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Why would anyone fortunate enough to be AFAB desire to through away their birthright for become a like a male with less intrinsic value as a birthright? What can a male have, a female cannot have in western society?
Two words: Gender dysphoria
>What can a male have, a female cannot have in western society
A 91% less chance of being raped, for starters.
FTMs have a 51% rate of sexual assault though, higher than cis and trans women so you're not avoiding it at all
>What can a male have, a female cannot have in western society?
the ability to actually be oppressed
All of those assaults are on pre-T ftms, which triggered their desire to poon out.
tl note: rape means anything a man does that a woman doesn't like, including looking in her direction or saying hello on a hiking trail
*makes eye contact*
leading vs lagging indicator strikes again
It's an undefined spook
No chud, it's what you have, and this troll thread isn't helping send it away.
So the biggest motivation to escape from being raped?
Unfortunate males have a reason to transition because they cannot compete as men. They are unable to live up to male sex demands, being a provider and protector.
Women don't have to do this, yet they can be a provider and a protector without changing gender, so they have any realistic motivation.
I want to cum inside a woman :(((((((
all ftms are simply women paranoid about rape and trying to uglify themselves
Not really paranoia when statistics validate it. Stop raping women and maybe this won't be such an issue.
They have a different disorder. It's more like anorexia body image complex
>not raping women will stop women being obsessed with rape
Well, maybe they'll still rub it out to the fantasy, but the fear of the real thing will certainly fade.
>from being acknowledged by sub-8/10 men*
>A 91% less chance of being raped,
This sounds like a big scary statistic but going from a low single digit percentage to a fraction of a percent isn't a dramatic change in quality of life.
Men and women are raped in equal numbers, it's just most male rape cases don't get reported or investigated because they aren't taken seriously when they do.
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Becuz you’re fundamentally misunderstanding transsexualism by describing it as “WANTING to be a man”. It doesn’t work like that. You basically just realize that you are a man and then you choose whether or not you want to do anything about it or not. There’s evidence that it’s a result of a hormone imbalance, so there’s not much you can really do about it besides either transition or repress, you can’t just make it go away by rationalizing it too much.
Why would anyone fortunate enough to be AMAB desire to throw away their birthright for become a like a female with less intrinsic value as a birthright? What can a female have, a male cannot have in western society?
>What can a female have, a male cannot have in western society?
- longer lifespan
- higher chance of a college education
- choice between working or staying at home
- lower sentences for the same crime
- fuckton of government and corporate programs available due to gender
- more social connections and active social life
- more leniently graded by teachers
- no possibility of being homeless due to countless govt and private funded shelters

these are just a few things I could recall, but by every measurable quality of life metric, it is better to be a woman.
i was not being fr i was reversing the OP because its fucking bullshit.

trans men dont exist because we want to "give up our birthright" the same fucking way trans women dont want to do the same. its called having gender dysphoria.

bitches on this board (and elsewhere) treat ftms like shit and then wonder why they become transmisogynists and misogynists in general
you get hated for misogynistic reasons too so try not to go full retard
Most men aren't gay and most women aren't rapists, so no, that's a flagrant lie.
> no possibility of being homeless due to countless govt and private funded shelters
I have nearly been homeless several thousand times and only haven't taken the plunge because of generous distant relatives, this is entirely dependent on where you live.
Double digit percentage to single digit percentage in America alone, actually, which is quite the drop.
for men it's is not dependent on where you live because the shelters are women-only and women have actively opposed any funding or building of such shelters for men.
>inb4 muh women's shelters """help""" men
no, they direct them to a hotel, that isn't help, it's just sending them away. if a man in need of shelter needs to go to a hotel, he doesn't need some man-hater to point him there.
Men don't need men's only shelters because they don't get DV'd or victimized as often as women. These shelters were not created for the lulz but out of necessity.
my own experience says otherwise, but I know what you people are like.
it is comforting though that you will never receive the approval of your identity that you so desperately crave by doing these things that you do.
>I, as a biological man, do not get treated like a biological woman
Woah, crazy concept.
I'm cis btw.
why are agps so transphobic to ftms?
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Oh look, rape culture, the constant drone of feminists reminding all girls that their rape is inevitable, so if they haven't been raped yet there must be something wrong with them.
no, it's an undefined spook
it's a way of shutting down the conversation by presaging the existence of a magical feeling caused by nothing
Women would probably be less concerned about rape if men didn't rape them so often.
women rape men far more than the other way around, it's just that nobody cares about that kind of rape
-are bigger
-are stronger
-are faster
-are smarter
-are tougher
-heal faster
-can pee standing up

-have tits
-make babies

>hurr why would someone want to be the objectively better sex

They don't pass.
brainwashed feminist simp who cannot hold women accountable for anything
kinda the funny part about female supremacists si they think women are better than men but they also can't believe women have agency either
Nobody will ever rape you no matter how much you deserve it.
Ftms have higher rape rates. Shit argument, get a better one that's actually reasonable.
Men rape animals and dead bodies and the elderly and you think a biological woman you imagine is ugly would be a deterrent. Goddamn you people are funny.
>Men rape animals and dead bodies and the elderly
And still won't stick it in you.
That's why your self-esteem is all fucked up and you're obsessed with rape.
And it's probably not going to change either, you'll die a virgin.
respect. i realised this only after transition, but men got treated with respect and are actually listened to while women in the same positions get dissmissed
women are far more criminal in nature than men are, they are simply allowed to get away with it because men are under constant behavioral scrutiny by feminist autists like you, and men are not
Oh please, you don't even believe that. Hell you're probably racist like most men that use this website and whinge about men being rape machines when they're browner than you and shit on women who travel alone to countries like India for being naive. The depravity of the male sex is well documented.
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That's not a denial.
Proof next thread?
The fact that I have a hole is enough to make a certain subset of the population desire me. I could have literally rotting skin and there would be a man out there who fetishizes it. I could look like the illustrations from Scary Stories to Tell In The Dark and there'd be a jeet who wants to shove it in. I could be a fish - did you know the term "maguro" as it's used in porn originates from Japanese fishermen banging tuna? Men will fuck anything. It is their nature. Denying this is as silly as being a flat earther in it's conspiratory nature as all perceived reality refutes it.
>The fact that I have a hole is enough to make a certain subset of the population desire me.
And yet your hole remains completely unviolated even though you're getting pretty old.

You're clearly 30-something, a male virgin at you age is pretty common, but a female virgin? In this day an age? I don't think you've got anything to worry about.

Have fun being obnoxious and miserable tho, it's clearly working for you.
30-something? Do I sound that mature? I'm honored by your flattering headcanons. Let's say I was a virgin though. Would you say that's more preferable or me having a body count of say, 30? It's funny that all the sex addicts on this board that want to transition to female never consider that point - you're never free from judgement no matter how much sex you have.
Tell me something, you're a man, why is it that men get cold after they get a nut? Is it like that one Stonetoss comic implies and men see women who've pleasured them as permanently dirtied from then on?
The male sex is fascinating. They make the kind of woman they hate through their own actions.
>blah blah blah men bad why men reeee
nobody cares fatty, go rub another one out to the handmaid's tale and sob into a tub of ice cream that your dad paid for.
I accept your concession.
to what lol? your rape obsession is all over this thread, the obvious suggestion is to go and goon one out.
Second time you've suggested you want me to masturbate for you now. Getting a stiffy?
no, rape fetish is overwhelmingly more common in women, rare among men.
its interesting how women use the word rape like teenagers use the word pedo
like, people dont really see a lot of accusations as particularly serious anymore, so to be heard, teenagers started using pedo more and more loosely. just being weird gets you called a pedo for example, as unserious as that is
and women kinda just did this to the word rape too. its like one of the few things that still has an impact on the people its directed at. only... it starts to mean nothing once people use it to describe basically anything that they dont like or regret having
not a moid or tranny before anyone says it.
its all the same
men who doesn't go along with the prescribed feminist narrative

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