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Why are trannies so racist? Especially against Indians?
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Is it really racism if it's towards indians??

Indians aren't people?



>a man creeped on me
>why did you bring up his gender? are you a misandrist?
hey you said it, not me
probably because they have a lot of experiences with recent immigrants from india being creepy
but it's dey culture, can't say that without people getting mad. You're only allowed to generalize all men, but never ever ever generalize races
>Especially against Indians?
should i be racist against indians? i'm worried about blacks, muslims, and hispanics due to a fear of them committing violence on me
everyone hates jeets and cigans
>why are trannies so racist to indians/mexicans/arabs
because these are the men who perv on us
>why are trannies so racist to whites/arabs
because these are the men who attack us
>why are black and asian trannies so into white guys
because these are the men who behave and charm them
>why are white/asian/hispanic/arab trannies so into black guys
because these are the men who behave and charm them
Indians suck
Their country is full of
>rapists and women haters
>creeps online
>waste and pollution
>literal shit everywhere
>scammers and hackers
>people who worship literal shit and eat it
>extremely unsanitary health and food practicies
>bodies in the river
All while spouting Hindu supremacist BS and doing caste discrimination.
Oh and they hate Muslims
hey bebee girl you look so g- DO NOT REDEEM
all indian men are rapist sexpests
>being creepy
But that's not why she's mad. She's mad because he didn't want to talk to her after he saw her manface
but in general that's why people don't like them
this anon speaks the truth
>t. white tranny with black boyfriend
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>Every other race supports socially acceptable racism against white people
>"Why don't you care when people are mean to [insert brown loser ethnicity here]??!"
Can the ick races just go away???
Everyone in the QRTs laughing at this incident and calling OP a tranny is a white right winger but you blame Pajeets.
The problem is men as a whole.
they’re terminally online where edginess is rewarded, that’s why some of them type like literal serial killers on twitter
>Can the ick races just go away
This is the funniest sentence I've ever read. It's a man unsuccessfully co-opting female terminology to spread his own malebrained rhetoric. This is why the trannies on this board are terminally unable to pass. It's all aesthetic co-opting with no substance.
She's right though. It would be better for everyone if there was a 100 ft wall surrounding India.
trannies discovered a group that they can shit on and get social approval in return. minorities all eat each other in the end.
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this is what OP looks like btw
>minorities all eat each other in the end.
There are one billion Indians, anon.
>Implying that avoiding indian men isn't whitewomanbrained
Trannies attack homosexual males too, and women, often with death threats

Meanwhile they do it behind little anime girl icons, it’s a very bizarre culture
lol whatever you say
There are like 900 million whites. It doesn't matter. They're both sub replacement fertility now
That isn't how women use "ick", ever. Men are amusingly unable to understand the term even though it's incredibly straightforward.
stop pretending like you know how a woman’s brain works please.

You’re trans that’s different than female, don’t get it mctwisted
Not whatever I say. One out of eight humans in the world are Indian. In no universe are they a minority, even relatively speaking. No, not even in the US. The second largest Hindu temple in the world is in New Jersey.
now explain that one transbian in lesgen who's obsessed with cis asian girl
why are you guys lying?
(most) black guys HATE trannies
>my great replacement theory isnt racist because...
lol cope
I am completely unbothered by being called racist. Racism is a good thing.
>hurr how malebrained
No, because I keep it to myself except for giving people the stink eye to let them know their mere existence causes the people around them to be uncomfortable, and that's rich coming from a tranny. So please check yourself.
They're all gross and ugly
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Pickme hijra seethe. If you shit in the street and your race is going to die from climate change your opinion literally doesn't matter, sorry.
You are a man chemically castrating himself in a hopeless attempt at taking on the form of the female sex. If you want to talk about genetic dead ends, look at yourself first.
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>You are a man
That's not what they said in school which I know your country doesn't have or whatever
Using prepubescent cartoon mean girls as reaction images isn't selling me on your ability to pass. But do feel free to post an image of yourself to prove me wrong.
Indians are fine, it's Muslims that are hostile
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>Using prepubescent cartoon mean girls as reaction images isn't selling me on your ability to pass.
But it's fun ;D just like shitting on brown people
that's based tho
>No selfie
Yeah, that's what I thought. AGPs are a sad sight to behold anyway, so I suppose I should thank you.
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>Please dox yourself as a racist that likes certain cartoons
Yeah, not falling for that one Sanjeev
By the way, since this guy is reminding me of it, I want to say overusage of emoticons is incredibly clocky. I see so many trannies using it as a crutch on this board. Maybe young girls are using them here and there on Discord and Twitter in an attempt to look cutesy, but never on a Mongolian basketweaving forum. It reeks of overcompensation.
You could always hide your face. Simply seeing your physique is enough to judge.
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I coooouuuuuld, but I don't have anything to prove to people who are the same color as my turds :/ sorry
Impressive that a self-proclaimed racist like yourself isn't able to recognize jeetspeak. But regardless, your hesitation says it all. There's nothing feminine about you. Women don't talk like /pol/acks, they don't lust over little cartoon girls and they don't need universities to "affirm" their gender. In all aspects, you are a man.
Besides the fact that you're a /co/mblrina. Probably the second most feminized board on the site. So I'll give you that much.
You won

You lost
>is brown
this happens too often
It's fact that being a racist is malebrained, though. I live in Canada, so you can imagine my thoughts on the race myself. But I refuse to play pretend with an obvious male.
please explain, race preference knowledge anon. I need to know
No one on the planet likes Indians - even actual Indians
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>Women don't talk like /pol/acks
Thinking all women are liberal is /pol/ itself
>they don't lust over little cartoon girls
Who said anything about lust? Sounds like projecting from a brown rapist
>they don't need universities to "affirm" their gender
You're right. I'm valid anyway
How many women do you see on /pol/? Don't be obtuse. Your image is from a cartoon by a self admitted pedophile. It's obvious why you're drawn to it. And no, you are not valid. You are a man with a strange fixation on little girls. Nothing more, nothing less.
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Gee. I wonder why the white tranny is a racist.
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>How many women do you see on /pol/?
I suppose your attempts to procure nudes didn't go too well
Brownoid Tumblr artist intimidated by Laura Les' superior nordic stature.jpg
The only nudes that regularly get posted on /pol/ are of men darker than the race you're headcanoning me as. This your way of coming out?
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That makes sense. Black guys are hot. They're like Indian men if they were taller, stronger, prettier, and more charismatic with bigger dicks. So not really like Indian men. I'm still against mixing the Germanic people but y'know, gotta give credit where it's due.
God, what is it with you trannies and black men?
have you talked to indians anon?
then explain why all of the most passionate of my lovers have been black guys?
like, i am not exaggerating, they will put their ALL into loving on you
I think well groomed Indian guys are kinda hot...
>Thinking all women are liberal is /pol/ itself
in the US about 70% are

anyway, all racist trannies absolutely deserve to be hatecrimed

t. non-trans guy
>t. from an ick race
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>a guy on 4chan who's not racist

Leftists believe all whites are racist and non-whites can't be racist. Then they talk about how "racists" should be killed. The logical conclusion of these word games is obvious, so there's literally no reason to not be 14+88.
Because getting a white bitch (even a hon) is the peak achievement for blacks
the hate for indians really took off within the last decade
i would have never seen it coming 20 years ago
black guys hate black trannies. down low black guys fucking LOVE white trannies who they're a little race blind to and just look like tall shy white girls to them
>there's literally no reason to not be 14+88
well except the part where intelligence and productive capacity aren't linked to race, and more people with wealthier lives means more science and culture for everybody.
would you rather immolate social order to own the white guilt libtards, or live in a richer world with a better quality of life for yourself (which would also be a world where scary minorities doing crime isn't a thing, they do that because of poverty and broken homes)
Why do they hate their own race so much
we hav seks now ok? ok rape you next week bich
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>world with a better quality of life for yourself (which would also be a world where scary minorities doing crime isn't a thing, they do that because of poverty and broken homes)
>well except the part where intelligence and productive capacity aren't linked to race
Literally nobody believes this. Everyone knows that east Asians are smarter and weaker and black people are more athletic and less intelligent, with whites in between but closer to Asians. It's entirely PC pressure that stops people from admitting it
>and more people with wealthier lives means more science and culture for everybody
I don't care about "more culture", my culture isn't lacking and whites did plenty of innovation when we had a culture that celebrated heroes instead of guilt.
>would you rather immolate social order to own the white guilt libtards
Yes. Absolutely. If I could choose between two buttons with 1) white people going extinct, and 2) burning the entire world to ash, I would always choose 2. I've been plenty poor in my youth. Money doesn't compromise my principles.
>which would also be a world where scary minorities doing crime isn't a thing, they do that because of poverty and broken homes
Yet most Slavic capitals are safer and higher IQ than wealthier, majority brown areas in London and Paris.
I don't even really care about "muh crime", I'm not a moralistic conservative. I just understand that when the chips are down everyone chooses their own race except white leftists. So permanently fracturing your country with other races just creates more nepotism and hatred against you. Fuck money worship.
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>black people are more athletic
Cuck. They're mostly just better at running and jumping and minmaxxed sports like basketball (which they're getting shown up in by slavs the last few years)
Nah, I agree that slavs and nordics seem to do best at strongman competitions and whites in general do better at swimming. Asians have high reflexes. Athletics in the narrower sense means dashes, running, jumps and throwing etc, which Africans excel at 3/4 of
braindead take
>Everyone knows that
literally pseudoscience
these things are not genetic and also it depends how you quantify intelligence and athleticism

slavic capitals are not safer nor are they higher iq than wealthy areas of london go the fuck outside
there are bad parts to london (areas of peckham and brixton) but those same areas also have really nice parts to them
whereas somewhere like sofia, the capital city of the 3rd richest balkan country, is a shithole
drive like 5 minutes from the centre and you will see neighbourhoods beyond even the worst level of english deprivation
would've used bucharest as an example because it's richer but i don't know it well
although from what my friends have told me, it is also quite poor
The bad parts of London are just the nonwhite ones
Each race has their physical pros and cons.

Asians? Dexterity
Whites? Peak strength(All the best strongmen are European)
Blacks? Running.
Indians are super rapey they even worship a god that raped his own daughter to "punish" her
But uhhh thats just their culture bro
This counts for most of the "bad" eu cities>>37324297
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the #1 perogative for getting rid of racism being overanalyzing everything and injecting race politics into unrelated discussion honestly just convinces me its not at all an actual problem anymore in developed western countries, like nonexistent compared to other issues of oppression tbhon.
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god race politics are so fucking annoying

just shut the fuck up who cares nobody who does this shit has any real problems ever, worse yet they have to bring it up when people are discussing actual sh1t worth talking about. i hate oppression olympics too but if your #1 example of oppression is 'met someone who wouldve called me a slur online at 14' you aren't oppressed lol that's literally like a cishet white guy crying because he got called a cracker once. i hate twitterfags sm
asian men are hot too though
they don't, they just can't tell white trannies and white women apart
same reason they date ugly white women
they think they've scored big, but they just don't know any better
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do you ever get tired of looking at literally anything ever and immediately without fail thinking 'this is proof trannies are the root of all evil ackshually'
Not when they continually prove themselves to be, no.
yeah seriously okay do you see this shit i mean you literally just make these posts all over the board for years without fail does your brain just work off programming or what
asian men are extremely my type on vibes but most just don't do it for me sadly. asians and white guys have to be like at least an 8 for me to be interested
haffus (especially blasians) are extremely hot tho
Huh? I'm a tourist.
oh lmfao of course you are sweetie
she's malebrained and watches too much anime
that may just be selection bias since theres very few of them that arent basically another grey-zone brown ethnicity in western countries
property crime is always higher in middle class areas compared to poor ones, it's drugs and violence in poor communities. the meth addiction and murder rates will tell a different story
racist pig
nah i grew up in a university town surrounded by chinese and japanese transfers (outreach program) as well as a lot of pacific Islanders. data shows my type with asian men is exclusively top 10% hanchads or blasians
sounds like a skill issue actually then
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well it's not really a skill issue so much as effort applied. i'm not specifically seeking asian men, i think it'd be weird for me to race filter guys. when i date, i filter first by personality match and second by looks, race only comes into it as a background influence on my looks judgement. except with indian and hispanic (non native, 2nd gen are cool) guys who i am honestly just kinda sus of
okay out of curiosity i just googled "hot indian man"... shit, maybe it's selection bias
we need to learn hindi to find the bollywood hotties, the ones that come over, they aren't sending us their best
Most hot Indians have Parsi(Iranian) blood.

Freddy Mercury was one such Indian.
>Racism is bad
>Classism is... le good
Even if brown people committed literally zero crime (they don't, Latin America has murder rates that far outstrip its poverty) it's fundamentally a bad decision to be outnumbered in your homeland. The only countries where majorities don't persecute minorities are the ones like the UAE where a small percentage of Arabs bar every immigrant from human rights
because they shit in the street and rape
pajeets do it to themselves
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>Why are trannies so racist? Especially against Indians?
Indian men are very horny and desperate for sex so when an Indian man doesn't want anything to do with you, that's a big sign that you don't pass at all.
no it isnt, if they didnt want people to hate them then they shouldn't be creepy retarded rape machines, just don't be racist against indian woman since they probably already suffer a lot
you indians are just ew. no class and no awareness
not even related to me be a tranny
>be me
>i'm a server
>its 8:30 we close at 9:30
>two pajeets come in and get a table
>takes shoes off
>disgusting smell
>LAYS feet on other chair
>order 2 appetizer and 1 entree to share
>stays till 10
>doesnt tip
america will be a first world country when it allows establishments to ban indians
cute pic plz source
so true, woman have no agency and cant be racist right anon?
indians arent people
they deserve to be bullied
yeah, thats a bad thing because i am sure muslims are such staunch supporters of lgbtq
it's mostly because they are such dumbfuck retards, they defend a genocidal colonial state like israel, while they themselves used to be a colony
i don't mind their hate for muslims, that's actually based
>I am completely unbothered by being called racist.
This is the average tranny in 2024. Fascistic manipulated people. No point trying to save these retards.
the entire country is mutted
the only good looking ones are the ones who got mutted by outsiders from middle east and not the abbos
india should be the next country for jews to flee to since pajeets will actually improve their genetic pool by breeding with other races
genuine cringe schizo nonsense
you are like boomers on facebook but you think your racism is somehow better because you are trans lol
that makes too much sense actually. explains why it's northern guys more who look good
i always forget iranians have like basically mediterranean level hot people genetics
persian line runs strong
they've been wising up to how to annoy women worse. i don't have the screencap but there's an article that floats around from some "women in tech" conference that was flooded with jeets identifying as nonbinary to go bother the women a couple years ago. they've also started to learn that trannies are easy targets. i don't know how these first generation half ESL guys manage to spread these strategies but the menace of horny indian guys has definitely gotten worse in the last ten years
probably some greco-bactrian in the hotties too
pajeet subhumans genuinely dont do anything in their worthless lives besides harrassing, molesting, pooping and scamming
it's no wonder their country is not developed
wtf? black guys are the biggest tranny bashers out there. i wont go near a nigger!
Thanks for explaining away the humor from the joke, Zizek.
I'm not a racist but after watching how indian men behave at the gym and having to smell their body odour I'm starting to understand why some people are, and I honetly feel like I can't blame them for being racist.

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