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Have you noticed that trans people never behave like a gender that they are pretending to be?

FtMs behave like AFABs think that men behave, and it's so superficial. It's obvious to everyone that they cannot relate to struggles of biological males bc of pussy pass. Plus they are liberal as hell, even more than ordinary women.

MtFs reek of male autism, autogynephilia and incelism
feel like i saw this post already today
Went out with a girl from bumble who identified as he/him but still just acted like a stuck up retarded bitch. She was also a tomboy. But if she didn’t tell me her labels I wouldn’t have known.
Gender is stupid, be yourself.
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theyfabs are gender anarchists mtfs are autistic gender conservatives
That's crazy I'm reading murder on Lake garda it's my first murder mystery novel and desu i love it anyone got any more recommendations
It's so dumb, some days I want to be super masc, other days I want to be fem. Never has anything to do with gender, I just think it's fun to customize.
>gender anarchists
>conform to all expectactions of female presentation, except for the pronouns
They're not trying to appease you, you will never be appeased. If they're masc they're conforming to stereotypes, if they're feminine then they're conforming to stereotypes and if they're one with elements of the other then those elements are superficial
you have made this thread 5 times in recent history
I always want to be super masc then get nacked and be a freaky puppy.
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What lol

Many trans people are not autistic or weird in the ways you are describing. You saying that you think they all are shows that your circle circles bring you into contact with more than the usual amount of autists. This says more about you than about trans people. Birds of a feather flock together
* social circles

If you even have any offline. It also occurs to me that you could be basing all of this on memes and don't even actually know any real life people. Even sadder.
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Orrrr openly trans people's gender expression is going to be scrutinized more often because theyre an oppressed minority while cis dudes buy "dude wipes" because masculine expression is never "superficial" when the person in question is cis.
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The individually wrapped version of dude wipes are actually OP; they're bigger and thicker than other individually wrapped baby wipe brands, so I always keep a few in my purse just in case I have to release a fat oily shitlog in public
ok and? its not their fault. being born in wrong body is confusing as fuck. now becoming trans and basically learning how to be other gender is eveb more confusing. they basically have to re socialise.
Fuck you for not understanding this. fucking moron.
you picked the worst possible example, dude wipes are openly mocked for being a silly gender thing
this gets posted like 3 times a day at this point
what are the “struggles of biological males” that ftms wouldn’t know about. are you living in Ukraine or some backwards Russian village where adult men get drafted? if you’re a male westerner you dont get to complain about gender
Most ftms experience far more loneliness and less care after they transition and it shocks them
>Erm, that's not systemic oppression
Cis women are just callous
wtf are you on about? pooners are always whining about how women mistreat them pre t because they were tomboys
you're delusional
hsts do
Never change, pick-me-chan.
most lonely men I know have toxic personalities so it’s clearly a skill issue
>Have you noticed that trans people never behave like a gender that they are pretending to be?

this whole board keeps coming back to this point every single time. Why are you talking like you made some groundbreaking discovery no one here ever noticed? There are hundreds of replys and threads at every moment commenting on this phenomena

also, sage
Here we go again...
The draft CAN STILL HAPPEN to people in the states and elsewhere. Some places force conscription, like South Korea. Some places force conscription on women, too, but not everywhere is so wonderfully progressive.
Also, circumcision? This clearly violates someone's rights as egregiously as abortion criminalization. Yes, female circumsion exists, but it ACTUALLY only happens in third world countries.
Basically, you have to die if the state says so, and you don't get a foreskin unless your parents say so.
Most lonely men are bitter because nobody likes them. That's why they do a 180 when they get a girlfriend. You wouldn't know that because you aren't a man.
not never just rarely and that’s why i don’t interact with most trannies, can’t relate to them
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>have FTM friend
>think he can handle the banter
>he can't
>Starts crying

Tomboys are nice.
Yeah that's why I don't consider myself a woman. Just a massive faggot. Anyway I just got absolutely railed by my friend who has an 8 and a half inch cock so I win.
>MtFs reek of male autism, autogynephilia and incelism
Most MtFs are queer. Have you ever met any queer cis women? The autism, strange fashion choices and femcelism are often surprisingly similar.
Yeah tfw anon just discovered queers are in fact fags.
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