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why are pooners so violent?
Wasn't Randy Stair MTF?
A true male soul...
Schoolshootermogs every FtM and cis man on this board.
luckshit height, can't believe he threw that away for a school shooting threat of all things
he's wearing high heels
literally the only transfem shooter and she was a repper lol
To be fair I'd be pretty pissed off too if I had no penis and a bunch of elementary school boys mogged me just by being born with a Y chromosome.
If I were on the jury I'd let her walk without prison time.
What's more malebrained than a school shooting
Holy shit, Gloves tried to do a school shooting?
This is the 5th ftm shooter/attempted shooter. Once again, pre-T.
If testosterone makes you violent, why are pre-transition ftms grossly overrepresented among school shooters? T is the only cure to female psychosis.
Lmfao beat me to it
they're malebrained
and the more news presence they get, the more it'll happen
The ones on testosterone want to do shootings too but they stop themselves out of concern everyone will see their male pattern baldness in the mugshot.
Now these are the real trutrans transsexuals.
>T is the only cure to female psychosis.
So real
Poor ftms I wish I could take their misguided rage and focus it, onto something more wholesome than shooting up elementary schools like joining paramilitary groups
Its not pooners its white trannies doing this. White trans people ruin everything for themselves and the rest of us.
I hope every FtC freak gets beheaded and bled dry like halal meat. Disgusting foid failures, their only purpose is to get pregnant and they can't even do that right. Foids literally turn themselves into an oppressed person to play victim then lash out at innocents. They always get themselves raped and abused, at least 90% of women's abuse is brought on by themselves and is entirely deserved
least misogynistic tranny
I would be too if I was 5'1 and dickless
I'd probably be full of impotent rage too if I were that ugly, no matter the gender that's a cave troll pretending to be human
Of course this hideous obese dyke had to target children, even teenagers heightmog this failed"male" failedfoid failed human untermensch wastoid. Hope they send her to a male prison and she gets raped and forced to carry the child
would you really want this feral hog breeding?
She's so fat it'd be a miscarriage anyways kek
refusing therapy
i would never hurt a child after they were already born
although i got jumpscared by that 1940s ass name. what the fuck is up with ftms and having grandma deadnames?
people who rant about whites like this have a BWC fetish 100.1% of the time
true and conservatives really hate when you point that out
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Maybe the test makes them aggressive.
Pooners can still embrace their femininity.
>>37324639 see >>37322170
what's wrong with Margaret as a name? if anything modern foid names are an abomination: kalyee, kayceee, kimberleeeeeee
FTMs aren't even accepted by other trannies as evidenced by this board. It's a really lonely existence. No wonder they go crazy.
>i would never hurt a child after they were already born
Oddly specific. Did you have an abortion, gloves?
based. i would also punch pregnant tummies
>T is the only cure to female psychosis.
as an mtf repper god i hope E doesn't turn me into a mass shooter or something lol
conservatives just call them trans women because afabs obviously can't commit violence
if this were an mtf it would be all over the news
every single time there's a shooter rightoids start praying it's an mtf tranny and then when it's not they forget about it
i'm a virgin, so no. but if i ever went into medical school i'd have no qualms with being an abortionist because of how disgusting i find pregnancy
you get it
I don’t think it’ll make you want to become a mass shooter, it makes most mtfs want to be beaten and bred by a large, hairy man. Which is another subset of female neuroticism I guess.

gloves GOONS to RIMWORLD FEEDER PORN in his living room located on his fathers RECLINER, where he SLEEPS and LIVES his FATASS LIFE. He also regularly GOONS with his GOONER SISTER. She's almost as much as a freak as he is.
>an mtf is a trans identified male
>an ftm is a trans identified person
so tired of these kiked grifters
he also ATE TERJE ALIVE after he FELL into his SEWAGE PIT
nothing, it's just uncomfortably close to my deadname
one, my dad doesn't live with us
two, the recliner was a gift to me specifically from neighbors that skipped town
three, i've never had my own bedroom. if i did, i'd goon in private. the livingroom is my bedroom, and my sister goons in private
four, you'd only know this if you were in the poonybin post-card. i can only suspect one of two people would post this
also i'm not mad i'm just warning you to be careful with what you reveal as an ex-servercel. the main person i believe you are i think is really funny.
who do you think i am? why do they make you sleep in the living room like a dog?
>adult targeting children
the most cowardly fembrained form of murder
lmao that's worse
nigga get off the internet
>E doesn't turn me into a mass shooter or something lol
it's not about the e it's about them being a pooner. E plays a part but you also have to desire to be a male
She executed on the school shooting the same way women commit suicide.
Ineffectually, for attention.
nvm then, but we don't have the money for a 3 or 4 bedroom apartment so i have to sleep in the livingroom and my older non gooner (paternal) half-sister shares a bedroom with my mom
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patrician tastes
poors really treat their kids worse than dogs, I can barely stand living in the same vicinity of people I don't like(everyone)
Every trans should be out on FBI watchlist. Again and again we learn that trans illusions are the first step to doing horrible things. America has a mental health crisis, not a gun crisis
Nobody is under any illusions that your male violence goes away with trans identity
Actually, chemical castration is one of the most effective methods known to reduce violent and criminal tendencies which is why mtf hrt availability should be expanded
Do you know what happens when you put the wrong hormone in someone's body?! You can never predict how it will react including chemical instability in the brain. Chemical imbalance is the biggest cause of violence in males so WHY would you want to expand it?!
understandable opinions desu
daily reminder that this person is pre t like many, many ftm shooters....
its mostly ftm repressors doing this not stealth ftms.
He didn't want to be a woman, he wanted to be a cartoon ghost girl. Not true MtF.
Watch out, it'll probably turn out that she was one of those Adam Lanza or Salvador Ramos groupies. Very fembrained if so.
Context: both shooters attacked elementary schools.
Let's see the motive. I'd wager that she is just a hypbristophile copycat rather than a true malebrained shooter. If she wasn't, she would have targeted her own high school or some incel-type shit like shooting up a sorority like Elliot Rodger.

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