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>HSTS rapehon does something stupid
why is /tttt/ like this?
he doesn't need bra lol
What is a rapehon?
mogs me
Isn't this old??
There are HSTS hons, but no HSTS rapehons. Even the objectively rapey ones like James Charles, who isn't even transitioned btw, nobody cares that he's pushy with men. Men are expected to want sex anyway, and if they don't they're considered fully capable of saying and enforcing a 'no'.
rapehon doesn't literally mean rapist retard
Yes it does. Because female-attracted agp rapehons actually are coercively and creepily rapey.
HSTS don't transition unless they can pass, she doesn't pass so transition was motivated by something else, therefore not HSTS which means she is AGP
Every tranny wants to be hsts. They all Envy them because they have the real female sexuality because they're attracted to bigger stronger masculine bodies. Most trans women aren't like that they're attracted to little smaller bodies and they're usually big built males who just hate being male.
rapey? Your mind really works this way, you see trans women as sexually aggressive men out to harm others.
I don't, I see trans women as wimps.
This is true because they have the option of being gay. What sexual option does a heterosexual transexual have?
Lurk moar
>HSTS don't transition unless they can pass,
clearly not
and I don't give a fuck
10/10, would wife
being gay
>HSTS don't transition unless they can pass,
>acts like the gayest thing ever
>is this AGP
I don't know what the fuck I am, I was like comphet and able to date women pre-HRT but now I'm only attracted to men and the idea of sleeping with a women kills my interest
why are we still pretending like dylan is even trans? he's not agp or hsts, he's an actor who gets paid to act weird.
you were always attracted to men
maybe uh all trans women are acting
jame charles literally was grooming kids though.
no, no he was not
kids can't be "groomed" because grooming presupposes the idea that sexual orientation is socially contagious
I fukken love theater kids. They are so funny!
that's what HSTS means according to blanchard
no, it means gay man who can't accept being gay so larps as a woman
passing is not required lol
She is extremely fembrained actually. That's why cis women are so mean to her.
but so are flamer gay men
they are mean to her in the same exact way a flamer would get bullied for being gay
really causes my action potentials to change polarity rapidly
You're HSTS then.
Flamer gays are fembrained.
you're stupid and have never read anything he's written. HSTS only transition if they can pass because it's a strategic move to fuck more guys and have a bigger dating pool
and that's why they get bullied
some get bullied so hard they say they are women to try to be bullied less

no cuz u still get bullied less even if you don't pass
>you were always attracted to men
I think I was but I was in denial about it, I'd get butterflies around big hot guys in school and write it off as something else and like fantasize about making out with guy friends and being a girl so I could marry them and stuff but I still told myself I was straight and dated girls that asked me out.
>You're HSTS then.
So I'm still HSTS even though I'm kinda weird and nerdy and a lateshit and I've slept with women before? Huh.
> HSTS only transition if they can pass
I spent like over a year before transitioning obsessively trying to figure out if I'd be able to pass or not and it was like the main thing that was stopping me from doing it, thinking I wouldn't pass for a while. I didn't do it younger because I didn't think I'd pass. I feel really dumb now though because I pass with a little effort.
is your refrigerator running?
>I've slept with women before
lots of gay men repress and marry women
HSTS is whether you are ATTRACTED to women or not (if not, then HSTS)
forcing yourself to fuck women cuz society expects you to isn't inner sexual orientation, it's sexual repression (if you are gay)
why do people keep calling him HSTS, dylan is obviously AGP as fuck, did any of you even see that music video
That makes sense. It always felt like I was sleeping with women because I had to do it like because they wanted to and it was expected of me but I didn't like it. People always thought I was gay too and it confused me because I didn't think I was.
also a lot of people here seem to believe that "acting gay" is a sign of being HSTS, flamboyancy does not indicate that someone is HSTS, many AGPs are bi, effiminate/twitter"fag"/traaa-brained, and can get with men, and can present as femboys before trooning out (because of their AGP), the thing is that when they date men, they're more meta-attracted, and still generally gynephlic, (the root of AGP)
they literally want to confuse gay people into thinking they are straight, that's the point of the brainwashing efforts
there are no straight men who act gay, only repressing gay men
so yeah, it is a sign you are gay if you have behavioral femininity because most men have none
bi AGPs don't come off like flamers, that is the entire purpose of the dichotomy
even when bi agps do flamer voice it sounds as insincere (contrapoints is the best example)
Yeah I think it really doesn't help that I was born in the mid 90's in a conservative rural town and actually got beaten up for acting gay. I think it fucked my head up a lot.
the pressure is the same everywhere, people in "liberal" areas are just sometimes fake nice, they still talk shit behind your back and think you are disgusting for liking men and acting gay
>actually got beaten up
I dunno psychological trauma sucks cuz it "isn't real" compared to being beaten it kind of sits deeper
physical force is so commonplace, social cruelty is very personal and intimate
It went both ways for me, people talked about me and made fun of me and stuff too. It really does fuck with your head though beatings or not. At least I figured things out now but I feel like I wasted a lot of my life
and now you feel the need to identify as a woman to date men
im sure those aren't connected :^)
Maybe they're connected but it's not like I regret it, I prefer looking pretty and I like living as a woman better
You would regret if somehow being gay became socially acceptable and you didn't have to do the whole trans game to fit in.
I don't think so, I like my body more this way
you're not HSTS. your desire to transition was dysphoric from your description and dysphoria is caused by unfulfilled AGP according to blanchard
that's not true and also not what HSTS is. read up before you talk on a topic.

t. cis male autist obsessed with blanchard

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