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File: Female-Steroid-Users.png (105 KB, 890x342)
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how many ftm reppers/girlmoders on t are there on /tttt/? i’m thinking of doing this myself and would love to hear about your experiences. has your mental health improved, do you still pass as female most of the time, what changes have you gotten, has anyone noticed something’s “off” and so on
the 'women' in picrel take probably way higher doses of t than your average pooner. female roid users who take low androgenic steroids look different and more like fitness influencers like lean beef patty for example
Right is based, she looks like Nathan explosion
As far as people noticing stuff, I imagine "buzzy voice" is their "gyno."
But they don't make a hoody for that, so they probably tell people they have a cold all the time.
I was a girlmoder until recently. I sort of miss it but I also like being gendered male of course. I am a lot more calm on T despite my lifelong anger issues and its great not having to buy tampons every month.
Yeah, people think I’m a chick half the time until I open my mouth and speak, then I get a look of confusion before they start referring to me as a guy. Happens a lot when I go out.
>a cold
>its great not having to buy tampons every month
Periods stop on T?
Patty isn't even juiced, she's just been lifting for a very long time. Easily achievable natty.
Did you believe the lib meme of trans guys needing tampons in the men’s rooms or smth
No, but since you're a man you can just free bleed and not be judged for it UwU
testosterone at proper male levels stops or at least interferes with the menstrual cycle
I don't know anything about FTMs 'cause this board only ever talks about how much it hates them.

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