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/lgbt/ - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, & Transgender

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I can't tell if I'm gay and don't like myself or if I'm a straight trannoid.
How do you tell
Would you like to transition?
I mean I already have, it's a matter of 'were my parents right and am I in fact not beeing myself'
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>how do I tell if I'm a tranny?
>I already trooned
You sound like a troon to me, Nona.
you are a trans woman who exclusively likes other women
The fact that you're asking this means you're definitely transbian and were trying to repress feeling like the transbian boogeyman stereotype
Shits so played out by now just accept yourselves lol
This isn't very logical because it doesn't account for people who aren't authentically trans who, for some other reasons, trooned out. It's like giving someone the wrong prescription and saying 'you have this ailment,' when they really don't.

I wish I liked women. I don't and want to kill myself.

I think you're jumping to conclusions that don't exist.
I'm not attracted to women at all.

IWNBAW, so I mean gay as in 'male attracted to other males.'
>IWNBAW, so I mean gay as in 'male attracted to other males.'
What makes you even think this?
>What makes you even think this?
That I won't be a woman? The fact that I can't be. As much as I'd like to, I'll always be scarred by the fact that I was born male and like other men. I also can't have children no matter what, which is pretty fringe for women
By transitioning you are just living as your true self, and that btw mean you are truly a woman.

>I also can't have children no matter what
Surrogacy and adoption are good options for you, a lot of infertile women do those options.

You are just a woman with a medical condition
>By transitioning you are just living as your true self, and that btw mean you are truly a woman.
So do you think Kris Tyson and Chris Chan are women

>Surrogacy and adoption are good options for you, a lot of infertile women do those options.
I will not use a woman's body as a commodity, so I'll never use surrogacy. Adoption is cost prohibitive as well, while I would be open to it. But I'm also unmarried, which serves as an additional barrier.

The problem with 'being a tranny' is that any man willing to date you probably doesn't particularly want kids
>Kris Tyson
Yes, and woman can also be predators if btw

>Chris Chan

>I will not use a woman's body as a commodity, so I'll never use surrogacy. Adoption is cost prohibitive as well, while I would be open to it.
You do you

>But I'm also unmarried, which serves as an additional barrier.
But you want to get married?

>The problem with 'being a tranny' is that any man willing to date you probably doesn't particularly want kids
There is plenty of trans woman who get married, men aren't a monolith and you can eventually find one that will rise kids with you
Are you underage?

>But you want to get married?

>There is plenty of trans woman who get married, men aren't a monolith and you can eventually find one that will rise kids with you
It's extremely unlikely. At best I might be able to find one who will acquiesce, but let's be realistic here. I'm the lowest of the low in terms of a mate. I'm not exactly going to attract men who are going to want to commit.
>Are you underage?
24 years old
>I'm the lowest of the low in terms of a mate
What makes you think that?

>I'm not exactly going to attract men who are going to want to commit
Stop being so pessimistic lol. There is a ocean of men outside, you will eventually find your man
>What makes you think that?
Only straight and bi men have ever been interested in me, and even then exceedingly few. Men aren't discerning and women are the choosy sex, so them settling for scraps--or trying to--is pretty damning.
Gay men were never interested in me, even before I trooned out. And they really have no standards.

I also don't really have anything going for me. I can cook very well, but that's literally it.
I don't want to be intrusive and you can answer or ignore me if I am crossing bondaries.

How is your experience with dating? How generally it goes?
>How is your experience with dating? How generally it goes?
I wasn't able to enter a relationship until I was almost 26. It's going well, but I still feel that I'm low value
You already have a bf lol. You will get everything you want sooner or later
In all likelihood I'm just going to wind up abandoned and worse off. Everyone abandons me.
Do you have clinical depression?
Yes. It hasn't gotten better in over half of my life
Are you going to the paychiatrist and taking correct medication?
I stopped trying because it had been over a decade of trying meds that didn't do jack. My body doesn't respond to medication. It's a waste of money, effort, and it's more crushing going through that relentlessly than just accepting reality.
Depression is a treatable illness and you can be helped. Go back to your psychiatrists, try meds again (if they dont work ask to change them). If you cant do all that on your own ask help from your boyfriend or any trustworthy person
>try meds again (if they dont work ask to change them).
I've tried dozens upon dozens upon dozens of meds. They tried to get me to try TMS because medication simply didn't work, and that was an insurance disaster and I ultimately wasn't even seen. Please stop pasting inapplicable platitudes onto people, it's inconsiderate.

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