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i want to have female parts. i want to have a vagina, vulva, clitoris etc.. i want to be able to masturbate, orgasm and have sex as a female, and be able to experience life with female genitalia.
this is something ive wanted for most of my life, and something ive been thinking about a lot for about 14 years now. (im in my mid-20s.)
im going to get SRS one of these years, just need to save up a bunch of money first.. ive wanted SRS for many years..
and ya i'd like to be 100% cis, but.. realistically these are the things ive wanted for a very long time, that i think i can actually experience in my life..
i wish i had a penis.
Go Get One. I hear you can get them for free in San Francisco.
i hope you get your wish someday anon, i believe in u
Cool picrel. What are ur hobbies, since you are a middle aged woman now basically
i like going on walks, listening to music / sometimes playing music, occasionally games, some tech stuff. middle age really??
In online terms being mid 20s is basically mid aged yeah. Your youth is gone. You write like one too (positive)
What music do you like? I am guessing classical music.
oh ok. to clarify, i write like middle aged, or youthfully?

i like classical music yes. ive always really loved classical music and jazz. lately ive been mostly listening to a lot of electronic music and crappy breakcore bc i like it / its stimulating..
some rock, and some pop music is also good..
Check out Femtanyl and m1v, you will enjoy both.
I want to have labia minora…
thanks for those recommendations anon, i will check them out
me too..
i wish i had a vagina
and also a vulva
I wish I had my dick back and I stayed gay
Reading this is horrifying. Vaginas don’t deserve to exist. In an ideal world, everyone has a penis. You either get a feminine cock or a masculine cock, but no gross yeast holes.
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me too. i wish i could have children, i think that's the most brutal for me. i really don't want to be a father... i want to be a mother, but i never will be. im glad i got my orchiectomy but i think it was kind of like a huge reminder of the fact i'll always be male and have to alter my body just to cope. i'll never be a girl, just this weird androgynous thing with boobs. it's so hard. i've only been on hrt for a year, i started when i was 18. does it get better? honestly, i'm so miserable. i don't think srs will help me honestly because it's not the same. i respect your decision 100% and have seen wonderful SRS results but i just can't. idk it feels pointless. it won't be the same. it's still fucking over. it's the ultimate blackpill for me. it honestly will haunt me forever. there's so many things i'll never fucking experience, so many things. i hate this life so much. god damn.
>wish i could have children,

Ooohhaa I'm so agp
I used to make posts like this on /tttt/ years ago. Now I finally have a vagina and it's everything I ever dreamed of and more :)
if it's agp to want a family and be a mother then so be it, faggot. so be it. i am an autogynephile.
youre either a cis woman, a trans man or a gay man im guessing?
well personally im on the fence about having kids. if i were a cis woman i would probably have kids. and before i transed i thought i wanted kids, but that drive disappeared and never came back. but in any case ive felt negative a lot about not having female reproductive organs, functions or pregnancy or menstruation. and i realize there are downsides to all of these and often cis women have essentially told me "trust me you dont want that", and i guess i vicariously understand why they would say that, but i still want those things anyway. but whenever i think too much about those things ive had multi day spirals so i try not to focus on it too much..
>i've only been on hrt for a year, i started when i was 18. does it get better?
i think generally yes, but it depends. im about 5 years on hrt and it got worse for a while personally, but now i think its getting better. ive had to deal with rejection from family being hugely anti-trans and losing some friendships etc. which probably contributed to my negative feelings though so i think its not necessarily the same for everyone.
well in the end srs wont solve everything ive wished i could have, but it solves some of those problems for me. but i can understand your perspective on srs too
>youre either a cis woman, a trans man or a gay man im guessing?
I’m a chaser. I wish there were less trannies who feel the urge to mutilate their perfect genitals. It’s ok to be a girl with a penis.
i just hope one day i can be kinda sorta happy with myself. i really appreciate your honestly. what would you say was the hardest part of your transition time wise? is the first year the hardest or is it easy?

why are you so sex obsessed that you have to push your weird fetish onto everyone?
that sounds nice, im happy for you anon. i hope im in a similar place in a few years
its ok to be a girl with a p***s, but its also ok to be one without a p***s, and its ok to get srs if you dont want a p***s
I'm only recently realizing that I probably want this and it's kind of a mindfuck
i have female genitalia and im here to tell you its everything you desire and expect
well i think generally the first couple years are the hardest. youre truly in a period of transition, and it can take a lot of energy between getting on hrt, coming out, dealing with people reacting, feminizing yourself, updating legal docs etc.. but these things usually become less of a problem with time so in those aspects it gets easier. its nice when you get to a point you truly feel like youre a woman, and know youre a woman. although i still struggle with comparing myself to other women, remembering that im different etc.. and i start to feel rly sad, and like im fake. but i feel like a lot of cis women struggle comparing themselves to other women too.. but i really get hung up on my own "womanhood"..
sorry, im rambling.. but i generally think its "easier" now than one's first year of transition.
Does HRT still make significant changes past the first year or two?
i think my breasts have rounded a lil bit more within the past couple years, but hard to say how much was estrogen and how much could've been caused by taking progesterone. but generally i havent noticed much changes after the first couple years. if youre young enough that your growth plates havent fully fused then those could probably continue to change i suppose
Damn, maybe going up from 18.2 BMI will have an effect. I need some of that to go to my face

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