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Ok fags, I'm getting desperate so I guess I will post here. I'm looking for a place to live long term in or near Burlington. I have money and a job, and my boyfriend (Canadian) would come visit me until he can get citizenship and live here.
I'm normal-passing if I want to be, but outside of work I generally dress like this and stuff (I'm in the tie dye shirt). I don't have any pets, I don't smoke or drink alcohol, or do any recreational drugs, even weed. I'm not hyper depressed or BPD or anything when it comes to mental stability. I have been working consistently for years until this move, which is for a job. I'm currently living at my parents' house in MA while I sort out housing in Vermont.
If you are someone or know anyone who might be able to help, have them hit me up. My discord is 'moopzoo'.
Ik I'm probably just gonna get ignored or clowned on but I seriously need some help here. Thank you.
Look online for a room to rent that you don't have to sign a lease for. It's a bit sketchy because you can get taken advantage of, but if you're desperate and need something fast, it's a decent option
>look like that
>don't do any recreational drugs
uh huh

I'm from around there and the housing is expensive as fuck. If you have a functional car, get housing outside Burlington proper, and commute. Like, 15-30 miles. Also the state is run by fags so they're just letting homeless thieves run rampant in all population centers now. We've had bums doing knife fights on Church St. Rural is unironically safer regardless of your opinion on rednecks.
Yeah we're both boobieboys
I've been looking everywhere. All the apartment listing sites, facebook marketplace, even craigslist. I just don't get a lot of replies, or they're like $2200+ a month. Burlington is kind of insane for housing prices
ik it's hard to believe but I'm sort of a straightedge punk type person.
I have heard that crime is beginning to be a problem, thanks for the heads up... And yeah my job is actually north of Burlington proper by like 20-25 minutes, but that's the general area I'm looking.
why not go upstate ny like albany or troy
apts can be had on facebook there for 1k/mo
I would but there are a couple reasons I prefer Vermont's laws and stuff. One is I'm trying to get decent health insurance for stuff like FFS. Idk what NY is like for that.
St. Albans? Crime there too. One of my dad's coworkers just went vigilante on a homeless encampment who stole all his camping supplies out of his garage. The cops did nothing even when informed of the vigilante action. It's getting weird.

Places like these should be pretty cheap. you get 10 miles from the interstate and nobody wants to be there. Georgia is the exception and has its own exit ramp.
Yeah I would totally live in any of those places, I just can't turn up many leads. I've messaged like 10 people on FB and gotten 1 reply. I'm fine and my bf is fine being like 30-45 minutes from Burlington, but my job is in Fairfax so I've gotta stay within 25-30 minutes from there. St. Albans is where the person I got the singular reply from is.
That's insane about your dad's friend though. What did he even do, if you can say?
Fuck it buy a house. Probably cheaper than rent.

The homeless stole all his returnable bottles, so he went to the nearest liquor store where you can return them and found the guy with all his stuff, ran up on him and punched him in the back of the head knocking him out. Then he waited for him to wake up and forced him to load all the gear back into his truck at gunpoint lol.
>>I have been working consistently for years until this move, which is for a job. I'm currently living at my parents' house

Yeah you look like that, and your “boyfriend” looks like that too. I am assuming right now that you work in a dead end job and are making scraps. I say this because when I was living with my parents I had a lot of money. Way too much money. Let me also guess that you are on something, or maybe was on something, maybe your parents were on something when they had you, maybe your mother was on something while she was pregnant. But you look like you are not trust worthy. You look like you did something bad before. I don’t know what, but yeah.
I should at this point. Unfortunately I have like 1.5 weeks to find a place before my job rescinds the position.

Bro what. Like the assault is one thing but you can't just hold someone up in broad daylight. Is it really like this? I feel okay admitting that I'm gonna concealed carry now.
I have no idea where this is all coming from anon, but you really don't know me. I'm going to work as a CNC operator at a company that will pay for my education to move into a higher position. I'd hardly call it dead end work.
CC is a good idea. The criminals are becoming bold because there's no consequences for their actions. If they get arrested, they're released on no bail and at it again the next day. The cops ability to give a fuck about their job is impacted by the fact the state is basically cucking them. It's still a safe place compared to California or NYC, but one bad person can terrorize a small town indefinitely. A handful of bums can completely ruin a shopping road. They just can't be removed. They always come back in less than a week.
Yeah that's a shame. I wasn't expecting there to be that much crime. I have lived in some sketchy areas before though and never had a problem. I'm not a stranger to there being a lot of homeless folks around.
I'm not sure if you can bump your own threads on this board but bump
what the FUCK are you faggots wearing lmfao
both look based and mog me
how come it costs the same as a centre apt in montreal to the north
>a petty crime happens
>drive around and murder the nearest homeless person
what a country
ty for saying that. Idk why Burlington area is so inflated but I've heard there are a lot of tenant protection laws so maybe it's in response to that.
why the fuck is your shirt tucked into your pants you look retarded
How about you and you gf find some well to do guy to leach off of? Just be his fleshlights ez money
>how come it costs the same as a centre apt in montreal to the north
ny just has higher cost of living, i live in montreat and i pay 1.3k cad for big 2 bed in petite patrie, my ex pays 1k for a basement in li (which is a good price). troy/albany has cheaper housing costs than it would otherwise because most employment is with the state
so you can see my belt
you know any?
>> CNC operator

Yeah, thought so, people like you get scraps and your dreams are worth less than trash. My assumption was correct. Sad but when you look like that what did you really expect to happen?
there are other ways to work your belt into your outfit without tucking your tie dye shirt into your crust pants dude come on i thought faggots were supposed to be effay
thanks for your input anon
what would you suggest? also do you know anyone with an apartment in Vermont or what

I'm only replying to people like you two to bump the thread btw
bumping this again. I've had some luck today looking on generic apartment listing sites but I'd still like not to have to pay over $1600/mo if possible.
hope u find what ur looking for op

also don’t let the ppl in the replies get the best of u

u got this

everyone starts somewhere
I am the same person as >>37320569

I just want you to know that my rent is $700 in dfw on the good side. I would have helped you but you seem weird and stuck up. Like you sound like you have everything planned out with your shitty job goals. Yeah, kid get some better goals, who wants to work as an operator. See I only help people who dream big. You seem like someone who will always get second best. We will talk in a decade when you have a better goal in life than that.

I want to see true willpower and dreams not this “I want a shitty job that isn't big and awesome”.

Sorry I am bored lol but my point still stands!
is that a selfie? looking good anon. Thank you for the encouragement, I'm doing just fine for where I'm at in life, ain't no one gonna get the best of me on some silly cambodian pottery spinning forum.
This job is actually with a company that I wanted to work for and am looking forward to moving up in anon. It's ironic you'd say I'm the weird and stuck up one. You can keep your help, I'm humble about my life and goals and I don't see anything wrong with that.
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Get back to work homie you have work to do! Drill more holes and get back to work, aren't you supposed to be out at 6 or 7pm. Get back to work!
this made me laugh lol. You sound like my ex-army friend who is currently doing his best to leech off the government and never have to work again. What do you do for work anon, since you have the leisure to post on 4chan midday on a Wednesday?
Well, I work as a remote pharmacist, yes I know shitty job :(. I want to go back to school for health informatics. I am going to get an associate’s degree. I hate the army so I am far away from your friend and I hate lazy people. I used to work two retail jobs while going to school part time. I hate talking to patients but it is my life I rage here when I am done.
It sounds like you're monetarily set but unsatisfied with your work/life. I get having pride in having achieved a better standard of living, but you don't have to come on here and project your insecurities about how unsatisfied you are with the actual labor onto me or others to feel better. I'm certain that you can muster the strength over the next couple years to finish your education and specialize into a job you would enjoy more, since you have already done so much in the past. It's your life anon, and my life is my own too. I'm just some random queer looking for a place to live. We ain't gotta fight.
>>I'm certain that you can muster the strength over the next couple years to finish your education

Can't do that anon, I am smoking weed everyday and procrastinating. I work 8 hr shifts and when someone fucks up I have to work even longer. My job is a glorify call center, the only difference is that I can tell pts what to do and they can't say anything back. Because of the experience and title. But its every ducking day. Someone needed to learn how to talk their simple one a day pill. But I have to help old dumbasses because I am totes nice and professional. But when the call is off I am just raging and getting ready to call another pt on how to use their simple medication. You really want to know how dumb people are become a Dr or pharmacist. My god!

I only give you shit because you seem like someone who could live a better life. But I guess cnc is fine.

To be fair I know nothing about it. I am assuming by looking at that funny pic that all you do is hit buttons. Sounds fun but for me I only work remote. I am never driving to work and haven't had to drive for years now.

If I can start again I would have never went to pharmacy and instead chose medical coding. But no I had to fuck up and work here. The money is not worth the shit.

I AM STUCK! If you ever become someone and have a remote kob that doesn't deal with people. Remember your tranny pharmacist mentor and help her not die in this place.

A forgotten overworked tranner!
what's up devin you fuckin fag did you troon out yet?
lol who's this
I always knew bro. I always knew you were a tranny.
who are you lmao
I don't consider myself trans I'm just a fag with tits.
seriously this is so confusing bc everyone I've talked to in the past like 5 years knows what's up with me. give me a username or something
dang homie is really gonna leave me hanging on that one. I expect this thread to be dead by morning so thank you to everyone who tried to help. I may post another one of these if I don't get many replies by Friday. Goodnight

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