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I'm gonna display my self-made chaser flag in a protest against an anti-trans march and no one will stop me
proud of you
They holding anti trans marches? Where at?
Chad af!
Various location in Canada during next saturday morning, held by an group called "Hands Off Our Kids". The counter-marches should be held around the same spots, check out your local trans support group for more info.
No child is born in the wrong body.
keep being a king/queen op..
Anon that's the trans-ally flag they just called it a chaser flag here during pride month because there is no chaser flag
well in a sense being a chaser is the most trans allyship someone can show
Based. Thank u chaser anon. U chasers are good. Who would rail us if not for chasers and bi guys and dominant futamaxxing trans tops and dominant women and trans guys with straps or really good phallo or gay guys who are attracted to trans girls early on into transition cause they're basically just soft men at that point and also straight guys. And I guess NBs too probably whatever that means. But yeah thank u chaser anon for standing up for trans women, nature's greatest cumdumps.
Most chasers are transphobic
I'm a former chaser and I can confirm that interactions with IRL trans women made me transphobic
i mean proper chasers (i.e. its not just a preference) fetishize trans women and reduce them to their gender identity in order to use them for their bodies, which is a pretty dick move but not inherently transphobic per se imo
so true! retarded crippled vegtables and quadriplegic obeasts are perfect and #valid just the way they are, trans is le evil eugenics nazism
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>interactions with IRL trans women made me transphobic
tell us about them, anon, share your war stories
i always think of the arch linux when I see this flag
these people are always inexcusable creeps and parents angry at other people for their being bad parents or having a child who is different
in Canada and i’ve seen those “million march 4 kids” and the counter protests as well. i cherish chasers like you, and wish for your safety during the protest and luck in finding a potential partner if you don’t have one already
Thank you <3
I've shitposted enough about them and every time I do it just makes me feel like a terrible person. but don't worry I will again in the future when I'm feeling blackpilled, which is often
sorry you've had bad experiences anon.
I'm scared of cis women and trans women and most men now. there's a small handful of men I trust and a small handful of non binary people I trust. I don't think I'll ever fuck a cis girl or an mtf ever again.
>mtf who doesn't identify as one cause I'm terrified of other mtfs
have a label that says 'RAPIST OF TRANSGENDERS' that u wear
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OP do you want a bj?
Unfortunately this will only be good optics if you're hot
How can you be transphobic if you see trans women as women, your lover and soulmate?
Whether I'm hot or not is completely irrelevant. Protesters have to cover their face in order to not get ID'd by cops. It'll be the same for me
Most chasers do not see trans women as those things
Anon, that's mean
What else they see them as?
Anon, you are unfortunately naive to the ill nature of the souls of many. Be it something they must grow out of in this lifetime or the next, there are people who do not see the world with the same kind of purity you do. Take heart in your own goodness. May your love and friendship provide a place of emotional safety and warmth to all who are graced by it.
then ur height will be the default
My height starts with a 6 so I'm good
>T. 60 inches tall
lmao im attending on friday too but i dont have a cool chaser flag. good luck.
>Various location in Canada during next saturday morning, held by an group called "Hands Off Our Kids". The counter-marches should be held around the same spots, check out your local trans support group for more info.
If I go to my local one do you think hooking up with a tranner is a possibility?
I wish I wasn't too scared to hook up with people as a tranner
pro tip
Make lots of friends. Then sleep with your friends.
What makes you scared about hook ups?
This is a way I suppose, but I tend to make friends who don't like to be touched unfortunately, I haven't touched another human or animal since may.
lot of things, I'm a virgin, unpassing tranner who is a bit heavy but not hideous, ptsd from stuff, scared they won't be satisfied if I don't want to do stuff that involves penetration, scared of catching something.. idk it all sucks because I'm very loving and cuddly and want to share it but can't and don't know how.
Well, keep making friends anon, that's literally how cis women find partners. Worst case scenario is you just end up with a big support network of people who know and care about you c:
>virgin, unpassing tranner who is a bit heavy but not hideous, ptsd from stuff
You sound like my current gf. Condoms and meds can stop ITSS's (or asking for a itss blood test, works too) but I can respect if you're not ready for penetration.
maybe I am just paranoid and I can find people that won't really want to do that immediately ;-;
nta but how do i make friends. SERIOUS IMPORTANT QUESTION

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