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is there any reason to actually live for an effeminate man? my existence feels so cursed. i just want to be a normal guy. but i dont know how to do that, i had no father figure or male role models to teach me and very few male friends (most of my friends were girls). i feel that my childhood also gave me fake-gay feelings and id be straight if i had a father figure.
You can find a boyfriend and community and live happily without thinking about "what if"s.
This: >>37319782
take HRT and be someone's gf
contrary to popular belief, trannies are less uncanny than effeminate men
tried that and he dumped me because i was too emotional and didnt wanna have sex enough.
no offense but like, i dont feel like a girl or think like one (not that thatd be a bad thing i dont want to come off as misogynistic)
>i dont feel like a girl or think like one
doesn't matter. do you want to be cute? that's what matters
>i dont want to come off as misogynistic
So you get another that isn't as sex obsessed. Dating women is no walk in the park either and the grass is always greener on the other side.
>doesn't matter. do you want to be cute? that's what matters
i thought trans people had dysphoria, i think that probably matters...
how is not wanting to come across as mean and sexist cowardly
dating isnt even my biggest struggle. i just feel so different and far apart from most other men and it makes me feel so depressed and alone, even tho i do have some female friends it just isnt the same i dont think.
I think we can help each other out.
I am a rapehon, giga transbian that could break ur neck with just a glance.
I was raised by a single dad that could break your dad's neck in same way. Despite all that, I became a tranny. Like Ernest Hemingway's daughter.

You need to search your own feelings and arrive to most logical conclusion and go from there. Nurture is inferior to nature. If you feel like you can't be a man, then don't try to be. You were never meant to be one.
Then you should make some gay friends. I don't know where you live but in America there's places with a big gay population, right? And if moving isn't possible you can always join some Discords and make friends that way.
my nature isnt to be effeminate tho!!! if it was, would i be so upset about how i am now? i doubt it. i was "nurtured" this way because no adult men in my life could be bothered to help me. i just cant seem to undo the broken programming i was given.
your problem seems opposite to mine, your nature is feminine but your nurturing masculine. which sucks but idk anything about that and im a little dumb.
i dont know i guess i could do that, but honestly most gay men i meet are very sexual and stuff and im the opposite, so its hard to click with them
It's hard to make friends in general, but keep trying and I'm sure you'll end up meeting some people you click with. You need a support group who can help you when times are tough.
nothing more i can do i guess then. i wish i could just fix my brain and be normal though. life would be so much easier
I feel you anon. I’m the same.

Idk what to do with myself. I’m still stupidly romantically attracted to women but I’m a gay bottom so it doesn’t ever fucking work sexually.

Literally the most cursed existence on the planet. I already talked to a therapist and I still don’t know how to resolve this
im glad someone kinda understands. i talked to a therapist too but she really didnt understand me. i wish i could just have a real relationship, real romance, you know? sucks.
i hate it so much, the thing is i act feminien and i know people can see that, i have 0 masculine behavior but i have the face of a man regardless so what is the fucking point? i feel like a contradiction
u should be my emotional effeminate mostly asexual bf
>t. kind of asexual twink
>i talked to a therapist too but she really didnt understand me
therapy is self-harm for men and female therapists can never understand male issues anyway.
if you have real mental issues, fix them with medication, or substances.
also you seem to overanalyze things, just stop caring about things so much and live in the moment. not giving a fuck about shit that doesn't matter is the first step to being masculine.
I'd say find a good male friend and you'll be surprised how easy it becomes to be masculine as a matter of course. and by friend I don't mean some beer and football stereotype, but someone who has responsibilities and handles them like men do.
anon, id be very careful with some supportive people in this thread. Im not going to call these people out, but the wording and style of writing is very fake. "oh, i just wanna be ur friend and help you!" but they're using it as an excuse to get closer to you.

The way youre describing yourself paints you as an effeminate boy who's vulnerable and craves a father figure / strong male role model in your life.

if you are going to contact people from here, be very wary of them at first. dont trust so easily.
asexual twink romance is approved by god
how tall are you? i think i have a pretty "manly" face and people treat me like a lesser because im short.
god if only i could find someone like that, thatd want to be friends with someone like me when im like this.
i dont talk to ppl from here, i made that mistake a few times already. but thanks for the warning anyway.
youre welcome for the warning. there are many more bottoms and submissive people on this board from what I can see, so if your goal is to find a rugged guy to have as arole model your luck might be running thin
eh, i could fix you
im over 6 feet tall, i honestly never felt like it did anything for me, im just a lanky loser, but i suppose it would be even worse if i was short
>tranny in a PMC
You'd be a rape doll. No hyperbole. So 0.
have u heard of Sol Supps?

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