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i have no chance of ever having a happy life
No, you have it. Keep pushing through
no i quite literally do not
Me neither. I'm gonna kill myself by deliberately overdosing on fentanyl. I'm not gonna leave a note. I'm worried that I might fail because my mom keeps narcan in the house though.
find out where the narcan is when you're alone in the house then overdose and dispose of it then overdose
>i have no chance of ever having a happy life
If you still have the wherewithal to string these words together and to know the meaning they convey then you're lying.
Unless you're literally terminal.
>Me neither. I'm gonna kill myself by deliberately overdosing on fentanyl. I'm not gonna leave a note. I'm worried that I might fail because my mom keeps narcan in the house though.
Why do this?
Because you don't think you'll have a "happy life"?
What we call happiness changes month to month, year to year; you'll adjust and be okay.
Kys now and you'll definitely be miserable forever, but persevere and maybe you'll get what you've been waiting for.
Same, felt like I could jump off a bridge today. The future is bleak.
NTA but I've been persevering for a decade now. Things have only gotten slowly worse the entire time. I'm a total loser and I have no hope of ever living a good life.
>Same, felt like I could jump off a bridge today. The future is bleak.
We gotta oracle in the house.
Tell me, why?
What misery can't be mellowed with the simple passing of time?
>NTA but I've been persevering for a decade now. Things have only gotten slowly worse the entire time. I'm a total loser and I have no hope of ever living a good life.
What is your definition of a good life? You're presumably healthy and will live to see tomorrow. Stop pondering the infinite and inscrutible that is the future and think of life today. It's a miracle to even communicate.
>What is your definition of a good life?
Making enough money to retire and having a loving long term spouse.
>Stop pondering the infinite and inscrutible that is the future and think of life today.
What's there to think about? I live with my parents and have no friends. Today I got rejected from the one job that gave me an interview out of the hundreds I've applied to.
>You're presumably healthy
Strange thing to presume.
>Making enough money to retire and having a loving long term spouse.
ERRR wrong.
This shit is in the way distant future.
So many presents have to transpire to get to these points.
You could get hit by a bus next week, get a terminal illness next year.
The same tragedies could befall your long term spouse.
You may not live to retirement, is what I'm saying, but you are alive now, so why be sad at shit that might not even have a chance of happening not happening?
The key is to actually just give up any and all hopes and dreams and to just focus on satisfying yourself in the moment; if this satisfying yourself in the moment is aimed at achieving a long term goal (which, again, you might not even reach), all the better, but you have to find joy where you are now, because that's really all you know you're gonna get.
>What's there to think about?
Whatever seems interesting to you.
>I live with my parents and have no friends.
I live with my mom and also have not friends, but I make do by speaking to internet strangies.
>Today I got rejected from the one job that gave me an interview out of the hundreds I've applied to.
Sorry about that, but that's no reason to despair, just keep applying to hundreds more. What's the alternative, giving up? Seems you've got a lot of energy and dedication, and even if those fools didn't see it then, if you keep it up someone will. But not if you quit.
>Strange thing to presume.
Statistically it's true. And my definition of healthy is not, like, not mental illnesses or perfect physique, just capable of living.
This all reads like you've just found out about stoicism and think you have everything solved. I thought that too once. But it turns out not everything is in your mind, there are very big differences in quality of life depending on your material and social circumstances. You can't actually imagine yourself into being happy. And you can't live only for the moment without caring for the future. Also it's funny you hand wave away worrying about the future and then invoke statistics. Statistically you should assume you'll live a pretty normal life. And your definition of health amounts to being alive. That's a woefully inadequate definition.

All together it sounds like you have a depressing life too and are in a bit of a manic state trying to convince yourself you are happy. I've been there too and I'm sorry if that's where you're at. But life really is just bad for many people and lying to yourself will only make the emotional crash worse when you can no longer keep up the act.
Look at u trying to unhappy my happy.
Bitch, you don't know me.. You don't know what I've gone thru or what I'm going thru. I've experienced and witnessed more suffering at my age for a fucking lifetime. I literally can't BE sad about shit anymore--there's nowhere to go but up for me on this social/material paradigm you're talking about.
And stoicism? phshaw. the essence of what i'm conveying is closest to nihilism couched in the realism and pragmatism of not worrying about shit that's not right in front of me.
>and think you have everything solved. I thought that too once.
I've had this more times than I can count, but when you reach the end of the chain you just know, anon. nothing can shake me from my current resolve and values, and I never thought I'd get to a spot like that but here I am.
>But it turns out not everything is in your mind, there are very big differences in quality of life depending on your material and social circumstances.
it's all gotta go through your mind. and unless you're living in a malaria-ridden village in a despotic country rn i'd say your material and social circumstances allow you a lot of freedom, especially if you're able to even get an interview.
>You can't actually imagine yourself into being happy.
HAHAHA no you can't but you can do things that make you happy like "imagining" that things aren't as bad as all that. try it some time.
>Also it's funny you hand wave away worrying about the future and then invoke statistics. Statistically you should assume you'll live a pretty normal life.
oh no i'm gonna be a weirdo and be proud of it.
>>All together it sounds like you have a depressing life too and are in a bit of a manic state trying to convince yourself you are happy. I've been there too and I'm sorry if that's where you're at. But life really is just bad for many people and lying to yourself will only make the emotional crash worse when you can no longer keep up the act.
fuck this noise. yes i've had a depressing life up until now but it's behind me and doesn't exist. if i seem manic it's because of how fucking fervently i know i'm right when i'm talking about myself. i don't need sympathy from a suicide-ideator; especially when i've done nothing to show that I'm currently BOO-HOOing.
I'm fine, anon. I just wanna help you out.
>weird definition for health
kinda shows what i've been thru, huh?
Right. Well anyways I've been doing the preserver approach for 10 years and I'm tired of it. Living life for the moment just isn't very interesting. All signs are pointing to a continual decline. I'd rather end it now while I still can rather than getting trapped so I can no longer exit this pointless existence on my own.
>rather than getting trapped
ffs what does this even mean.
like a bear-trap in the woods?
>so I can no longer exit this pointless existence on my own.
oh yeah, gotta stay away from folks who care about you, anon. those are the dangerous ones. some say they might even make life worthwhile.
>10 years
people get prison sentences multiples of that long and are able to find something inside more genuine than anything you've scratched the surface of here.
>All signs are pointing to a continual decline. I'd rather end it now while I still can rather than getting trapped so I can no longer exit this pointless existence on my own.
You may think this the most economical and efficient way to deal with extreme sadness/despair (to nip it in the bud, so to say) but the lead up to it compounds those feelings enough to outweigh the in-comparison mild lifetime you'd have experienced otherwise, fair warning.
I'd rather rip off the band-aid.
>I'd rather rip off the band-aid.
Just take a shower with it on and it will fall off on it's own painlessly (that is, wash yourself of this endeavor and the death you want so badly will come to you without knowing as you're lost in your shower thoughts of life)

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