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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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oil check edition

last >>37316931

dont feed the trolls
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I want to be a bavarian trad bottom.
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This was yet another day of being bavarian and unemployed.
the saddest thing is that i completely lack all imagination and creativity
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Same bro, gays are supposed to be creative and i cant even do that
i live in nyc and having seen how some of the gays dress in hell's kitchen and brooklyn i'm going to suggest the gays being creative stereotype is not as true as people think
Patent #0066283A1 - "The Wage Cage" to transport employees inside a metal cage around the warehouse to designated package areas.
Yes we should put bottoms into those
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omg have u seen the video where she claimed that she never sweats and then in another video she was in a car and said she was sweating so much? lmao ilhsm
Funny how Kuurst always tries to shame me for being Brazilian when he also says he isn’t racist.
im thinking about going to a sex party soon and just getting the v-card thing over with and then getting on with my life instead of worrying about it. i know this sounds like a bishit post but it's not. i just think being a gay virgin is an embarassing concept and "saving yourself for the right one" when you're in your 20s is kind of pointless
> i just think being a gay virgin is an embarassing concept
yeah but so is being a gay in general you faggot
I'm a German unemployed bottom.
Those were probably bis
can you link it? luv her, im just like her

post example pls thank
omg i wanna learn german and fuck
Not my fault your countryman gave me a reason to hate your entire country.
Fucking home wreckers, the lot of you. Sluts, absolute sluts!
why are bottoms obsessed with fat bitches?
being gay "in theory" is pointless though
because we are fat bitches
what did i do?
aren't you meant to be a portuguese that wants to visit brazil?
you put the thread title in the name field
there’s a jewish homunculus hidden in your phone
Delete this thread and start a new one newfaggot
ja uwu
non-issue. just ctrl+f gaygen in the catalog you'll still find it
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dont do it, cumdumpling, u youll get hpv hiv and gono
>asking homosexuals to use their brains
post arschbacken and bälle, ich zahl deine existenz
Doesn't work, retard. The Name doesn't show in the catalog and the only result will be the last thread.
Doesn't work
sag lauterbach, dass er assistierten suizid freigeben soll
dann poste ich pobacken und östrobälle
last thread has this thread's link in it they'll find it
And what happens when the other dies?
Cucked method
Xhe forgets her larp all the time
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sucks to be them
ich ass estier dir, easy, lehn dich in ein seil sodass es hinter die ohren und unter den kiefer rollt und entspann dich, hyperventelier etwas vorher, hol dir ein letzes mal eien runter, verlier bewusstsein, profit

now dikpicz plz
>Xanthippe loves black people
>Normie is anti pedos
>TheApostle loves femboys
What's her endgame?
I tried partial suspension hanging and failed, now I have permanent neck pain.
go ahead, tell me your position on abortion
Sis hopefully everyone here is anti pedo.
I'm pro abortion. I wish I had been aborted.
too retarded to die
many such cases among trannies
not fit for life hence only 41% succseed
Gaygen's best / funniest larp?
I won't post my estroballs
I'm surprised how much time xe invests in this place.
I forgot about the anti bisexual larp
once I told haribo he is dumb, he subsequently killed himself
kuurst being a top
Tops be like: Dirt on my hands, sun in my face
Bottoms be like: Cock in my ass, cum in my face
Delta being from Lancashire.
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blu pretends to be homo sapiens
oh yeah? try me bitch
if jeffrey dahmer was alive today he wouldnt have killed anyone because he wouldve been too busy shitposting in here
Are you trying to sell me your "services"?
my favorite part of his story was when he tried to create a sex slave by pouring acid in the skulls of his victims through a little hole, and when that didnt work out he just said "fuck it" and started pouring boiling water instead

i miss bucko now
he raped me, we fell in love
Stop being an incel.
He hates me for I speak the truth. Also I need to take out the trash, so if you'd get into this bag, pretty please?
Need all four at once
drag her fat ass
why are the kennedy descendats all so degenerate holy fucking shit
You want dirt in your hands, while the sun shines upon your face, while somebody is railing your ass and somebody else is cumming on your sun-lit face? Kinda gay, ngl.
edible kicking in about 2.5hrs later, but very mild high
You're JOKUR :clown_heart:
(ahahahahaha ha)
You can do ANYTHING you WANT :purple_heart:
post your penis
edibles give me hella anxiety tbqh, idk why anyone bothers with them
cause i aint a pussy
don't buy no weed at the gas station bro
Oh so now you’re calling an innocent bottom trash only because of their race, how classy of you
Nah it's just masc bro, just some guys roughing it in the dirt, getting all sweaty. Totally str8
if I did not have a bf I'd consider bottoming for kuurst
shut up fat fuck, you literally call steve a whore and bottomshame him
was the culture war always this bad?
?? you attack trips based on race all the time
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need a bf like him
wassup homos. why did you hide the thread?
>>dont feed the trolls
basic internet literacy
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>only because of their race
Hai normiepoo :3
why are bears so popular with gays?
hi, you know what i'm going to ask
edible is legit
Everybody feels pretty next to a gross bear fag
they represent something gays cannot obtain
posters pretending to get doxxed when they just posted their own information off trip
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less dangerous than trannies
Aww im doing fine thanks for implicitly asking :3
Carry on then

Kek, doesn't feel so nice when somebody does it to you huh?
Maybe you shouldn't have done so yourself if you can't put up with it when it goes against you!
Did you miss me?
caught myself eating honey from the pot. definitely legit
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omg another one, its like pooners stalking me...
you know that's not what i meant
hello timur, nice to see you too, or whatever you said. how have you been these days?
Jk i made it and its crazy how many dicpics i got in 20 mins, but they are all old and fat. Maybe the anime pfp i used got em too excited o.o they do have nice cocks desu
>anime pfp
are you deranged?
just say santino lol
Whyyy? Do anime pfps symbolize smt o.o
Hi Griffith. I'm ok. You?
Why are you in gaygen? Shouldn’t you be in femboygen?
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1/2 point rate cut, as expected. I still think they should have done a .75 cut.
I love butt cracks
i want a machine that automatically works out my body so i don't have to do anything
i don't have the energy to explain this
god i just wanna eat peanut butter dipped in honey
No, trust me its different here, nobody watches anime so its not cringe
Glad to hear it, I'm well too, planning to sleep extra hard tonight to make up for some poor snoozing recently
I'm here on a diplomatic mission. Also jannies put the kibosh on fbg, I think I'll try with the GNC gen sometime. How are you spider?
peanut butter feet dipped in honey
ok dude
You’re not gay though, this in an invasion of MY territory!
imagine being a chocolate dipped strawberry between the lips of some giant cute twink

hm this edible is legit
cheeto dust covered feets
I did make it tho are u proud of me? :3c
This territory is not worth fighting for.
need controlling mr mencho bf
but bit cuter
Sir that's called a top
I thought we had a Schengen situation going on! But anyways I just stopped in to say hi to the Russian gent, take it easy gayboys <3
post uncut feet
i guess
Impossible, but it would be nice if they made a drug that squeezed specific muscles a specific number of times with certain intensity so you dont have to intentionally do anything
imagine u caught 4 unarmed helpless 19yp ziggers
do u rape and gently kill?

Say it baka :c
You steal from twink culture and rebrand as being a “Femboy” and you try to invade gaygen as a straggot?! For shame.
twinkfeet raping
Make them strip naked and put their hands behind their heads.
no. it sounds like you made a joke profile. doing shit but doing it badly is not cause for celebration
I need to hear answers to this.
Look everyone, it’s Skank!
Thinking I have a partialism for bellybuttons. Touching and poking and rubbing them sounds lovely, and they're just cute to look at.
hello skunk
Donatella VERSACE
But almost nobody has their face as their pfp :c
Fuck yeah sis
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imagine being a smol suntanned bleached blonde twink dipped in ketchup and ate like a french fry
then there's no point to the app
Ur ruthless :c
People should put they FEET as they pfp
He's right.
this turns into a snuff film doesn't it
Hot. They should make out and go further.
Nyooo dont shrug at me im talking to ppl :c
i wish... only ziggers r rabbid animals
death to russia
Dont support him hemoroid man
are you? or are you just collecting dick pics and lying to yourself that you're ''looking for the one''
IM NOT SAVING THEM BAKA theres this one nice old guy i think i like but idk if i can get obsessed with him
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Ummmmmm she is copying the queen アジーリア・バンクス! Get your own material!
not everyone is copying that talentless hoe who cant even get creative enough to put out new material
why indeed
those car scenes of her are so hot
If i liked em that much id just go get fkd and get stds baka
ok i believe you
No u dont why dont u believe me AAAAAAAAA
prison gay
i'm not important. have fun with your fat old men
why gays like poopoo on they peepee ?
i only like guys in my imagination
Nyoo ur most important :3 they are 2 nice i need em to be mean like u to get obsessed o.o
Where's this from?
Hello "Jump in the line" song by Harry Belafonte used in the second episode of All Stars 9!
Are you trying to do a humiliation ritual or something?
strengthens the immune system against ze aids

... war
there are lots of people who will treat you like shit in this world. i'm not important

i only know this song because of the beetlejuice movie
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have you got a boyfriend yet gaygen?
if not why not?
independence and freedom > being tied down to something that will most likely not work out and be a total waste of time in the end
no, that would be my calling
*calls you*
UR IMPORTANT BAKA if u werent i wouldnt get obsessed, i dont mean treat me like shit i just like to argue :3
I will destroy the ipad
not caring for this new cast of characters
A particular site?
these bitches want nikes
What a fucking loser.
Yes, normie said hed take me on a date if i sacrfice my cat to his gods
ok mate
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thoughts about liposuction?
looks good, he should stop shaving though and pick underwear that does tell everyone he's a dicklet
no just telegram channels
its 2 years old, from early on, could be from 2ch
I wrote that I'm looking for my happily ever after on my Grindr profile. That will work, right?
you don't have to be rude to your mirror
Small dicks matter.
lol what else did you write
terrible idea, u damage tissue
just do sports, its fucking fun
dont believe the butchers
u will also run the risk of paradoixial fatclump growth
can't believe 2ch took away the gay board
everyone wants to get rid of us
genetics dont allow many to get rid of certain fat bits
Going on a date soon enough
I need a neck massage
u do realize its ran by the fsb and faggots get stoned to death in the bin?

also its still there...
2ch hk/ga
Is this song gay? I sing it to husband and lot
2ch hk/ga/
they deleted it :(
That’s funny as hell.
You’re my mirror? That’s pretty strange huh.
lol lmao even
>2ch hk/ga
it goes to a 404 page
Thanks spider, but i think he hates me now, i might cry
not my problem im not russian and most werent russian on there anyway, many were georgian
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good luck anon
counter point all bottoms should wear speedos
Was this recent?
Exercise and healthy dieting + self acceptance is better
u russian?
v p n
they delete the traps board too
two weeks ago it was still around
Cry me a river so I can go sailing ;3
why not, bottoms are always looking for a way to make themselves unappealing to men
ooh please!
breed me. i beg of you. i'll do anything you want!! my bussy needs to be pounded, aarghh faggots!!
leave the piss bottles at home lol
>qt guys shouldn't wear skimpy underwear/swimwear
what has gaygen come to?
thats a retarded woman u replying to
You’ll never be happy, you’ll always suck at life.
you should vlog your life
it would be interesting to watch
literally all you can see is his new abs and tiny dick because he's wearing see through underwear for a public medical photo. he's not qt, he's a slut
Why do you always have such old head ass takes? You sound bitter all the fucking time.
jefeaugustin on xwitter?
I hate nail extensions
I used his pics to troll Xanthippe and now she’s obsessed
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ok ok but i will fight any man who will deprive me of qt twinks/twunks in speedos/scantily-clad underwear
the world needs more of them
i don't even know who you are
God damn somebody turn off the incessant crying my ears are bleeding
ma'am fight whoever you want. i'm not sure why everything is fight with you people.
It's ok if people have different opinions, bro.
Thank you <3
I don’t even know who you are! I just see you saying something fucking dumb from time to time.
If they’re based in reality, Normie is a bitter hag
faggots will pay, that i can assure you
Ignore the haters normiepoo ur not bitter, idk how u taste, but im sure its great :3
because you are disgusting
already filtered her
My lesbian cousin is stereotypically fat and ugly
Can’t handle the heat, you had to step out of the kitchen.
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many such cases
lipstick lesbians are much rarer
a man has to have his principles
Where you belong, bitch.
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my ex finally contacted me and wants to hang out again

(together from 15-22) and broke up holy fucking hell 9 months ago now and thought about him every day

My nightmare is over lads
you sound like a nightmare
your principles include fighting to ogle young looking men?
It only just began baby
ur gonna get used and cry about it later again
he aint lovin u
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wouldn't overthink it anon
i'm still in contact with my long-term ex, and it's just friendly, people don't forget, they just move on
better to just accept that
Are you trying to misogynistic to a gay man? That’s kinda crazy.
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gay reccs
>Together from 15-22
That's 7 years.
>i'm still in contact with my long-term ex, and it's just friendly, people don't forget, they just move on
Lucky are those who do
I still miss my ex
You act like bratty woman.
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my principles are to ogle qt dudes
That’s my niche ig
>somebody is smoking weed on the roof again
>smell is coming through the vent shafts
God dammit.
Let us be in misery together then, anon
going to smoke a ciggy under the moonlight
feeling gothic
A fag smoking a fag in moonlight, fagothic
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yups, corny, but the only real way to deal with heartbreak
it's tough going from thinking you'll spend the rest of your life with someone to them just being a sort of memory
i don't think you ever forget you just move on, or at least try to
You’re more crusty punk than goth sweetheart.
Foto tetas por favor
No tengo buenas tetas
why would you want photos of some grindr victim :/
u have no idea
Nothing better than a glass of orange juice after brushing teeth, aaahhh

Yeah. It do be like that.
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I love this flamer
Ich möchte ein kaltes Glas von deinem Urin.
they lookin for a check
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Helllllo, ladies
I don't sell cheap American shelf-brand beer, sorry.
do you sell seashells by the seashore
Sorry but am twink4twink sir
no i see seashells by the shewhore
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i made some chicken breast with mashed potatoes and a salad earlier for my boyfriend because he’s been eating a lot of mcdonalds lately during his break since its close to where he works so i want him to eat healthily and responsibly uwu
also i couldn’t prepare his lunch these last days because i’m away during the day so :s
i was thinking of preparing his meals a day before he goes to work :3
Bitte, ich will deinen Samen frisch aus deinem Pimmel gurgeln.
no you didn’t, no you weren’t
German is a language for science and war, but mostly science, not love.
i smell like broken dreams and piss
ideal bottom
Deutscher Pharao, ich flehe dich an.
I had pet skunk once.
>Deutscher Pharao
Why do you keep calling me this?
You are such a good bf. He is lucky to have you.
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you can have me after i'm used up and abandoned
This is disgusting
Post more of him
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yes i did yes i was :3

ty for your kind words anony ^~^
i’m lucky to have him too he’s such a good man and he deserves only the best <3
I want ferrets.
'toms who are tops
Who like tops to be 'toms
Who do tops like they're 'toms
Who do 'toms like they're tops
Always should be someone you really love
That piss-drinking bottom who keeps asking me lewd things won't answer no more. Whatever, I will sleep. Got stuff to do tomorrow and no maid-bottom to prepare things for me :/
Are you hot?
I let spiders live and don't interact with them most of the time desu. Sometimes I remove their old dusty nets so they can make new ones to keep catching more annoying insects.
That’s pretty sexy, spiders are my favorite.
I really like feeding my bf treats.
I'm an unemployed maid-bottom
Just give in
To the sweet temptation

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