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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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What does the LGBT community think of china and mandarin?
Written it has male and female radicals
all languages should be isolating and tonal imo but I'm more of a Thai-enjoyer myself
I don't have anything against the chinese, but I don't like mandarin, it's ugly and difficult to pronounce
japanese is a far superior language
seems extremely difficult to learn, arguably the most important language after english tho
i don't really have a problem with china. wouldn't move there though since homos can't get married or adopt
I'm learning mandarin because I have yellow fever. I want to date a cute chinese twink and forcefem him and shame him for his small penis
He/Him - 他
She/Her - 她
It - 它
I've been with one chinese girl and she was shocked with my size. I have a curved dick so it's hard to measure. Along the curve it is 7.25 inches, but perfectly straight (if i try to straighten it) it is 6.5 inches.
how does typing chinese characters work? it seems like there're way more than would fit on a keyboard
fuck china and the chinese
but youre an idiot if you arent learning it/teaching your children it because china is going to rule the world
pinyin, they spell it out using our letters to sound out the words and then the computer matches it to the character.
ok amerifat
I'm very interested in their weird separate internet culture, like involution and their LDAR/hikikomori movement, and I like the memes like the very violent very lewd one. It's hard to access though, and I haven't found a chinese person online who makes interesting content about it in english
oh, so chinese people learn latin characters too?
I just wish China wasn't weird
I think China will be the future of trans rights, we will eventually probably seek refuge there and it will be the place where technology and healthcare will keep progressing, unlike the west which is where tranny derangement syndrome will rot average persons brain and everything will get banned.
is the great firewall a digital security measure or is it there to keep chinese people culturally separated from the west or what?
I mean, hopefully. I don't think there're a lot of protections in place for LGBT people there right now, though.
i give it a pass, amerilard would be fine too
chinese characters are easier to learn than people think. Things are groups together. For example, all liquids have the same strokes at different positions on the character to signify that they are grouped together.
they aren't ruled by fascists like the 'west'
we have only seen improvements in chinese treatment of lgbt over time
typical tankie wumao bullshit thread just allowed on tttt
i used to think it was the ugliest language but it's growing on me. chinese culture is too.
the us uses the Internet to impose its cultural dominance upon the world
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the west is pretty good on lgbt stuff tho, compared to other places at least. therere so many valid criticisms of shitty neoliberalist/reformist attitudes in the west but they have materially produced more social protections for marginalized sexual orientations
well, yeah, obviously. so is that why the great firewall is there then
I agree. and we are seeing a reaction against that when the elites learn that making immaterial concessions (in their minds, gay rights don't cost anything) gave voices to radicals who have been oppressed. what they would consider to be material would be things like workers rights.
this is where the Liberal urge to divorce economy from social progress comes from
yes, explicitly
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do you think that social concessions towards leftists in the us europe etc are leading to concessions in the economic/material sphere, too? that's a nice thought.

Only by recent convention: 她 was invented in the 1920s ish when some guy really wanted to make it clear that his love poem was about a woman. Western languages, literature, etc also started to have a bug influence on the literati around that time. She/he pronouns didn't exist until China was exposed to European brain poison

I love both languages, Thai is so beautiful and cute but I also find Mandarin very pretty. I also don't really like gendering myself every time I speak and you basically have to do that every sentence in Thai.
no they will only lead to reaction against those trying to hurt capitalists bottom line. i expect pogroms in Europe. we already see an undeclared return to section 28 but for trans in uk
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safest places to move are spain or quebec
social concessions towards leftists in the west isn't the problem, it's that every major political party is corporate owned
in china it's the opposite, the state owns the corporations. This is also bad in a lot of ways, but at least it means that the state will act in the interest of the nation
china will win because the chinese government actually wants to win
Other people complain that chinese sounds so choppy because all the words are short and sound the same. That is exactly what makes chinese easier for me than something like korean or japanese where the words have more syllables on average.
i only speak english and italian
I like the final consonants in Thai, especially how they're kind of clipped
english is fine for big cities
i don't know if they're kind on troons there or if it's great to live there
i don't really support china now ig but if the west falls to shit and somehow i'm allowed perfect tranny healthcare and unrestricted hrt access i'd be the biggest CCCP shill on the planet
characters are composed of strokes just like words are composed of alphabets
so is there a standard 'set' of strokes like there're a set amount of letters in an alphabet?
yep it's pretty small
I know Mandarin and Classical Chinese. They just make sense. 他 needs to become the only one again OR 伊 needs to replace 她.
Enjoy your burgerpunk dystopia while I enjoy baotopia at the LGBT Daoist shrine in New Taipei City.
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Chinese crossdressers are the best.
>"LGBT community"
ew, wanna learn mandarin tho, china's based and I'd love to visit one day.
I recommend picking up Integrated Chinese, the HSK textbooks, and a reader. I'm partial to the Journey to the West graded readers published by Imagin8 Press.
k thanks I'll check that out
China has cool history but living there wouldn’t be great. I mean eventually it will probably be better than the United States once there is a regime change but I have better chances living in Hokkaido Japan because I’m currently practicing Japanese.
>japanese is a far superior language
japanese is easy to pronounce if you can get past the tones, way more syllables per second and aggressive vowel reliance but beyond having a surprisingly systemically well designed grammar structure it is lowkey practically designed to be extremely autistic and overcomplicated with 2/3 of the words having several practical synonyms except they all have unnecessary distinctions and you can never ever use any of them interchangeably and kanji just making up their reading AND meaning randomly from word to word, that still manages to be incredibly space-inefficient despite use of kanji, lack of spaces, and buttloads of homonyms.

but i fucking hate english r's and japanese frees me of them so all is redeemed by far honestly

imho its mostly just people who cant seperate certain western entities they associate with those economic principles and imperialism and groups of citizens supporting social reform, so they can think up some really weird stuff. there are some people who specifically target social progress though and idfk about them tho they may just be boomers i guess
Tonal, non alphabetic languages are scary to me, hell everything that isn’t English is scary to me because I was never good at languages
hell yeah, there should be some good mandarin content on youtube with subs even, I know there's some cooking channels in mandarin but it depends on what you watch.
mandarin sounds funny when it's spoken belligerently, like german
why don't they just use pinyin all the time?
English adapted to German printing presses, we lost the character Φ which made the "th" sound, which got replaced with "y" (as in ye olde pube) or dd (as in gwynedd) or most commonly th as in the.
Qwerty is shit, but the chinese alphabet is just impractical in a digital world.
Then how come everyone on the internet watches Japanese cartoons?
japan is a colony of the us. look up the finding of their ruling party
i hate chinks. they want to colonise australia with their retarded chinky ways
Mandarin is a language I guess. Idk.
China is a morally bankrupt and culturally hollowed out society.
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i went with my dad and this older couple he does business with and they were so nice to the whole time even though my dad told them about the tranny thing, at one point we passed a store where you can try on traditional old chinese dresses and get photos in them and the wife suggested i should try it but i was too shy. was like having a chinese grandma for two weeks.
i had a bunch of kids coming up to take selfies with me all the time it was really sweet
rlly wanna learn enough to be able to get around on my own and can't wait to go back again

honestly no idea where they're going on that front, I know they've started opening up tranny clinics but I also hear they've started censoring more LGBT stuff, hard to know what is and isn't propaganda.
It’s not important because Chinese people are learning English. Your CSL will just be annoying to them. Unless you wanna be a western shill for the CCP and risk losing your income over calling Taiwan a country or some other dumb shit
His - tade 他的
Her - tade 她的
Whoa! A white who person who speaks shitty Chinese! Everyone look!
Gay male and lesbian couples find each other so that the men can marry the women so their parents will think they’re straight and married. A lot of older Chinese people don’t understand the concept of sexual orientation like in the west before the sexual revolution
Whereas in Taiwan, gay marriage is legal. China wants to reclaim Taiwan
i think china is insanely cool, even though the government is pure evil
i also think the language is awesome, if my friends didn't meme me into learning nipshit 日本語 with them i'd be learning mandarin
so like they used to do in the west until recently
i guess it makes sense they're a few decades behind
thanks anon u always know how to make me feel cool
Don’t you find it weird how much attention they gave you just for being non Asian? If you were Asian and tried to speak Chinese as a non-native speaker, they’ll just think you’re retarded because they assume you’re a Chinese national. I agree Asians are generally more polite than westerners though. So gender nonconformity is given more of a pass than the US where there are more unhinged people around. But if you’re there long enough you’ll get harassment just for your race
>i also think the language is awesome, if my friends didn't meme me into learning nipshit 日本語 with them i'd be learning mandarin
idk i know like 2 people who moved on to mandarin afterwards, it seems to be really common to do that
also everyone i've met who's moved to japan doesn't know a shred of japanese lmao

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