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So let me get this straight.
>MTFs don't actually have female brains
>Nothing in their biology points to them being female
>A lot of them transition solely for sexual and social benefit purposes
>A lot of them don't even LIKE women
But I'm supposed to accept them with open arms as women anyway lest I be branded a monster and a bigot?
women accept me cuz i'm nice & normal
the less they pass the more they care about being called a real woman. idc what u see me as cuz im a tranny, not a biological female. most people see me as a girl outside but if u wanna think im a third thing or something that’s fine
An MtF can never hate cis women as much as cis women hate each other.
yes, right, correct. now have gay sex with me
Cis women don't have years of male socialization that makes them see their fellow woman as "other", so that's simply untrue.
I've meet cis men who were more effeminate and femalebrained than majority of mtfs here it's actually hilarious. I maybe interacted with two actually femalebrained mtfs here.
They have completely wrong tought of what femalebrain really is. They think wearing a pink dress and being fucked by big man = female brain. No. that's slut brain. and any gender can be slut brain but only women can be female brained. I don't care if you're trans. i dont care about your chromosomes.
just if you want to be woman ACT LIKE ONE HOLY SHIT.

t. cis woman
>An MtF can never hate cis women as much as cis women hate each other
If you think cis women hate each other this much it's kinda malebrained desu.
Some women are cunty and annoying yes but if you think all are like this its pure male brain sorry.
what does it mean to be femalebrained for you?
Because it's funny, and it makes women mad.

Being "fembrained" is just being retarded. Nobody should have a female brain.
this is true the more attractive I see myself the more I am generally confident the less I care about labels. Call me a eunuch for all I care. I still prefer not to be called "He" though I consider it polite to call me they or she; and if you act like I'm entirely a typical male then you're delusional. That being said my confidence is confidence in my own feminity and inadherence to a gender binary, not a vague confidence like making a lot of money or something; if I was forced to go back on testosterone I would probably lose my mind. The bigger mystery is why you care so much about such a small percentage of the population.
>Uprooting society and platforming sexpests to own the foids
>The bigger mystery is why you care so much about such a small percentage of the population.

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God, I wish.
Not *just* to own the foids. Society deserves to be uprooted for its own sake. Been outside lately? It's shit.
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>Our findings suggest that the neuroanatomical signature of transgenderism is related to brain areas processing the perception of self and body ownership

Hormone replacement changes gene expression, making cells/tissue act more like if they had XX or XY dependent on hormone being added
Homologous structures
Viable eggs from male people, viable sperm from female people
Most cis women have Y chromosomes in some cells:
Trans men grow prostate tissue
Trans women grow breasts identical to cis women's
>A lot of them transition solely for sexual and social benefit purposes
I've been saying this for a while...
Notice how they will screm at transitioned AFABs and call them fake trans while they transition becuse they think women have it easier or its sexsual shit. Yeah that's like so trutrans and absolutely VALID reason to become a trans queen!
They are a joke.
And they think bitter cis terfs won't notice this and try to make your life living hell?You made yourself a grave.

But I mean.. how can AMABs even get body dysphoria?? Everyone literally everyone know that AMAB bodies are superior than whatever the fuck we AFABs have...
So it's not really that complicated.
AFABs transition in sad attempt to become human becuse we are sick of being a disgusting weak subhuman freak.
But then you realise you can only go deeper in hell if you poon... a realising you will always be a subhuman female and accepting your sad shit foid life is the best thing you can do. I hope technology will find a way how to change your sex but literally.
Meanwhile 90% of AMABs who transition have social ""dysphoria"" or other retarded shit...well they can't feel disgust by their own body becuse their body is simply better in every way. So i guess we can't blame them that much.

I only meet few AMABs who transition becuse they feel disgusted by their own body like AFABs do. I guess those actually have body dysphoria. Everything else and 90% of this board transition becuse of social benefit or agp fetish..but they are so quick in screaming trender at AFABs.
You do not fix society by demanding ugly men in dresses be recognized as women.
>Trans women grow breasts identical to cis women's
...Because they're on estrogen. What exactly is this supposed to prove?
Where did I say "fix"? I just want to fuck it up, really.
What I dont understand is if you think men are so dangerous why wouldn't you want them to transition? Getting on hrt makes them weaker and srs removes the cock. Guys don't need to transition to rape women in the ladies room.
Just spend time around women who arent cunty or autistic. Use female spaces and interact with womwn there. Stop thinking being a slut is femalebrain becuse it isnt. Do this and you will make it after some time.
Fax, too bad chuddies can't read
>Being "fembrained" is just being retarded. Nobody should have a female brain
female brain is taking less risks.
meanwhile malebrain is taking more risk.
I wonder if starting a petition to "chemically castrate all autogynephiles" would catch on with TERFs. Might be a quick and easy way to expand HRT access.
So what this is saying is that MTFs brains are male in every way except for how they see themselves, lol.
not everyone born male is socialized this way. i grew up with a lot of sisters and female friends
>after controlling for sexual orientation
aka controlling for most of the variance, tranny brains and gay brains are known to be similar
>brain areas that mediate own body perception
that's not "how you see yourself" in some woowoo way, it's more like how a person perceives a phantom limb after an amputation. except, from birth
autistic women are bad
They hated Jesus because he told them the truth...
If someone has spent their whole life as a social outcast, they feel othered by everyone. Male or female.
Oh brother. Find a better study then, this one doesn't help your point.
so they don't have female brains then, just gay brains
>why you care so much
why do u ask me instead of op?
Yes it does, you just don't like that it does.
That paper literally explains the difference from gay brains, and by the way, if you want to bring those up, have you thought about the fact you're saying "male/female brains" exist in any other way than the map your brain is using to navigate the rest of the body?
well i'm nta who posted the study but i've always held that dysphoria is a phantom limb adjacent neurological thing, so this study actually thoroughly validates my viewpoint lmao
mostly men think women hate eachother...never heard this coming from cis woman, it's always "girls girl" and other stuff.
>have you thought about the fact you're saying "male/female brains" exist in any other way than the map your brain is using to navigate the rest of the body
If you're denying sex based differences in the brain that just further proves that your hypothesis of tranners having female brains is a load of shit.
It's a cope that allows men to get away with abusing and raping women because at least they aren't le mean and catty. Completely false equivalency.
autistic women aren't bad. but they usually have gender dysphoria and basically skin walk cis men
>so almost all autistic women are ftm
they aren't going to teach you shit about female brain or female socialisation you need to find non autistic woman for this
(the catty mean girls aren't good representation as well)
unless you want to be regina george.
you're stupid cisf larper, autistic women don't skin walk men and don't have dysphoria they are mostly fem in appearance, behavior and special interests. I guess you just never saw autistic women irl and never saw content made by them. touch the grass you're so delusional lol
i can't fix my asd and adhd, but i still fit good in society as a woman
Wolf girl autism = ftm
Horse girl autism = cis girl
The only part of the brain that's strictly sexed is the brain's sexed body map, as I explained.
you're not very good at reading are you
I'm a horse girl ftm repressor
Which implies disordered perception, not a factual reality of femaleness.
> autistic women don't skin walk men and don't have dysphoria they are mostly fem in appearance, behavior and special interests. I guess you just never saw autistic women irl and never saw content made by them. touch the grass you're so delusional lol
please explain why i am one then
>please explain why i am one then
what? idk you how i can judge or explain anything?
does an amputee have "a disordered perception of an arm that isn't there, which the healthy thing to do would be to dispel"?
or, maaaaaybe, they need a fucking prosthetic arm??
Pretty sure there is some biological markers in the brain to indicate transgenderism. I don't care enough to pull up proof but there does seem to be a scientific basis for it.
Whether you'd argue it as a mental illness or not though might be more disputed.

>why do you care so much abotu such a small percentage of the population
mainly because a lot of people were having their rights over their children meddled with, and the beginnings of compelled speech laws.
The former will bristle any society since there's few things people value more than their offspring, and the latter is a reliable marker for a fast lane to fascism.
I won't speak on whether those were things legitimately pushed by the trans community and they felt that was necessary for them to feel enabled or if it was bad actors. Regardless, it wasn't going to get a pass.
To your point exactly, why would we care so much about such a small percentage of the population?
The difference is they once had an arm to feel phantom pains for in the first place.
>their rights over their children
it shouldn't be a right to deny your children medical care
are you also onboard with antivaxxers or the christian scientists who let their kids die of cancer? it's the same line of thinking
No, but there is people who have body dysphoria that makes them want to cut off their arm, and I don't think most people would agree that arm should be cut off to help them cope mentally. It's a lot less clear cut, no pun intended, considering you're giving something up to appease what seems to be a mental problem rather than any physical ailment.
medically speaking, why does this matter at all? we have a condition neurologically analogous to phantom limb. we know how you treat that, you replace the limb. so we treat this by, as best as we can, offering transition of sex. and it works, it makes people feel better. you just don't like that fact
i would also make mention of people born missing limbs, who we do not deny prosthetics to
You are arguing that being transgender should be helped medically. That I don't disagree with. What I am arguing is that medical treatment does not a woman make. It's certainly nice and helpful to give an amputee a prosthetic, but this does not make it a real arm, and you are under no social pressure to call it such.
This is the problem.
swapping your sex hormones is a lot more comparable to a prosthesis than to an unnecessary amputation. fertility can be preserved if desired, and the rest is not a removal it's a change from one state to another. i guess you could compare it to someone chopping their arm off and then replacing it with a lifelike prosthetic, but it's not like dysmorphics who just feel a need to tear off pieces. even intense bottom dysphorics who lowkey fantasize about just chopping it off (me) really actually want to have cis female genitalia and are just frustrated with the situation
erm these poeple with FAKE limbs are trying to REPLACE us REAL ARM HAVING symmetrical people... YWN HAVE ARMS ampootee!!!! KILL YOURSELF
Vaccinations are enforced because it's in the country's interest to not let viral diseases come back, the consequences would be many more people dead than just the child. No I'm not on board with "christian scientists" that's just malpractice, or it would be if they had any authority to speak in the first place.
What it comes down to is would you rather trust the government to know what's best for a kid or their parents, either way there will be points of abuse and the system won't be perfect, but if I have to pick one I'd rather it were in the hands of the parents. Ideally you let the child decide but children can be manipulated to do all sorts of things especially in the rebellious phases of their life. I digress, between the state and the parents, I say parents.
I can understand vaccinations for the public good. The public good of starting invasive hormone treatments on children is less clear to me. I can see how it would be good for a small percentage of the population, but as you said, why would that be a priority for anyone?

>MTFs don't actually have female brains

they dont because brains dont have structural sex, but the way their brain responds to certain stimuli is more akin to how generally cis women brains respond

in that sense they are fembrained
You can store some seed/eggs, you can't preserve the function of breasts if you get them removed and you can't preserve fertility for something that's no longer there.
>i guess you could compare it to someone chopping their arm off and then replacing it with a lifelike prosthetic
the only difference between this and what I said is that you'd get a prosthetic afterwards, which is no real replacement. Though more relevant, it sounds equally as unsound to anyone that isn't dealing with it, whether you're going to get a prosthetic after isn't really the issue.
>even intense bottom dysphorics who lowkey fantasize about just chopping it off (me) really actually want to have cis female genitalia and are just frustrated with the situation
Everyone fantasizes, that part isn't the problem.
The result is.
ohh okay i've misunderstood you.
well in that case i half agree. a woman is made by two things -- being female, and living perceived as female. (my short justification for social performance as a second component: absent society womanhood wouldn't be necessary, a woman would just be herself, a default human).
so biologically, trans women are feminized males or semifemale former males or yk, however you wanna phrase what we all know, in betweens
and socially, well it depends if she passes now doesn't it, but all things going well a trans woman (hypothetical successful trans woman who doesn't worm and crab bucket herself into an eternal male brain cough cough like this board) especially the ones who were early and/or already girlyboys before transition, they're just normal women in the social sphere. except in dating
True. We fix it by having gigachads and bloat kings like Kyriakos wear dresses and be accepted as women.
hmm okay you have a point, it's not as clear cut a comparison as i was trying to fit it to be. i got a bit overexcited seeing that data point about the right interior fronto-occipital tract and overstreched what is ultimately just an analogy. there is a loss, even if reproductive capacity is preservable loss of fertility is huge.
i think the distinction from dysmorphia is huge though. you're right that the results are not there yet (except hrt, which needs work done for adding all the little other sex hormones but does still work quite well with just the main ones), but in terms of the psychology of trans brains, i think it's a meaningful distinction that the dysfunction creates a desire for change rather than absence. dysmorphics want to be unnaturally modified (even lesser dysmorphia like bdd, anorexics and bulimics are never satisfied), sex dysphorics want to be their natural opposite. maybe a better comparison would be that it's like a phantom limb sensation for some alternate body.
and i'll also say if hrt wasn't so good i'd be on the conversion therapy or like third gender eunuchs train or something. but hrt gets us close enough that it seems like an appropriate solution until we develop actual true lifelike prosthetics (for limbs and organ failures first of course, but this too)
also another thought to add: the dysmorphic, say it's an arm, they WANT that arm gone. that is their goal.
trans people often go to great lengths to preserve reproductive function. trans women wish to be mothers and trans men to be fathers, through ordinary natural means. some push through dysphoria, a trans woman become a father for example or trans men who get pregnant, both of which may require great pain from stopping hrt, just because they value that part of life that much.
if we could transition without rendering any part of our bodies dysfunctional, most would. some abhor the thought of having children, but no more than cis people do
The only males who, without any intention or ulterior motives, orient toward women's spaces, careers, behaviors, etc are gay men, and everyone has known this since the beginning of time. From there you could ask whether gayness is an intersex disorder, and whether it's preferable to leave them the way they are or to castrate them and turn them into wives, Iranian style.
>whether it's preferable to leave them the way they are or to castrate them and turn them into wives, Iranian style
option 3 do both, let them self select
seems to work, a surprising number happily choose castration and the ones who fail at that just kind of slide into the same third gender as the gays anyway
Iran does this?
oop wrong reply
libby source but my other quick option was the bbc and fuck the bbc. basically it happened because the first supreme ruler at the start of the islamic republic was pen pals with a based tranny who convinced him trannies are women in allah's eyes. it's not exactly a "hunt down and transition the gays" thing but when it's a death penalty offense becoming a wife to survive is a choice some do make
Being trans is a neurological condition with brain structure differences that are observable on brain scans and which are neurologically treated by HRT, so your premise is incorrect.
>Mental illness brain
Is not the same as
>Female brain
I have two X chromosomes can I take my estrogen
>So what this is saying is that MTFs brains are male in every way except for how they see themselves, lol.
Yes, because a mismatch between hard wired gender identity in the part of the brain that mediates the relationship between the self, the body and the external world and one's physical body and social gender treatment is what causes someone to be trans.

You are using the involuntary hormonal masculinization of trans women's brains prior to transition as some sort of gotcha as if being involuntarily subject to the mascilinizing effects of testosterone isn't a core part of the problem trans women are having that needs to be addressed by HRT.
Except that modern neurological studies on trans people's brains directly empirically confirms the existence of hard wired gender identity in the brain, and shows that giving trans women HRT neurologically treats those differences and makes their brains like those of cis women, which strongly suggests that cis and trans women have the same gender identities but different starting physiologies (because otherwise why would HRT structurally fix trans women's brains?)
Do post these studies.
This is one of the studies in this vein of research.

Some key points: This vein of research has shown that the part of the brain where gender identity lives (the part that mediates the relationship between the self, the body and the external world) is not in a structurally sex differentiated part of the brain, meaning that cis men are indistinguishable from cis women in this area, but trans men and trans women are collectively distinguishable from cis people.

Further, treating trans women with feminizing HRT and trans men with masculinizing HRT has the exact same effect of reducing the structural differences between their brains and those of cis people, showing that the underlying neurology of transness is likely the same in trans men and trans women, and the neurological mechanism of action for cross sex HRT is likely similar.

In other studies, this vein of research has shown that trans people's brains seem to be structurally underdeveloped in the self/body processing regions compared to cis people and that cross sex HRT causes these areas to develop and mature to a level comparable to cis people.
mental illness is a category humans invented
we decided to sort "male body female brain" into that category, because it upsets people mentally
please just put two and two together here
>you need to find non autistic woman for this
If you're young the best way to do this is work in a bar in a college town, and make friends with the girls there. One of my best friends is this girl in a sorority who I go to wrestling shows with who once told me "I can't wait to introduce you to female friendships" and another I go shopping with. These friendships occurred naturally so maybe coming at it with a "make me fembrained" mentality will weird it up, but it's like a hack to actually be involved in a demographic you would want to be involved in. Also no, not almost all autistic women are ftm, if you actually go into the real world a cis autistic woman is just autistic in different ways to an autistic dude
if you're young there's a million ways to do it. if you're over 25 making friends is basically impossible ;_;
trans women that transition after puberty are just chemically castrated men that you are expected to humor socially when it comes to being female
trans women that transitioned before/during puberty are real (often) artificially intersex females that never had the chance to develop fully as males

within the next 10-20 years youre going to see a shift from the definition of MtF between the former to the latter and you should have no issue seeing the latter as female because they literally are, even if outside sources induced it
>If someone has spent their whole life as a social outcast, they feel othered by everyone. Male or female.
now you're speaking my language
>for REALLY big mistakes
>trans women that transition after puberty are just chemically castrated men
idk anon that's like saying PCOS women are men
saying trans women are women because they're men with enough estrogen introduced to obtain a few secondary sex characteristics would be like saying pcos women are men
all trans women, no matter when they transitioned, are feminized males
what you're saying applies exactly as much to youngshits as it does any other trans women
you're orobourosing
honcope would be implying post-puberty transitioners are the same as pre-puberty
it does not, because as mentioned, they did not experience the surge of testosterone and male development, and instead experienced an artificially induced and controlled simulation of a natural female development instead
except for the part where they spent the first 12-16 years of their lives developing male bodies and where they have male reproductive systems, genetics, bone structure in all the areas that develop before puberty... you can't erase the fact that we're born male nona, it is what it is. denying that makes us look unhinged
now this is honcope
>trans women are women because they're men with enough estrogen introduced to obtain a few secondary sex characteristics
a trans woman is a woman even before HRTing it up, otherwise she'd be a cis man
what? "trans women are born male and we can't change that" is literally the exact opposite of honcope
>A lot of them transition solely for sexual and social benefit purposes
Fell for the meme.
Least obvious larp.
it works though
>just if you want to be woman ACT LIKE ONE HOLY SHIT
these silly trannies were not ready for this message but BASED
you have absolutely read this board for filth, chef's kiss
...is this satire? Everything you wrote is objectively wrong. There tons more people who were afab who call themselves trans despite not transitioning and just being cis. Today, more people who call themselves trans are "nonbinary"than trans men and tgirls put together. And 90% of enbies are cis women.
Politicized brainrot. Everything you said is a lie.
you're retarded if you think being a tgirl has sexual and social benefits over being a cis man.

They're just men pretending to be women, usually because they have pathologically low self esteem due to low social value or traama.

There is no "female brain". Certain brain activity may be more common in one gender or another, but it is never uniform among them or exclusive to them. You don't become a woman because of your personality any more than a nigger becomes asian by being good at math, or an old person becomes young by having a better memory on average than other old people. These are secondary characteristics and they are only true in the general sense, more often than not.

You shouldn't play into these people's delusions. The best solution is to remove them from your life entirely.

Read your birth certificate :D

You're barking up the wrong tree here faggot, I see right through you.
can't teach a fish to read i guess. enjoy being delulu
>A lot of them don't even LIKE women
Why do so many trannies hate women anyway?
>When Mischler was confronted with the blue wall, Mischler looked back to his safety pamphlet, saw right through the wall's lies, and walked straight into it, breaking his nose.
A lot of cis women don't even like other cis women
Not to the level where they're calling them "holes" and "femoids" and asserting their biological superiority.
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Idk man, ive made friends with people ranging from 20-in their 40s (a lot queer too) just working at a bar. Its a wide variety of coworker and customers to interact with(INCREDIBLE for practicing socializing, female socializing, trying new looks etc.). I don’t think your ability to change at least your innerself stops just cuz ur in the second half of ur 20s
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>sort by reply count
>this halfbrained loser bait is the first result after 2 detrans threads and gens
I hate this fucking board
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Only the unpassables are worried about all the identity politics around this shit lol. If you pass you get referred to as the pronoun you look like. No need for laws or protests against what others call you.

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