat then strive to eat at your maintenance calories and not much beyond that.
Thank you so much for the detailed response anon. I will try to build myself up maybe; I will start with 3 day fast and 1-day meal at maintenance or below, hopefully stretching it to a week, and on days or weeks I don't fast, I will try to be below 1000 cal. I guess the biggest risk is pigging out; even when I pig out now, I remain around 2000 cal and never above 2500. It feels so wrong to go above 1000, but thanks again. Just a last question: are there any signs that I should stop for a bit if they come? Thanks!

Sorry again, I am dumb and should have asked, how do you maintain your weight at your desired weight with this? Sorry for so many questions, but thanks, really.
its a lot easier to eat nothing than to eat a little, try water fasting
second this
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Thats a very good plan. i think sign you should only really watch out for is feeling super lethargic and sick but I doubt that will come, make sure you drink plenty of water I almost got dehydrated once. you'll be able to tell if theres anything off its almost like a gut feeling.

Well I calculate my maintenance calories here
and I use the figures on this site to know how much I can eat per day without being in a calorie surplus
I attached a screenshot of what yours might look like (6'0, 140lbs, 21 y/o) guessing that's your age at least but feel free to visit it and calculate for yourself if it isn't.
It's kinda weird and anabrained to calculate the calories of everything you put in your mouth everyday particularly if you aren't fasting so I suggest getting an amazon smart scale or if you're cheap find an app that can manually enter your weight on a graph and just document everyday so you can see the trends and eat like a regular human and you should be just fine, the app will make sure you are on top of any unexpected changes in weight.

i dont mind the questions i actually love people that wanna self improve
i third this
The site is sooo good. Thank you so much anon. I guess I am kinda anabrained but maybe I can allow myself to eat if I get to the weight I want (50-55kgs) and know what I can eat on non-fast date. Thanks!!!!
good luck and I hope you achieve your goals!!
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trannies whtas ur favourite drug to self harm ? mines alcohol but lsd can rly fuck u up
I take a first shot of heroin then bump more lines until I'm on the verge of passing out, it's like not even being alive at all

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