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For both mtfs and ftms: would you rather have no pussy and no dick or have a dick but also have a pussy
BOTH BOTH BOTH I WANT BOTH I would never give up my cock now but I've wanted a pussy since before I knew what they were
Neither, having a dick is gross
no dick no pussy for sure, but neither is ideal
>t. post op mtf
i have a pussy and no dick (mtf) and that's the best
>have a dick but also have a pussy
choose this.
srs on dick.
all my nudes have become neovagina/congentialvagina comparison images
mtf & both i guess. i don't wanna be excluded from sex forever, i guess i can live with the penis if i can't just get it removed
both would be great. I got over my genital dysphoria with my dick but still get an almost phantom limb sensation of mourning my lack of vagina. I don't even like vaginas it's just this kinda intrinsic drive. I see my dick almost like you would think of like a cybernetic enhancement, magical curse, or unique mutation. It feels attached to me and it's kind of cool but it feels like an addition; like if someone cursed me and I grew horns out of my head like they're weird but could still be cool. If I had both I wouldn't mind that at all but getting periods would be annoying.
>t. transhumanist tranny
both, but i wouldn't enjoy it. i would much rather just be normal and have one, or, if i had to have both, the ability to pick one or the other at any given time. having both just would look weird i feel like. but it's less weird than looking like a human barbie doll, so... shrug
t mtf
no pussy no dick
sex is lame beaches and water parks are radical
too easy
I want both and am planning on getting the surgery to have both unless I kill myself first.
doesn't that operation just leave a hole with no vulva below the dick
not trying to shame you but i've always wondered how that seems good to people, like that would make me uber dysphoric
both, absolutely
t. ftm repressor
mtf neither, surprised so many want both
Both literally best of both worlds. Maybe not peak aesthetic but literally no downsides
Current options for both kinds suck rn desu but some day technology will advance to the point where you can futsmaxx
Both, then take a pair of garden shears to the meat rod, stupid question.
Both would be awesome, the dream
Both. I think even cis people would.
ftm and i would definitely take both. i dont get much bottom dysphoria right now thankfully so i could probably cope with the pussy as long as i had a functional dick.
Lemme futanari mode
No, it doesn't. They use the ball skin to make the vulva.
probably easier to remove a penis than it is to add a vagina right? id choose the latter.
I would do anything to have a real cock so sure I'll keep my pussy too
I want both. Please.
If with the neither option my sex drive gets entirely removed too, then I'd pick that.
Otherwise, futa shenanigans sound fun.
Dick and pussy. I could just get a vaginectomy, simple as.
2 dicks, 3 pussies, and a full set of testicles or ovaries for each. i also want it to play jingle bells when i walk
This isn’t really a hypothetical for me. I picked neither because it felt the most honest. Lost the coinflip? Cut it all off and move on. No pretending to have genitals you don’t, no being stuck with what you hate. Win-win. Also you can still have sex stupids theres hand and mouth and butt stuff.
i feel this but i'm going for zero depth instead of nullification. will still look normal, but won't need to dilate either
That only happens if you keep the scrotum and testes. Otherwise they can make it look pussish
Both easily, this really isn't a hard question at all.
If you dont want one just get surgery lol
Tbh I was kinda worried people would be weirded out by how I look, but it turns out strangers don’t really stare at other stranger’s pussies really hard. Zero depth seems chill, but what about the smell?
that makes sense actually, i think it's one of those things that would weird me out on myself but not at all on someone else. like a mole
>what about the smell?
I want both anyway so thanks i guess?
Idk like what would it smell like? You couldn’t get the vestibule acidic enough probably even with a vagina, so you’d get weird flora and smell weird. With nullification, there’s not really a concern, it doesn’t really smell like anything unless its really sweaty or aroused.
MTF both but wish my male parts were retractable inside my body
hmm, i honestly hadn't thought of that. i had a prior plan to get full depth (specifically ppt, specifically for the benefit with that of being able to achieve stable flora and stop douching), and that would've been no smell issue. when i switched to thinking more about zero depth i guess i just assumed "flat, will smell like it does now," but there is the vestibule, it's not really zero zero depth... idk anon. but this is a perturbing thought. something for me to consider

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