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Can we please kill this AGP rapehon with hammers?
How much are they getting paid to be like this?

This has to be a psyop
what's wrong with them? I don't use tiktok
What the right thinks the average tranny acts like if they were a person
Filmec a video about getting or how Tony done while at Disneyland, spread misinfo about Kurt Cobain being a trans woman, intentionally films restaurant staff misgebdering her so she can post it online and shame waiters..: the list goes on.

The TLDR though is that she’s an annoying ragebaiting rapehon who makes the trans community look very, VERY bad.
no lilytino should have a public execution in an arena that everyone can watch, just like in the good old days when u took ur entire family to watch some criminal get publicly executed

Holy shit, how did autocorrect butcher that so bad…
high quality typos there anon
I genuinely have no idea how the fuck that happened…
ignoring the obvious glow of this post I would prefer stronger gatekeeping and treating him like a joke, if you're a tranny you should disavow having anything in common with this circus clown of a person
He's a narcissistic crossdressing sex pest who treats service workers like shit, I'd think the commies would take umbrage with the blatant bourgeoisie nature of this pathetic creatura
I think I saw some early vids of them getting misgendered a lot by waiters despite being obviously a trans woman are they still doing that?
oh great. another orc
she referred to the dom/top role as the "aggressor" in her podcast

Wow she really is a rapehon
>>37319406 also tried to coerce another trans creator (who has a wife and is monogamous) into doing OF content with """""her"""" and also evidence that he's been a sex pest since day one and made female colleagues at work uncomfortable and also something about incest.
Can someone link me to that part in their podcast where they say they get off on raping their gf
please >>37321254
weird but so is "dominant"
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imagine mogging your own father
>also tried to coerce another trans creator
>trans creator
that's a dishonest way to put it. That "creator" was another OF porn maker. OF makers regularly do collabs with each other so this is hardly a sin.
All trans women are men. Xy means means male.
I wonder which role she prefers?
this is embarrassing
they probably lied about having one, it's unlikely they'd risk losing their ability for an erection, would make the orgies harder.
why do you even bother posting your dumb shit, you're like a flat earther that measured your kitchen floor and now can't stop posting about how flat it is
go watch their tiktoks then retard "lily" did not make the other person aware of the fact it was a porn collab, she barely posts on OF and thought it was gonna be a tt collab. you don't just go to someone and in a call WHERE THEIR WIFE IS PRESENT and say "oh hey you wanna do porn" lily was very creepy about it but I cba to explain it all here. go check the snark sub just ignore the dumbass comments.
>sex work is work
>OF sex worker asks other OF sex worker about OF sex work which literally happens all the time
>"OMG this is RAPE cancel herrrrr!!!!"
>Xy means means male.

I love that this means that men have given birth to babies. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5885995/
[immediately changes my definition to include the people I want and exclude the people I don't want]
umm it's SCIENCE it's basic BIOLOGY
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donor egg
donor egg
donor egg
and also see
If that freakshow was a member of my family I would opt out of all group photos with that abomination
lilytino is just the average millennial trans woman i dont see what can be done about it there are millions like her
tumblr gender ideology refuses to acknowledge the body
>intentionally films restaurant staff misgebdering her so she can post it online and shame waiters
this is based
the reason she does this isn't because they assume her gender, it's that she's a known food reviewer and she 1. calls ahead to the restaurant and tells them she's coming and 2. informs the waiters of her prefered pronouns prior to the videos

the reason she films is that they're being intentionally disrespectful which is just bad business
dya got any links to those videos?
this is the sad truth tbhon. i try to make friends in this demographic and she unironically mogs a lot of them, at least as far as getting rid of beard and fixing norwooding goes. the no-effort manvoice is hilarious but it's nicer on the ears than a weird falsetto
his dad is really just having that trying to hide the pain smile kek
>have you ever worked in a restaurant
yeah I was a waiter for 3 years I wasn't disrespectful to customers because I wanted tips
>not staff referring to what she presents as.
they're doing the opposite of that, she looks like a man presenting as close to a woman as she can, she presents as a trans woman but still clearly trying to be read fem, the waiters know what they're doing and if they weren't they'd avoid sir or ma'am because obviously looking at her she's not a sir which is why she records and posts it after telling them what she prefers. she's not even an asshole about it she's just ugly and manly and people hate her for it
>kat blaque

annoying polyfag who told a 13 year old trans boy to kill himself, not watching
somewhere in this one. she gives details about a grindr hookup
she didn't tell him to kill himself, he was being an annoying brat and she just didn't bend over backwards to soothe his outburst
All that shit is just kinda weird at best
What set off the other trannies is she asked another OF tranny if she wanted to collab and since she is ugly they all decided that completely normal sex work maneuver constitutes sexual harassment in her case
>you're racist because you don't like 1(one) black person
so true anon.
this person is unreal but u should post urself too for reference
>still clearly trying to be read fem
no, they're cosplaying as a toddler and intentionally acting as masculine as possible on camera. It's nothing but a power move - demand people call you a woman or shame them online for content. It doesn't matter if they called ahead(even if we accept this is true, doesn't necessarily mean that individual waiter just happening to work at the time was informed and remember), it's still not true they're presenting as a trans woman. They're presenting as a troll.
she tells the waiters as well lol and again if someone is clearly presenting as not a man despite looking like a man, it's very obvious what you're doing by calling them sire.
>is clearly presenting as not a man
they're presenting as a man though, literally acting in the most masculine way possible + wearing a toddle outfit. They're intentionally not even trying to present as a trans woman. It's literally a troll doing a power move. This person is indistinguishable from a bad-faith actor. If you told someone from /pol/ to pretend to be trans to make them look as bad as possible, tino is what they'd come up with. Who exactly benefits from respecting this person?
youre being so disingenuous rn and you know it
that's >>37323483
not me you retard.

What about >>37323481 was disingenuous? It's factually true that tino is indistinguishable from a bad-faith actor, that they're acting masculine, and that they're not wearing anything adult women wear.
shes trying her best, if any passoid or cis girl wore same fits it would be fine you just hate her for being ugly and clocky
I also have been a waitress and I still saw people as people and treated those with respect where its due and of course for tips. So shut the fuck up. That's not an argument at all. Every job gets stressful.
>shes trying her best,
factually incorrect. You're the one being disingenuous now by literally lying. It would be trivially easy to come up with at least one improvement which means they're not trying their best.

Facts still stand: if you told a bad-faith actor to troll, this is what they'd come up with. I could ask you the question, what would a troll, trying their best, do differently?

Another question: who benefits from how this person acts? If you say trans community, then I wonder what is the trans community but tino's bank account?
What you have to understand about most LGBT types is that at the core of their personality they're just lazy. That's why they don't work and live off welfare and complain all day. They don't want to work, they don't respect people who do, they don't care about anyone but themselves, and all they care about is power and having the ability to get by without having to work. That's why a lot of them are attracted to marxism/communism in the first place. It gives them an outlet to express their feelings about wanting to live without having to work, but it makes them feel like it's a legitimate belief system and not just trying to justify laziness.
she's clearly trying to present feminine and voice training isn't something easily done over night and really idc if she is trying to or not, she knows she doesn't pass, everyone knows she doesn't pass, all she's asking is someone not to be blatantly disrespectful to her. it's really not that hard.

anyone would see that person and go "okay they're not trying to present masculine they just look and sound masculine" and your job in the service industry is to be polite to people, so just instead of being rude to someone who isn't trying to present as a man and already told you they don't want to be called sir, you can just not say sir or ma'am and just say nothing to be polite, if you want to really be super nice say ma'am if that's what you want, it's just blatantly being disrespectful to someone for no reason
>who benefits from how this person acts
idk people who don't pass and want to see how a restaurant will treat them? also not everything is required to be beneficial most tiktok content isn't.
>then I wonder what is the trans community but tino's bank account
wow you're so smart anon good job. that was such a cool line wow.
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>unpassing trans woman literally just copies a celebrity's outfit for a video
wow this is so terrible I'm so offended by this
>within a year has made a career out of getting misgendered, getting infamous online for talking about cock and balls at disney world, dresses like a toddler etc.
Very organic. Nothing suspicious here. Just normal genuine stuff that could happen to anyone.

I'm still curious what a bad-faith troll would look like to you? Imagine I'm a troll, what would I do that tino hasn't already done? Obviously short of something explicitly illegal since I don't want to go to prison.
“Britney era.”
Bitch looks like a crack addicted ogre with Klinefelter’s syndrome lmfao
I don't personally obsess over her content like you but it's clear she lives her life like this 24/7 and isn't doing it just to make trans people look bad. steven crowder would be an example of someone who does that. She's just ugly and clocky and that's all, sorry you can't handle that. I'm sure joining a hate band wagon against this random troon is very good for the trans community much better than her filming people being rude to her.

I haven't seen an example of her dressing like a toddler like you keep spamming
>it's clear she lives her life like this 24/7
you don't know anything about her life except from her public career as a producer of rage content, a career and trans identity which is only what like 1 year old? So what exactly is "clear" about this situation?

I'm not personally on any hate wagon as I'm not associated with goysoftiktok and friends.
post her dressing like a toddler please
I'm referring to her overalls shorts get-up, literally one of the top image results just searching her name
to be fair what do you even do if you have to live your life as her
how do you fix that
at least shes making money and eating good food and living her best agp rapehon self
because there is zero chance she could ever make those genetics pass and neither could any of you
Anon you're actively arguing with either a troll or a terminally online loser. Nobody who is all there uses the word goy unironically
this woman is dressed like a toddler she is a troll to make everyone misogynistic
You need to look at all elements together. Wearing a ski mask at the slope is normal, but raises suspicion when you're in a bank. Why? It's the same mask after all.

Again here you have someone who in the span of a year made a career out checking every transphobe list of talking points. What's the probability a single person would do all that naturally?
>dressing like a toddler is normal as an adult woman but not if you're clocky tranny
so you're just admitting the issue is she's ugly and trans?
No, because I don't think being visibly trans, clocky, or even ugly, inherently comes with making a career out of talking about cock and balls and checking every transphobe talking point list in a year.
uh huuuuhhhh
what if lilytino is playing 5D chess and is just doing all of this to teach the world a lesson on transphobia and lookism
the fuck are you smoking? If he looks that bad online I bet he's a whole ass unit in the wild
She HSTS, AGP just dress in the bedroo.
you don't understand, i've seen hons you people wouldn't believe. picrel's version of tino is closer to the average millennial tranner you meet in the wild.
this looks like almost every millennial trans woman ive seen
i dont see why people pick her to be outraged about
She is a typical transgender woman.
She is all of us, isn't she?
it's literally just that she stands up for herself so cis people got mad then trannies hopped on the tranny because "erm she's making us look bad" it's so cringe
She wouldn't be called sir so much if she cared to voice train
Literally a non issue.
This is just a person projecting their own shame on others. There are plenty of any sex, gender, orientation or whatever that do that.
Don't do this with her with your own shame. Do therapy instead of revelling over this bs on 4chan.
No. As much as some of you itt (and lurking) might genuinely want to, that would be trans bashing, which is fundamentally evil.
>has she even talked about srs
yes, in the middle of disneyland while surrounded by children and saying "hehe i am totally gonna get kicked out for this hehe"
>pain is temporary
>$10 spicy tier
why are trannies
harassing people who work at a restaurant isn’t “standing up for urself”

I'm a Marxist-Leninist unpassable hon and I am consistently the top performer on my team at work, and I'm first in line to pull OT or cover someone. I don't hate work, I just hate being exploited. I actually really enjoy my job, and I'm super grateful to my colleagues for being so cool about me just openly trooning out on the job. I actually think being lgbt makes me better at my job, because I don't want my colleagues or our clients to have any reason to use my trans status against me- I have to be perfect, I have to give a fuck above and beyond everyone else, I have to go above and beyond every day just to feel secure in my position.

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