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>blessed with supportive family
>blockers at 13, no male puberty estrogen at 14
>no facial hair or voice drop
>fast forward 6 years
>god decides to prank me by giving me chicken legs with male thighs, massive 40 cm gorillahon shoulders, and A cup mosquito bite tits
>almost 21 and still have the face of little boy because blockers and estrogen doesn't effect face
>still have voice of 12 year old boy because estrogen doesn't give you normal female puberty voice changes
not even being a youngshit can save you. maleness is immutable. there is no hope.
Your body looks like my boyfriend's… yeah I have to talk with him now, wtf
Just voicetrain and don't skip legday dumbass
you just have the body of a woman, a regular, non-descript woman, but basically fine
it's ogre
>>still have voice of 12 year old boy
Imagine the moans.
double dubs, and this
a body twin for two previous cis girlfriends of mine.
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It's over, fetuscels.

Just kidding you look like me (AFAB) stop attention whoring
it's not hot, are you a pedophile?
i literally sound like a kid playing cod on xbox live. granted i have a heavy fagcent too but i don't sound female.
>it's not hot, are you a pedophile?
Do you know what website you're on, little boy?
oh. well sorry to disappoint but i'm also 5'10
It's over!
nah, being 5'10 is the only think preventing people from assuming i'm actually a child
Slightly worse results than me and I started in my 30s though I guess you get an extra 15 years to enjoy it unless you piss your pants and whine instead
i don't enjoy it at all i think about suicide every day
How big is your dick OP
4 cm and it doesn't get hard
Your body is literally femme and petite stop self harming
thats brutal
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stop gaslighting me i'm build like a xenomorph
Chubbymax then bitch
>Massive 40 cm shoulders
kill yourself
>face of a little boy
kill yourself
>voice of 12 year old boy
kill yourself now
kill yourself now
kill yourself now
Ungrateful bastard. If you don't the hand you were dealt, then take it up with fucking God. Better, lower your expectations to something reasonable, because you don't look male. You've won, and you're cutting yourself bc you think you have it bad.
i did and it made me have a beer gut so i lost the weight. either way it wouldn't change my male skeleton.
>given life on easy mode as a youngshit passoid with supportive parents that let u start as a child.
>carve up entire body creating ugly as fuck SH scars for no reason to the point where your skin looks like the bark of a fucking birch tree
Wtf? im a hon and felt just as shit as you if not worse my entire life because of GD, I considered suicide almost every day yet not once did I carve even a single line in my body. I've heard it often that starting HRT early can prevent brain development and it's beginning to make sense now.
i know you're gaslighting me but you're in luck because i actual and probably going to kill myself idk like sometime after i finish college
>still have voice of 12 year old boy
just voice train like the rest of us?
yes it's over i'm sorry
now i am an old fat ugly bastard that might be willing to let you live in a cage under my bed...
but only if you let me lick your scars and blood, deal?
it doesn't work. the pitch is already high, but that's because i sound like a child. i can't bring it from sounding like a child to an adult woman.
you have cis hips and no rib flare, look like an average woman. targeted exercise would get you to the level that cis women who do the same reach.
seriously i wish i had your body, lying down like you are in pic two i look like a dorito :(
The only actual thing wrong here is you've put scars all over your body
You are sticking your ass out which is making your stomach look big. Your spine shouldn't be as curved as that. Practice posture by putting your back up against the wall and trying to get it a flat as possible. Do that daily and become aware of how toy carry yourself. Get a six pack and fix your posture and you won't even just be femme you'll be hot and unclockable. You can get a free workout app on any app store just choose a high rated one that's free and listen to the schedule it sets.

Believe it or not, being a woman takes a lot of fucking work. That's why woman have been saying it takes a lot of work for thousands of years. Your problem isnt your skeleton, its being a basement dwelling nerd. Why do you think nerds are depicted as ugly losers in every piece of media for the last century?

Too recap:
>work out 3 times a week on abs specifically to flatten stomach
>fix posture
>skin care routine + leave in conditioner are mandatory

bonus: voice train (yes some cis women do this too)
>cis hips
i don't, but even if i did it wouldn't matter because my gorillahon shoulders balance it out
that's just how my spine is i can't change it it feels unnatural.
they may not be extremely wide but they are the shape and proportions and angle of the hips of someone exposed to estrogen for their first puberty. if you think otherwise you have fucking brain damage, my hips are “wide for a male” but still in male proportions and trust me, it’s very noticeable
you're retarded.
I am not.
I'll give myself some credit, you appear to be at least 167cm, so I'm shorter than you. I have that going for me.
You have wider hips than shoulders. You have a small ribcage. You have a high waist. You have a female body fat distribution. You admitted to having a high voice. You admitted to having a youthful face.
If this isn't enough for you, then nothing would have been. You would have been a bitter cis woman that feels inadequate enough to cut.
Get over yourself. You deserve better than your own judgement.
you're gaslighting me. i'm 177 cm. my hips are not wider than my gorillahon shoulders
fuck you dude, you got no idea how good you’ve got it
kill yourself
but a gym membership and workout with trainer. how about that?
Maybe chuds were right and youngshits transitioning should be banned you mfs get literally perfect results and keep whining about it and self harming so maybe transition just doesn't work for you, maybe you need to go through actual puberty to feel what really bad masculinization actually feels like so that you can be more satisfied with the end result of transition even if objectively they are worse passing wise.
i literally look like a twink, 0% female, i do nit have "perfect result"
You are being ridiculous. Can someone pull out that body proportion calculator? I don't have the link rn. It was anthropolo something.
40cm bideltoid is tiny. Really tiny. Your ribcage looks somewhat big, but it is small compared to your hips. You honestly have more to complain about your height than any proportions. Get your self-hatred in order, lol.
Yep, delusional body dismorphia. Take testosterone for a few months then look back at these pics and you'll see.
lmao u r evil but i stan it
im sorry anon but if i see you irl you will get another cut mark on you :3
You look 0% like a twink, you moron. Your hips are massive. If you told me you weren't trans, I would say you look like you have mega klinefelter's.
evidently the bideltoid measurement is incorrect because my shoulders are massive. to be fair i measured it with a pencil and a piece of cardboard and not with an actual bideltoid machine because they are hundreds of dollars
im a luckshit with a feminine skeleton for an AMAB who transitioned post-puberty and I would kill to have that kind of body wtf
this is bait or severe body dysmorphia
Yes! That one!
She probably didn't do the measuring very well, but the point still stands.
"bideltoid machine" 12 dollars to make it yourself out of cardboard.
you legitimately need to be studied, your perception of your body is entirely detached from reality
anon go out of your room once and look at real women on the streets.
For your shoulders to be outside one standard deviation from female average you'd have to have been 6-8 cm off, which is literally impossible even when measuring with imprecise instruments
u literally have the body of an out of shape below avg cisf. get an eating disorder or lose weight the healthy way.
voice is… Yeah? u have to actually put some work into a feminine voice? it’s gonna be 100x easier for you so pls don’t complain that’s lame asf
Face I don’t believe and if it’s true there is no way having “the face of a 12 year old boy” prevents u from passing
softly with my song
kys softly...
you attention whore :3 <3 <3
how??????? i can't think of a way to do it that wouldn't require another person
Stop cutting. You have a beautiful body, and you're damaging my property
if i lost weight my non-existant tits would become even more non-existant
People like you are annoying, but this is your time to shine, mister hansoncock!
Bring your friends!
Do you want to improve your appearance or your breasts?
honestly i care about having nice breasts more than a flat stomach
Slicing yourself up like that is 100x more noticeable than any slightly less than optimal female features. Tons of cis women are very similar to you, get over it.
You're full of bullshit because you did not transition toung and your body shows it
mogs me so hard
Voice train, and eat at a recomp maintenance level and do mat Pilates. Your just skinny fat normal girl, if you wanna glow up do the above.
but i did :( and that's the thing it doesn't matter, i still don't pass from the neck down and that just shows that transitioning is a scam
women arent skinnyfat, skinnyfat = male bones and fat distro
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>mister hansoncock
I dont get your reference

What? What did I do?
You literally have a thigh gap and just bad muscle definition in your ass with a bit of a tummy.

Your brain just isn’t letting you see your quiet fem. Wait a week, take a new photo set while tucked and post saying “it’s over I’ll never be a real man” posing as if your ftm and people here will tell you it’s over.
Just STOP CUTTING and you'll look fine. You don't need to be a gigastacy.
i'm not close to a stacy dude i'm built like crazy frog
Wrong and dumb. You just have a normal woman’s build, who happens to have small boobs with low muscle and not obese but not athletic body fat%.

Everyone here honestly probably looks worse and are worse off than you are.

Take control of your life getting a healthy diet+fitness routine makes everyone more attractive regardless. Voice train for dysphoria.

You have “I don’t look like a model so I don’t pass” brain. You look normal, if you don’t want to look normal do what other girls do dummy
Because you never took a hormone until you're over 18 years old and you're just lying about it because you think you might look better than you really do. You look like a tranny body not that masculine but not at all like a female
You have a 5/10 body but scars will make it progressively less attractive
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Here's what someone looks like if they really did transition at 12.
yeah i'm gonna killing myselflol your post made me move up the schedule i'm gonna do it in a few months. mao
wait are you the same anon who posted a video cutting herself on lesgen few months ago?
Do you have sexual urges and have you ever had an orgasm?
this is more likely than not. obviously u can never know for sure but this person looks a lot like a post puberty transitioner that got kinda lucky. it's still very obviously not over for them but i don't really believe this anymore.
yes :D lol
you would be fine if you hadnt destroyed your body like that
This could've been easily fixed by doing regular squads. Try to channel your self-harm urges into doing exercises. Try to think of it as a punishment.
That's only ones with good genetics and actually try to look decent. OP is just a whiner who doesn't do anything to make up for not having natural gigastacy looks
it's true i swear on my mother. if i posted my fscw you'd believe it but i'm not gonna. desu i am understaning more and more than i am extremely unlucky for a youngshit, but i legitemately am believe it or not. (also drunk now btw). it's legit true. which sucks becaus i'm still hideous
Grace is like a real woman and all her interest in her looks she's not a tranny who post on here because male brain.
She's trying to Humble brag. It takes one to no one I do it myself all the time think I look like I transitioned earlier than I did. My mother wouldn't have it when I was 12 so I had to wait until I was able to live on my own at 18 and I'll never look as good as a real woman
message someone trustworthy and they'll confirm in the thread
i could never forget this tummy. hard for you to believe but you're cute anon don't treat yourself like
No one is going to believe you transitioned at puberty. You have too many male secondary sex features
not even impressive YS genetics she just puts effort into the appearance unlike every1 here bcuz she actually cares :D
Indeed. I transitioned at 19 and had a physique close to this from the start.
i don't have friends so i can't do this.
here's a one view unsee of a selfie of me to hopefully confirm i have a cis passing face which should confirm that i am a youngshit. please don't post it around i really don't want people to recognize me
https://unsee DOT cc/album#RxgpKO7HhZWP
nah i'm not cute and i'm still going to off myself. lol finna relapse tonight too let's all say a prsyer to that
I tried taking birth control pills when I was 16. It was hard to stay on them regularly cuz it was hard for me to get them. I finally legally transitioned at 18 and was a skinny skinny little boy with no ass and no shoulders, no body really to speak of! I still looked like a boy..
lol sorry i know it's a silly picture but it's just the first one i had and i'm too drunk to find a normal one
do you believe me thoooogh :0
link is dead anon
I’m glad you hate your body and cut yourself
As you should.
it was one view so yeah if you're not the trip i was trying to show it to it shouldn't work for you
i didn’t see it, don’t feel obligated to send anything else because i won’t check actively enough to see it first. for the sake of privacy i’ll just assume ur telling the 100% truth.
kill yourself you retarded faggot lmao you will never be a woman and you can never be a real man again, you are an abomination forever now this is the part where you have to kill yourself DO IT NOW YOU FAGGOT
You are retarded and insecure, most likely an ovarit lurker
but it's true he's right
TRVTHNUKE you're average just like everyone else well because average is normal
You tiny fucking faggot
Iddy biddy baby
I'd kill to be that small
And look, you hips come outside your ribs width
Motherfucker I'm 5'10" with 49cm shoulders, 111cm underbust, and 86 cm hips/waist. I'm a literal fuckin triangle shaped ape because my dumb ass waited out puberty.

Get over yourself, you have a better starting point than some of us and you're still fucking young. Jesus fuckin christ actual gorillahons out here tryin to make it and youngshits fuckin complaining like they weren't given fuckin easymode. Tall about ropefuel, damn
wide shoulders r hot in women don’t worry

t. straight cis guy
you lie!
im not though sweetie
Why don't you just accept yourself as a guy then and go gay?
Fix your posture, the only reason your body doesn't look super great is bc the way you stand looks unnatural - otherwise you look pretty good.
I used to feel shit about my appearance but I spend a few months focusing on my posture and I 100% recommend it, I didn't even think I had bad posture until I saw the effects of fixing it. There are plenty of resources for where to start with posture, although it takes ages to get a feeling for it and figure out how to use good posture subconsciously, especially when your muscles aren't use to it, but stick to it and you'll be much more satisfied with your appearance.
Haha, I appreciate the sentiment but you're in the minority thinking someone that's less of a curve and more of a pair of straight lines towards a point is anything remotely feminine.
That said in spite of being clockier than big ben, I'm cute (in my own opinion) and get along just fine. Which is part of why youngshits who complain about not having a supermodel build piss me off when they're a relatively short distance from passing or even go stealth.

Trust me I tried. I tried for 15 years. And ultimately it nearly killed me. Legit the only reason I'm alive is because my shifty pistol misfired into the rug, stunning me long enough (flash+sound+small room) for my roommate to kick my door in and save me.
So yea, I'm a clocky as fuck lateshit but I prefer being able to smile and not being permanently disassociated/depersonalized over being, yaknow, dead. Plus my career from my repping days makes enough money + insurance to pay for anything I need for my transition ($180k pay/benefits + full coverage for everything except laser hair removal)
I feel your pain don't you feel sometimes like just hurting anything you see because you're so blindly angry about the fact that you weren't allowed to change yourself when you were a child?
Do you ever just feel like screaming? Have you ever gotten to the point where you just started screaming and couldn't stop?
No, I don't think I've ever felt blind anger over it. Just an exceptionally bottomless pit of remorse and despair. Moreso about all the years I wasted disassociating and chasing my masculinity without being able to earnestly smile or feel happy - not for long at least before something else slapped me back down.
I've done almost all of my screaming and crying. Yes, there were moments of uncontrollable bawling. These days I focus on improving myself and my image and on helping others around me. Some days I feel the pain stronger than others and it gives me pause. But I can't change what's been done. My dharma is to be a gigahon, I guess. There's worse fates.
ITT: OP is humble bragging and is trying to seek validation by pretending they have it soooooo bad
Youngshit passoids not be insane challenge
many such cases!
>god decides to prank me by giving me chicken legs with male thighs
it's not god deciding to prank you, it's you being a fat american retard and having 0 muscle mass from sitting on your ass playing apex shitheads all day go to the gym and you're lower body will look heavenly
You're not trans, you're just flat.
but riddle me this anon:
> would
im 5'6 and have 19 inch shoulders.
Im a cis woman and you literally just described me . You’re fine. You’re just pressed you don’t look like a bimbo like in ur agp fantasies
>be skinny skeleton
>wonder why you have no tits or ass
nice bones
>>god decides to prank me by giving me chicken legs with male thighs, massive 40 cm gorillahon shoulders, and A cup mosquito bite tits
lmao it wasn't god's doing, it was a shitdose from a cis doctor who doesn't give a fuck about trans patients
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>Start HRT at a good age
>STILL fucking cut yourself up like some deranged psychopath

it's all because you didn't castrate yourself
>oh no I look like a normal woman rather than a VS model or whatever
God I hate luckshit whiners. Also, 40 cm is below average for cis foids according to ANSUR and ANSUR2.
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half of this thread is telling me i'm too skinny and the other half says i'm too fat. who am i supposed to believe?
cut off your balls
You're BDD, you're better off than me (an actual 25+ lateshit) and you just look like a woman.
Are you straight, bi, or transbian?
you have bdd. nobody would assume from that picture that you are amab
I'm starting to believe that TERFs are right. Has anybody that actually received HRT prior to 18 appreciated it or does it always make them unappreciative of what they have?
sweetie pie, this is what women look like. Or a lot of us, anyway

your hips are beautiful! I'm not sure what you mean about them

it would be too easy to think we're gaslighting you. We're not. We just see a real, honest version of you that doesn't suffer from all the nitpicking you've probably done over your appearance since you were younger.

dysphoria is a bitch and I'm not exaggerating when I say that in the mirror, the difference between thinking I'm a gross man and thinking I'm a cute girl-in-progress is often the tiniest change in expression. It's how you see yourself and the energy you embody

you look great. Please try to reshape your view of yourself
>blockers and estrogen doesn't effect face
how come?
so, when you go through normal puberty, it effects your face, makes you look like an adult, etc. but estrogen is extremely weak when given to amabs, so it kinda did what it would normallu do to a cis woman, so i look weird and uncanny
anon they're literally baiting for compliments
My body looks like that and I started four years ago at age 21
You just can't help hating yourself no matter what situation you're in

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