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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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im 25 i trooned out 6 years ago and i often wonder if i made the right choice
do you have fat ass now?
Depends. Did you grow some fat tits? Post them to confirm y/n
OP can't, because "normal people" don't have the urge to transition.
only two genders
A lot of normal people feel the urge to be the opposite sex, you wouldn’t know it because they never act upon it.
Reppers are not normal people.
I am normal. Nobody suspects me of being a faggot or a tranny.
Nta the fact that you think like this at all is not normal
You will not remain so for long; your repression will give way to transition, or suicide, or schizophrenia, but certainly not to the normalcy which you so crave.
Everyone has thoughts and impulses that would be considered weird by society. What distinguishes freaks from well-adjusted individuals is knowing how to keep them under control.
Anon, I find it incredible (in the original sense of that word) that the majority of people alive have, at one point or another, desired to cease to be the gender of their upbringing.
Think about whether you would have been happy living how you were before forever. At the point that you were willing to get on hrt to change that, you probably wouldn't have been.
Agree with this, anyone who feels like that is going to cave at some point whether they troon out next week or go John 50 later. The only difference is how long they can block it out.
Some can block it out until death
What a waste

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