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>i need to move out to troon out
>if i stay with my parents forever and never leave the town i grew up in i can rep forever
I coped that way for a while, I'm out to everyone now. It doesn't last
>property taxes ($1,500,000 home)
perhaps they should just sell the home
ok then move out
Home expenses are nearly 90k a year, which is god awful for their net income, over 30%
i'm absolutely terrified of both moving out and living on my own, and of taking hrt
change is extremely scary and i have ocd so i fear like as soon as i move out something bad is going to happen
the last time i moved out on my own covid happened and i lost my job
>I'm out to everyone now.
i think i could boymode or manmode forever
my guess is they live in a really expensive place where they aren't the only couple with a 500k yearly income
or they didn't buy the home for 1.5 mil
i found a place in a safeish neighborhood that's in my price range and close to work
but i keep spiraling about what if i pick the wrong place or what if i sign a lease or buy right before a housing crash
it's about 1/3rd and more people use the 1/3rd rule than 30% since it's easier to guesstimate
but the 30% rule sadly applies to gross income. most people are losing more than half their net pay to housing
it's double income so unless it's something really skewed like the husband makes 450k and the wife makes 50k, they can get by fine on one income if they cut out the vacations, nice cars, nice clothes, and charity
i also feel like if you're paying that much in loans, charity, and house upkeep there has to have some huge tax breaks they just aren't using
and even if both of them lose their jobs, they max out their 401ks which they could probably pull from to pay for the house in case of financial hardship
their budget looks horrible but when you're starting off at 500k even bad budgeting gives you more of a moat than a poor person who saves every penny
I have ocd too, so I know how you feel. Boymoding is no different than repping. I mean literally no different, you might appreciate the way your body looks, but it will make you miserable.
60000 on childcare. Crazy, that's more than a teacher makes in three years.
oh and forgot if one of them does lose their job, for that period of time they don't have to pay childcare anymore so that's even more money they recover in case of a financial emergency
assuming they're not one of those rich people that doesn't actually like being around their kids
>Boymoding is no different than repping.
its different in that i have to take estrogen, tell my endo or pharmacist, explain to all my docs why i have boobs, and also deal with the mental effects of estrogen
and in exchange i might like my body more and either make my mental problems better or worse, idk which one
Rich people should contribute to the economy with every last cent but look they still have 7k left over just like that and also those fat 401ks.... there is still room to raise taxes.
You don't have to say anything to your doctors about it. Mine have never asked. For me, boymoding was a necessary evil, but it made me want to claw my skin off
it's ridiculous but sinking money into your kids isn't the worst thing you can do if you're rich
the million dollar home and the kids is what blew up their spending
they probably didn't even buy it for a million
i'll never be able to afford a house lol
>You don't have to say anything to your doctors about it.
shouldn't i not lie to my docs though? especially if they're gonna prescribe me something or put me on anaesthetic?
i thought i was gonna rep forever but as soon as i moved out of my parents house and lived hours away i lost the will to rep and was on hrt within 2 months
>perhaps they should just sell the home
There are many financial decisions they could make to have more cash on hand. Like not spending $20K per year on vacations or driving a brand new BMW. The OP is an exercise in madness to pretend like they are struggling because they are living like the 0.1% instead of the 0.00001%.
>i lost the will to rep and was on hrt within 2 months
yeah i'm hoping that once i move out and live on my own for a few months i get over my anxieties and just start taking hrt
but i have to get over my anxiety to move out first

>and lived hours away
the place i wanted to move to is only like 10 or 20 minutes away. maybe i'm staying too close but it's because i know the area and i'm afraid of unfamiliarity
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>three vacations a year
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Even 80-90k is very lavish unless you're starting a family in San Jose or Manhattan. I can't stand faggots who've never suffered pretending 100k+ is ever not beyond privileged just because they're financially retarded and need to shop at Whole Foods/doordash constantly or they get a 3k/month apartment when there's perfectly fine studio apartments for less than 2k even in extremely rich cities.
their spending is horrible but technically that 60k in mortgage is going into their investments
i wouldn't be surprised if they sell the home the moment their kids move out to be able to retire
3 vacations that cost $6000 each
>Even 80-90k is very lavish unless you're starting a family in San Jose or Manhattan.
if you're making 500k you probably do live somewhere like that
>they get a 3k/month apartment
3k/month apartment making $100k isn't bad tho is it? it's expensive but below your means
the places i'm looking at are in the 2k range. it's affordable for me but i'm just afraid it's too good to be true. other ppl ik are paying 3k or more to live in this town...what's the catch?
As a financial +tax advisor (which is my day job) I would tell the hypothetical couple to cut back the charity and limit to 1 vacation a year. figuring each is 6,000 for 18,000 as well would save 12,000 + the wasted charity which is 18,000 for 30,000

Just saved them an 11% waste which they can keep in a high yeild savings account and would have 37,300 left which is a nice chunk of money to have leftover after expenses. But also the Misc 10,000 is ambiguous because technically the 7,300 is also leftover misc so really they have 17,300 leftover before the trimming. so really they would have 47,300 leftover with those edits. which is close to 17% of their net.

Sorry I let the autism flow, but I see these all the time for businesses in my day job and have to tell them what to trim or whats a redundant expense/
they sure eat a lot.
also 20k charity
and what to they pay childcare for? like small children? why do they pay so much for children lessons if they are small and if they are school aged why do they need childcare like that? very sus
its a purposely inflated chart with figures pulled out their ass to try to show "oh no we only make le 7,300 after buying expensive stuff and 1,000 a month in oboe lessons" Like yes, if they just didnt do that they would have more left, but would ruin the narrative they want to show. I can make 100 an hour but if I hit the lottery machine every hour and spend 50 on tickets Ill say "all i have left is 50" but I really have 100 but choose to purchase. If its essential vs a want is a big deal and half the chart is 'wants"
So almost 50k left and if they didn't lease/finance cars (dumbest thing you can do) and raised their own kids themselves that would be another 51.6k left. Some people just deserve to be broke
pretty much, I gave them a break for the childcare because if they both had jobs where they maybe cant take care of children in the day because of work. Until they are grown and in school. that number could be a nanny salary which isnt uncommon if they both work and have to not be home alot.

They could buy a nice car outright with the extra i saved them in my previous post so going forward they wouldnt even have that as well, good catch. buy a cheap old car and save up to buy in cash a new one, thats what i did
>Three vacations a year
>42k per year on childcare
where's health insurance?
i'm just surprised that a 500k household isn't investing into the market at all beyond their 401k
>Sorry I let the autism flow, but I see these all the time for businesses in my day job and have to tell them what to trim or whats a redundant expense/
is this level of bad budgeting normal?
if i move out to troon, i'm estimating my total expenses to be 3500/month for everything (rent, bills, food, hrt) which is kinda scary to think about. i take home more than that, but still...
also, what's your opinion on buying condos? i can't ever afford a house but condos are a bit cheaper but buying a room in an apartment seems kinda dumb
>they sure eat a lot.
they probably eat out every meal
>also 20k charity
i'm all for richfags donating to charity
>and what to they pay childcare for?
guessing expensive daycares or private schools
>and raised their own kids themselves
one of the parents would need to quit or get a new job to do that
>They could buy a nice car outright
not the cars they got. a bmw and a land cruiser are pretty expensive cars aren't they?
probably covered by employer
why are you fags such cowards? i left home at 17
>why are you fags such cowards?
idk i'm weak i guess
>i left home at 17
the last time i tried leaving home everything went to shit and i came back shortly after
I haven't been on a vacation in 10 years
i've taken time off work before just so i could sit in my room and do nothing for a week or two
since i'm not paying rent losing my job doesn't feel as bad as it does for a lotta people but if i move to troon i'm gonna have to pay my own bills
Some of us would rather not be homeless
When I was 14 I thought I’d start hrt in when I went to dorms in college, I took a gap year and then was too scared once I got into college, when I moved back home my partner told me there was no rush and I put it off longer, finally tried to start earlier this year, took 6 months of being bounced around by doctors, I’m 21 and living at home and way more fucked than I was when I was 18, and way way way more fucked than when I was 14, when I really should’ve just talked to a counsellor in high school.
Don’t be like me anon and if you’re sure your a tranny just start now and hide it.
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>three vacations a year
the vacations aren't even that much compared to everything else
>one vacation every 3 months
4 months* fuck
yeah that's a lot but compared to the 60k mortgage, the 18k charity, the expensive ass cars
so don't be homeless. join something that provides a free place to live while studying or something
>if you’re sure your a tranny just start now and hide it.
idk if i'm a tranny i'm just a stupid male who wants to make a dumb decision in life
I'm paint 1600 a month for a comfy lil studio in a nice part of queens while everyone is acting like the world is burning down with nyc rents. People are just retarded shoppers, simple as.
>i need to move out to troon out
this sounds like the opening line to a hit song
and another bites the dust. sad. the world needs less hons and more youngshit passoids.
I pay more than half that. How does it feel paying for a lot more than me and not even owning your place lol. All that money going to your owner’s pockets(person you rent from = owner). I can pocket more than $800 a month and you just waste it. Lol
where do you live?
Stop spending money on ubereats everyday and learn to cook
In the central south anon where cows moo and doo all-day everyday!
I want to move out asap but I live in a HCOL area. Almost everywhere thats decent for trannies is also expensive as fuck I hate being an ameripoor so fucking much
White people need to learn the ancient Hispanic tradition of leaving the kids with an old lady nearby
Why are we going broke trying to avoid reaching out to other human beings. Lmao
because white families move out to these specially made breeding pens known as exurbs. House after cookie-cutter house filled with nearly identical young families, there are no old folks around, they couldn't afford it.
I'm a college grad who can't find a job. Idk what kind of something just lets you live for free.
that sounds like a really good deal
if it's a good neighborhood you probably shouldn't brag too much or else everyone's gonna come in and price you out
trooning out is the only reason i have for moving out
if i just stay at home i can rep forever
if anon's living in nyc hopefully they're making more money than the average
>Almost everywhere thats decent for trannies is also expensive as fuck
where would you go if you didn't have to worry about money?
>I hate being an ameripoor so fucking much
what country is better for trannies? the northern states of america seem like the best place to be a tranny for now at least
i just hope the republicans doesn't fuck over trannies the moment i troon
why would an old lady watch kids for free unless she's their grandma?
also tradition is a 2 way street. the parents support the kids and when they get older the kids support the parents. my grandma's living expenses and money are entirely managed by her children now
me trooning out destroys any chance of a having traditional family more than my anything
>there are no old folks around, they couldn't afford it.
wouldn't old folks be the richest group of people on average since they've had their entire life to make money?
and once their kids moved out they have no reason to have such a big house so they sell it off to the next middle class nuclear family
If I didn't have gender dysphoria and stayed cis I could've been able to move to red/purple states and not worry about getting my legal rights taken away. Of course I would also be spending less money if I didn't have to pay for hrt or surgeries. I live in a northern state and it is nice except for the cost of living here.
>here's a couple that makes 500k a year
>shows couple that makes 280k a year
taxes nigger
i live in a blue/purple state and i'm still worried about my legal rights being taken away
i'm worried about it on a federal or cultural level. i'd be scared even if i moved somewhere like washington
>Of course I would also be spending less money if I didn't have to pay for hrt or surgeries.
i'm spending almost nothing because i live with my parents. starting hrt anywhere is going to change my entire relationship with money

americans describe money as if taxes don't exist
Are these 500 hundred thousand dollars in the room with us right now?
>car payments $9,600
>charity $18,000
>three vacations a year $18,000
dump all of these, stop paying stupid loans on dumb cars you don't need, stop giving money to charities 90% of it doesn't go to the supposed people your trying to help, who the fuck takes 3 vacations a year and then tries to complain about $
in short line these scum up against a wall they are clearly oxygen thieves
wow this couple is actually retarded. I guarantee they will be thrown into poverty at the first unfortunate event they face in their lives if this is their budgeting discipline
Fr, these three alone are more than what a lot of people take home after taxes. If they shrimply invested this money into something, they could snowball their wealth and pass it down to their kids
tbhon that shit doesn't even bother me. i'm seething more at the 1.5 million dollar house. these are the people we're competing with for shelter
>I guarantee they will be thrown into poverty at the first unfortunate event they face in their lives if this is their budgeting discipline
i think they have a lot of money to burn through even with this bad budget just based on home equity and 401 alone
Imagine being dumb enough to take out a loan on a car, lol...
section 8
a lot of poor people who can't even afford a 3k shitbox up front do that
is section 8 free? thought it was just reduced prices
i don't qualify tho i made decent enough money to actually move out, just worried about actually doing it
>Own a home worth over a million dollars
>Spending 6k on a vacation three times a year
>Expensive car
>Even donate 18k to charity
I don't see how any of this is normal. You have the best insurance, your kids are fed, you're paying off student loans for a masters, they get the highest education, you get to go on wild trips nearly once every season, with money still to spare. Vile propaganda.
damn this family is getting their water and electricity for free? at least now we have chatgpt so these reporters can make more realistic fake budget rage bait
Family effectively manages their finances with a good used car's worth of money left over- this is bad for some reason
the moral is that kids and houses are expensive
>damn this family is getting their water and electricity for free?
utilities are probably bundled in with in home maintenance
when i ask people how much they pay for water most people legitimately don't know
what they save in a year can't pay for a single month of their living expenses
their entire lifestyle depends on neither of them ever being able to be out of a job for more than a month or 2

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