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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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Ftms see this and think “yeah, I wanna ruin my body to look like him”
why would you call a normal cis guy ruined
Cuz he's an ugly looking man
This is just your average masculine man. Gay men love men that look like this.
It's not for you because you're an AGP that worships the female form.
How old are you and what are your letters?
This is peak male aesthetics
This is bait so we lust for this man. Very clever
hairy, violent, gay, ape.
please, I can't get any harder
Testosterone ruins everyone, cis males included. Nobody thinks a gross hairy ape is more attractive than being cute and feminine. Even cis women fawn over males with feminine qualities, which is why they like girly kpop boys and twinks.
>Nobody thinks a gross hairy ape is more attractive than being cute and feminine
Have you never met a homo in your entire life?
looks like a perfectly nice man op, whats your problem.
right, i forgot all mtfs are pedophiles into prepubecent boys who want to keep everyone looking as young as possible
Teenage girls fawn over young looking men because they deem them non-threatening. When their sexuality develops further and they age they trend towards more masculine men. As they get even older, the average heterosexual women will even start to grow fond of fat men.
>t. Cis female
I wouldn't go that far but I do think the world would be better if everyone was eternally 14
gonna be honest, I despise theyfab types and pooners who detrans and blame everyone but themselves for them not becoming bishi twinks

but ftms who look at pics of FUBs like that and go "god, I wish that was me"? you keep being you. you dropped your crown, king. you are absolutely male
holy based
sounds harsh but i would go that far honestly. admitting you'd prefer everyone to be 14 is basically the same thing to me
27 lf
Girls like hair bands. Boys with feminine faces
Speak for yourself. I might be a dyke but I've never liked masculine looking men, particularly hairy men
>Hair bands
Do you live mentally in the 80s?
There's a reason most fans of kpop bands are underaged.
That would explain it, then. You don't have normal female sexuality. Which isn't an insult, just reality.
I have gender dysphoria. I don't care to look like a hot guy, or an ugly guy, or any specific guy. I have an constant and uncontrollable urge to present male and not doing so causes me a great deal of distress.
Glad I could clear that up.
>Doesn't like men
What is your point?
You might be retarded
No offense but the way you’ve framed it makes you sound like the all too famous future detranser who pooned out to escape trauma. Everyone wants to be hot, cis or trans. Saying you don’t care if you’re ugly kind of feels like you’re trying to become invisible to society so you don’t get hurt again. Were you ever sexually abused at any point in your life?
I'm an old dyke, into Pat Benatar
I think old men, fat bald and hairy are disgusting looking, so does straight women
You're retarded, if you like that old hairy ape
Well, elderly men are ugly to everyone. But most women (adult human females) are horny for guys that look like Mads Mikkelsen.
If you don't like men why would you like masculine men? Isn't it kinda obvious they're out of the question?
You're misunderstanding entirely.
everyone wants to be hot, yes.
But I'd rather be an ugly man than a hot woman, because of my dysphoria. And No, I've had zero negative experiences as a woman, I just have dysphoria.
I like gay men and they like exaggerated male features because they're men, not because they're gay. Like how straight men like exaggerated big buttocks and huge breasts. Men are just weird that way
you guys are so goddamn annoying to pooners on this board
you encourage any slight feminized gay man to transition but a woman who would rather die than live another day as one must stay in that body no matter what
You should stick your dysphoria up your little totosy! Have a sexy gf cure you
What? If you like men you're not a dyke
Cuz it's all bs. Some boys are too sissy to be men, girls aren't too butch to be women
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I have a GF and she likes my masculinity though
I like some sissy boys who take hrt, not hairy men.
based pooner truckermoding
You look like a big fat turnip
Then you like trans women which is basically just dyke plus.
Fat is right, but turnip? I've never heard that one before lol
So you're bi
Homos being into hypermasculine men is almost this weird humiliation fetish where the grossly exaggerated characteristic of males get them off
You're saying that as a dyke you're into women? Obviously you're not into masculine men
If you're gay you'd naturally be into masculine features. Even twinks who are a distinct category from tgirls exhibit masculine features. You've reached a level of self hate where common sense disturbs you.
I like a sissy bottom boy, I can toss around
I can see why you feel that way but I think society is a lot more ambivalent about this topic than it pretends to be and aging gets really terrifying past your mid twenties
Don't listen to anyone telling you to rep, ever. And yeah ftm hate is cringe
>I am a dyke
>I like bottom boys
Choose one
I like pto feed to swollen itchy boggle boys
Nope. I judge it by their butthole
You are so strange. I am fascinated by you.
>making this thread
hahaaaaa are you a repressed trans man or are you crying about the shortage of attractive butches?
>pollywog never a pepe

I am an old pollywog. Lots of kids like old poliwogs
Crying about it now
no society really isn't ambivalent about this. aging is very normal it has been happening for millions of years. people see boys grow into men and they don't feel that something was lost. they see a person who grew up. if you feel terrified over something that is very natural and very normal you are the one who has a problem. if i suddenly felt like having to use the restroom was an awful thing and not a normal thing i would be the odd one out
okay just read through the rest of the thread you're a repressed trans man
you are not attracted to sissy boy gays, you want to be one
you are afraid of turning into a masculine normal looking man while yearning to be an FtFemboy

the "I just like sissy femdom as my only interest in heterosexuality and they're effeminate so it's still lesbian" cope is a thin disguise to cover the truth of "I want to be a small boy getting stepped on and objectified by butch women"
socially transition and fulfill your desires in the bedroom at a bare minimum or you'll be a retarded TERF by 30
Death is normal but society is built around neurotically managing the fear of it. And yes, society very much sexualizes youth while lecturing people for it
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lol and also Pat Benatar was before today's 40 year olds' times let alone before your time. If you like her that has nothing to do with your age since you weren't even born until well over a decade after she was releasing her hit singles.
You're not even old enough to be into the 90s.
i think this is the first time i've seen a deep ftm repper
nope fearing death is biological for us too
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Try again
oh yeah the other thing, the confusion of desired self and desired partner image in gay people
you as a submissive bottom lesbian see only effeminate submissive bottoms as attractive because you're not attracted to the male form in the slightest, a healthy male self body image is outside your scope of experience

you would not be discontent being a hairy masc man if it still meant that dominant butch women would step on and objectify you, you just can't understand a reality where that's possible because your idea of beauty is totally female, so you fear the loneliness
it's may not seem possible to you with what you know, but it's possible to be a hairy masc man and still get dominant women to peg you

I would like to see less of them, I see them absolutely fucking everywhere I go
They are a solid half of the women I talk to
Never go to university
you are a trans woman
my points stand, that's just one missed shot
I think you're reading her wrong, she's clearly a top, this is why she rejects the masculine archetype so strongly - she doesn't want to be a predatory male.
>Ywn have a seedy ftm shocon fwb
if she's a top with sissies but a bottom with women then she's at her core a bottom who skinwalks sissies by imagining herself in their place
bisexuality does not exist as a core sexuality, only through fetishes, butch 'lesbians' do not want a dick flopping around while they're topping but from a transmasc validating perspective the fetish of dominating a man just as easily attaches to FtMs, especially non-passing early transitioners, as actual cis men (eg. Joe's relationships), but that's not what's been shown

'lesbians' wanting to feel bigger than men in the bedroom is pretty much always a transmasc thing, even though there's more than one side to it
this is a straight man's humiliation fetish, whether it's for being humiliated or humiliating other men
I would unironically kill to look like him

t. Ftm
literally me
I'm a hoogle hoogle hoogle Moogle Moogle Moogle, mòck mock monkey face doodle girl

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