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Figured ill ask here since you're prolly the most honest bunch. Is it cringe for a cis person to wear a trans flag pin on a bag or something? Would I just come off as a chaser? Interested in doing so to signal trans folks that I'm safe to talk to but don't wanna come off as cringe or as an asshole.
Yes, if you must wear a pin just make it generic pride
personally i’d either assume you’re cis yourself, or just an ally. more likely assuming the former though
it's cringe but 99% of trans ppl are cringe so it's cool
i'd assume you're a trender who presents as their birth gender but insists on having other pronouns
there's really no way to spin a cis person wearing a trans flag pin other than assuming you are trans or a chaser. the default assumption will be that you're trans and once you tell someone that you're not, most cis people will think it's weird and most trans people will think you're a chaser. just wear the generic pride flag, or whichever flag represents your sexuality
>in b4 cis white heterosexual male
Be a Chad and proudly display your self designed/self made Chaser's Flag. That will get you all the bussy/pussy/girlcock bruh
if i see a pin i assume you're a tranny, pretty cut and dry. the amount of cis people who would wear a trans pin out of their own will is so small that i wouldnt even consider that a possibility if i saw one in public. if you just look like a guy id think "damn that pooner passes so well, i should kill myself" but that last part might just be me
a nice, like-minded person (trans or ally) might approach you and it's an instant meetcute.
be flamboyant with what you like/support, and more people will say hi
Nice bait
I'd assume you were trans
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Fuck yeah
I would think you're trans/nb but I wouldn't assume chaser if you said you weren't, it might seem strange though I guess, like seeing anybody not part of a group adopt iconography
wear it in a collage with other pins and it would seem less odd, more like you're an activist or socially conscious and not just interested in trans people
I'm trans and while I don't think you have to do any of this, I find it extremely cute and awesome that youre going out of your way to make us feel supported and valid.
One thing I'd do differently is swapping the flag with the ally flag (see>>37322082
) because it signals better that you're a supportive cis person, wearing a trans pin will just have ppl think ur trans
Nice bait #2
People generally are some combination of hating, fearing or repulsed by trannies on some level. Yes, even "liberals". So people will think its weird or wonder if you are a tranny of some kind.

I think its based though, because by wearing it you say you support a cause that is actively disliked by the majority of the nation but is still correct. Make it clear that you think the villification of trans people in the media is wrong, and you want in your own small way to show publicly that you oppose that. It doesn't have to get to political, its just showing support for trans people.
I’d 100% assume you were some sort of trans, but I think there’s something cool about you proving that wrong.
My trans gf saw my chas--trans ally flag sticker on my phone and told me people aren't necessarily familiar with the trans ally flag (I can confirm myself, having shown it to various queer people.) They'd assume you're trans yourself. Also, from having asked people in this same board, I gathered there isn't a real way to signal trans folks you're safe to talk to. Maybe wear merch of pieces of media popular with trans people, like a Lain or Machine Girl shirt. That's what I'm doing.
you might come off as a chaser depending on how you act but i think if you just mention a trans friend/family member you care about it would dispel that instantly
I associate Lain with crystal cafe people who hate trannies. my brainworms will turn basically any symbol into them potentially hating trannies including a standard LGBT flag
I would think you are trans if you have that from first reaction, most people would because you can look like anything and identify as trans
you are asking the most paranoid and mentally unwell community possible so i think a lot of the other replies are clownish compared with how most trans people feel. i agree you should probably have text or something to indicate you're an ally though or people will just assume you're trans too. cis people who are agressively pro trans enough to wear a badge to proclaim it or cis people who go to protests make me feel so reassured personally. its like you spend your whole life assuming that the other side secretly hates you even when they feign support so just hearing about something like this on 4chan is hopefuel to me, thank you anon, i hope you're real
That's sad. I thought CC was also popular with trannies.

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