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Why are trans "women" all perverted sex addicts?
porn addicted transbian coomers arent real trans women they are AGP
I dunno probably repression or something? I'm not a doctor
Wish I could be perverted sex adict but I got no balls for that.
Still got those but not in spirit.
Inane divide and conquer.
Why are you afraid of sex?
why is sex bad?
bark bark bark! bark bark!
absolutely grim
it's not normal to fuck people you met 15 minutes prior
why is sex bad?
bark! bark bark!
observe how many men died in the AIDs epidemic for your answer
cringe AGP male
bark! bark! I'LL KILL YOU!!!
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Real women are highly sought after for sex because they have the burden of pregnancy and the long history of evolutionary biology behind that resulted in more hesitance and less aggressive sex seeking tendencies on average compared to men (still true even with women knowing birth control and abortion exist since these are instinctive tendencies and are largely not rational and not consciously planned).
Men without the burden of pregnancy evolved the opposite way and have the tendency for seeking out sex.
Therefore, amab instinctive behavior combined with being placed in more female-esque contexts (having tits, wearing makeup, being sought after, dressing like a woman, etc) often results in lots of sex.
Trannies are treated like women kind of when it comes to dating but they don't have the afab hesitance instinct so they actually take up a large amount of the offers for easy sex.
It's a similar idea to how gay men are known for having excessive amounts of sex with bath houses and grindr while lesbians are famous for having a hard time admitting their feelings or devolving from couples into platonic roommates for lack of libido.
but i do this and i'm cis. i'm just gay
lucky her, anyway...
if I think of a tran women as having some quality that my brain materializes as "male flesh weird, smelly, scary, and icky"
how do I deal with that? trans women do trigger me like cis women do, but even after trying to hang out in trans groups I'm so biased against truely wholly seeing them as women. My brain goes "sure she looks like a girl but she probably has thicker flesh, more moles on their bodfy, things about them that remind me of my ... brother. and not in the 4chan wincest way in the "ew disgust" way. How the hell can I be a good ally?
trump lost
Which is to say trans women are just men.
transwomen are definitely women because the hrt gives them insane female brain (bpd, narcissism, gold digging, fake rape claims, cock carousel for chadcock)
i may be gay but i would never fuck a transgirl no matter how amab they were. it's not worth dealing with the faggotry of a female, and 90% of them nowadays won't even let you touch their dick
trans women are puppies who go bark bark
i asked why the puppy thing is only ever done by tranoids and not cisoids and didn't get a response
i asked why it's specifically only ever done by mtfs and not ever ftms and i didn't get a response
nobody wants to confront the realities of why certain things are the way they are, because they're afraid that the answer might be uncomfortable
i'm just asking questions
It's because they're perverts who shove their fetishes on everyone, as evidenced by this thread.
yes but that's a conclusion, not a root cause
why would mtfs be perverts but not ftms
why would mtfs be perverts but not cismabs, theymabs, or nbmabs
it's not "only" done by trans woman, idiot snuffler.
Cismabs are also perverts. Homos have a lot of sex. Nbmabs aren't prevalent enough to draw a conclusion. The common factor is testosterone.
now you're just making up words
bad analysis. many trans women are on testosterone blockers.
go back to snuffling, bitch
>The common factor is testosterone.
have to agree with >>37323761 , it can't be the t otherwise we would see ftms horndogging it up in general
meds now
FtMs on T DO horndog it up. You don't see it a lot because a lot of them aren't on it. It's the ones with testosterone in their system that act thid way.
I'm rather new to all of this so forgive me if I sound like a retard but I've come to the conclusion that there are in fact some trans girls who are in fact autogynephiles. HOWEVER, I believe they're a minority, I have yet to ever meet one in real life, I think they're just loud online. The mindset that ALL trans lesbians are AGP is wrong, but some of them probably are. It should be a case-by-case basis.
This probably works the same way with ftms too.
Ultimately they should still be allowed to transition BUT it should be realized that the majority don't think this way and it should not result in restrictions on transition.
Because, surprise surprise, nothing is black and white and the world comes in many miserable shades of grey.
You don't hear about the non AGP trans ppl as much because they're NOT talking about it so much!!
People are more likely to talk about things they are or like than things they aren't or don't like.
women are also sex-addled and to be 100% honest these sorts of threads highlight how wildly and hopelessly alienated the OP is from human connection, every time
Cis lesbians do not act like this.
Not generally, but plenty of cis bi/pan women do. So do plenty of cis straight women, as anyone with any experience with the kink community and swinging community could tell you.
Mentally ill women that involve themselves in the "kink community" are not a good representative example of the group.
i want to be the pet of a cute transbian couple
ye they just beat the shit out of each other at higher rates than any other orientation- guess they're just gorillas then?

and desu i was thinking of straight women writing that
making up for lost time
They aren't. It's just that the ones who aren't perverted sex addicts have real lives and therefore are not terminally online being loud and obnoxious because they have a job and friends and shit.
You could say that the 'real' transwomen are the ones who make an effort to make their trans-ness as invisible as possible in an effort to blend in and pass in day to day life.
Since you know, that's literally the goal of being trans.
See this is my goal. I also just happen to be a loser who likes to spout shit into the void anonymously.
because they are male
AIDS is a non-issue with modern medical technology
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>AIDS is a non-issue with modern medical technology
You're correct, but psychologically, I still don't want it
why are feminists allergic to minding their own fucking business and living their life instead of trying to police everyone else's?
It's only because of feminism that you can LARP as a sexually liberated female in the first place.
I'm a homosexual cisgender male foidy
Oh so you're just protecting your fellow man. Understandable.
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American feminists have spent over a century trying to take on male roles but seethe when men try take on feminine roles, which typically include the social capital/freedom that often comes with expressions of femininity.

Why is that?
Being sex addicted is a male trait, and it's one women are scrutinized for far more.
Isn't it sexist to call it a male trait if women can have it too, and it's often underreported or ignored?
Not really. It's like saying being violent is a male trait. A woman can commit acts of violence but is far less compelled to biologically.
Women having lower libidos on average is a biological reality and one complained about by many.
>t. thinks they shouldn't have to disclose being HIV positive to their sexual partners because it's a "non-issue"
>tfwywn be a hot tranny with a harem of porn addicted coomers willing to do literally anything you want for a little bit of validation
their entire lives revolve around a fetish, so of course they're weird perverts
i must have absolutely terrible vibes because never once has a friend tried hitting on me
i've had multiple people say things like "i know you don't like hugs" which always confuses me because i'd never say that and love hugs from friends
me too!! omg what's going on with us anon? It sucks honestly :( I have heard that exact phrase an I also love hugs. It makes me sad.
>why would mtfs be perverts but not ftms
u cant be fr
Most gays get board, and end up doing degenerate shit and breaking up.
Yes mentally ill people
Because of rape, you can give a woman a unwanted orgasms, then claim she wanted it.
Like if two guys held down a fag and fucked him, the police would do nothing.
What about herpes ? Even out of the gay community herpes is everywhere.
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why are cis "people" all pedophiles?
Your talking, drugs, violence, and alcohol addicts, complete waste of society now.
Ruined idea by mentally ill people, what's probably coming is like child labor laws, but laws suppressing trannies.
You fucked up a good thing
I'm in the same boat, people are just afraid of me, or say they are scared.
Normal teachers in public schools are perverted.
Everyone has lost control and dignity.
Homeless path is one wrong date away for these degenerates
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Autogynephilia and porn addiction. Autism is also very prevalent in our community as well, and it’s no secret that autists struggle with boundaries and social norms.
Notice how they are only ever into cringey internet type fetishes, and it becomes super trendy and they make it their whole personality for a few weeks. It used to be “puppygirl” crap (every time a “”puppy girl”” speaks i become 2% more transphobic), now it seems to be disgusting incest crap which is just…. Disgusting. I have seen a lot of Tumblr and Twitterhons who are straight up pedos and sexualize kids too… and of course if you say “pedophilia is bad”, you’ll get retards calling you a prude or kinkshamer. Interesting how the only “left wing” belief they seem to care about is their supposed right to shove their gross kinks in people’s faces lmfao.
I want a cute transbian couple to be my pets
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its weird because you meet those trans women irl and get together with them and they wholely refuse sex and prefer just cuddling
> all trans women online are insane perverted sex addicts
> all trans women irl are functionally asexual
aw anon :(
little reassuring to hear i'm not the only one with this experience but still sorry, it does feel sad. *hugs*
If you’re not one of OP’s type, it kinda sucks to be hit on constantly and be the eternal subject of the (fe?) male gaze
this is so real. i greatly enjoy rizzing up my friends and telling them how sexy and kissable they are, which is easy to do over messages without much forethought
but then i don't actually wanna fuck my friends my ideal lazy hangout with a good friend is like snuggling up on them and playing vidya
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does she pass?
thank god he was a plague on this country. anyway to restate that anons point its extremely dangerous to sleep around with people you dont know. stds, getting hate crimed, date rape, and a multitude of other risks are entirely possible and shouldnt be taken lightly
yeah advancements in the medical field keeping people with severe medical complications alive is really wonderful. you should gain 400 pounds and smoke 2 packs a day to give yourself a few heart attacks. cardiology advancements have significantly increased your odds of survival. hell back in the middle ages a broken bone would impair you for life IF you survived you should vault in front of random passing cars to celebrate the advancements in the medical field of reconstructing the bodies of people who vaulted in front of random passing cars.
also how expensive do you think aids treatment is? "damn got a disease that killed millions of people like me. lol whatever daddy can drop 80k to keep me alive" go fuck yourself
at first i didnt want to reply to you but your brand of retardation is pretty funny and i respect you
should we be gloating right now when republicans are projected to win the senate and the presidency is a dead heat?
gotta be careful what we say he might be our fuhrer next year
that a good reason why aids is bad, not sex
did you know that you can just have sex with someone who doesn't have aids
The only grim thing is getting upset when other people have sex
This is a gross chud post but it is disheartening. The absolute sorrow I felt when I made an awesome new friend just for her to tell me she had "feelings" for me a couple months later and that she couldnt take it anymore. Trans women, enbies, and cis men almost immediately ghosting me despite being friendly at first because I wasnt looking for a relationship. Meeting new people and seeing them get horribly depressed and crying about how theyre never going to be loved when I mention a cute story about my wife when a moment ago they were chirper and complimenting me way too much. I feel for them but its so borderline inappropriate to bring up and inconsiderate of them, especially when some continued to try to flirt with me even after I mentioned my relationship. If you cant tell by this shitty board, misogyny runs deep in trans spaces and I dont think trans women even ever realize it beyond a fundamental level. Of course we all have a hand in reinforcing the patriarchy but I think the incredible amount of sexual objectification that trans women display towards other women is much more insidious, understated and needs to be addressed more often. It's honestly made me give up on trying to make friends in tranny spaces because my choices are either self hating rightoid truscum and someone who's gonna send me a dick pic 2 seconds after dming me "nya~ :3"
painfully real. our community is cooked
you sound like a bitter foid trying to withold sex because you only want chadcock. maybe kill yourself
manhands typed this post
>you sound like a bitter foid

Thanks for affirming me but Im a trans woman so you can start calling me a man or whatever now

>trying to withold sex

ew. Why do you think like this?

>because you only want chadcock.

I mean I like men too but if you read the post Im in a monogamous relationship with another woman.
Most are straight men on estrogen.
divide andn conquer jew fuck off! palestine is ocming for you!!
Y'know PrEP exists and isn't expensive, right? I'm on PrEP so therefore I can have lots and lots of sex and AIDS is a non-issue. Not that I do, but I can and that's great.
easiest way to get prep?
The same way people who grew up without a stable income, food or were heavily socially/sexually supressed, As soon as they finally get what they lacked, they exaggerate a lot, the same way, Trans people were never afforded security and body comfort. So, as soon as they start to feel relatively good/safe on their appearance, they feel like they can finally think about relationships and sex.
So trans women have a male brain.
AGPs are the majority of mtf trannies
stop roping trannies into your bullshit retarded political worldview faggot it's extremely annoying
I wouldnt say i socialize with many other transwomen but my experience has been the opposite. Theyre often prudish and I feel a bit dirty when I talk about things I talk about with my cis friends shamelessly. Maybe its because they associate me with the nya posters? I only like people who make the first move, so its not like im even trying to flirt. They just seem so repressed and inexperienced.
am i weird? i'm a tranny and i never talk about making out with eachother with friends
women commit acts of verbal and psychological violence way more.
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This is true, which is why us AGPs are having fun and sex while HSTS are being cringe and demanding to be allowed to whip their cocks in front of little girls inside female bathrooms.
aids isnt the only thing you can get that you cannot cure 100%. hiv treatment requires advanced medications daily doe you slip into aids territory and die from a cold within 2 years of your last dose.

hepatitis and herpes are painful and can cause long term health effects too, not to mention whatever other novel venereal diseases ar brewing in some 3rd world country rn.
Go to any university campus and it's pretty easy to find hundreds of horny cis women wanting to make-out with people after a 15 minute conversation. Humans are perverts - this isn't new.
80% of the human population has some strain of the herpes virus. It's a non-issue
>78% of the human population has an inert version of herpes that doesnt cause outbreaks or pain or external symptoms and this is totally the same as someone who has outbreaks of sores all over their genitals, ass, and mouth

maybe you should kill yourself tonight. fr, if you dont im gonna come give you ebola.
The ~80% with an inert version of the virus actively prevents the harsh genital version from infecting.
wrong asf

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